Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 333: hero

After leaving the Viper Ridge area, not long afterwards, the Viper Monster disappeared, replaced by a gas-like gas monster.

  According to Ji, these gas monsters are a major feature of the'Maze of Maze'.

   Ye Li wielded his sword and slashed, and soon disbanded a gas monster. However, it didn't take long for the gas monster to completely condense together.

   Ye Li cut again, this time, when the blood bar on the head of the gas monster was almost wiped out, Ji shot, a holy light spell was played, and the gas monster made a wailing cry, and the smoke disappeared.

   Physical attack can only kill its blood, but it cannot kill it, but spells can.

  As the crowd continued to advance toward the'Maze of Maze', the sky gradually darkened above his head.

  Ye Li raised her head and made a question: "Why is the sky in this direction black?"

   "No one knows, it has always been like this." Ji added: "I haven't been to this place, I just heard about it."

   Ji has lived in this world for three hundred years, but the area he set foot on is only the Venom Ridge. Like this huge labyrinth, he just heard that in fact, like Li Mo and Ye Li, it was also the first time he came.

   There are more and more gray gas monsters. Li Mo tried it, even if it triggered the "Poison Kiss" outbreak, he could not kill it.

   It seems that the magic of the light system is the only weakness of this type of monster.

  Looking at these gas monsters, Li Mo always feels like a wraith.

  The three of them walked for dozens of miles, and saw a giant black vortex of 10,000 meters in front. That was the entrance of the huge maze. As long as you walked in, you could enter the huge maze.





  Just as the three men cleared the gas monsters and slowly moved forward, they suddenly drilled one after another zombie with broken limbs, all races, open teeth and dance claws, surrounded the three.





   More and more zombies drilled from the ground, densely packed in the blink of an eye, and drilled no more than a thousand heads.

   "Is this also a feature of the huge maze?"

   Ye Li's teeth were trembling.

   Ji is also confused: "I don't know, I have never heard of it, but as far as I know, there should be no such monsters in the huge maze."

   "No, these are not!" Ji suddenly shouted.

   "Not what?"

   Ao Ao Ao Ao——

   Ji was about to answer, and thousands of zombies attacked them.

   Li Mo smeared his short blade with poison, and the poison kiss was useless to gas monsters, but it had a remarkable effect on this group of zombies. A poisonous explosion exploded more than 50 zombies.

   It was only a moment, and the zombies who were blown down by the poison kiss stood up again, shouted and yelled, and continued to pounce.

   Ji's light spell has obvious effect on these zombies, but unfortunately his attack power is too low. Unless it is a "makeup knife", he will not kill any zombie.

   "Hold on, I will solve the root cause!"

  Li Mo started the hurricane step and waved his short blade to break out.

   Li Mo's attacking power and defensive power are super abnormal. Although the attack power of these zombies is not low, it is still far from him.

   Li Mo broke through smoothly and went out.

   Watching Li Mo walk away, Ye Li exclaimed.

   "Mo brother, Mo brother, why are you going?"

   Ji radiates light, illuminating one side of the sky. Although this skill has no lethality, it can slightly affect the speed of zombies.

   "He told us to hold on, it means he will not run, what are you worried about?"

   "If he runs away, we will die."

   "He cannot run, he is not that kind of person."

   Ye Li was furious: "Your Moyangxing's brain is really not easy to use."

   "Our instincts of Moyangxing people are better than our brains. My instincts tell me that he is definitely a trustworthy person."

   "Trust I refer to is the kind that entrusts life and death to the other party!"

   Li Mo rushed out a kilometer away with a foot, stopped.

In front of him, stood a humanoid covered in a black robe. If Li Mo wouldn’t be the “eye of truth,” he wouldn’t be able to see his secret, but under the “eye of truth,” the humanoid The secret was completely exposed in front of Li Mo.

  Li Mo clearly saw that thousands of black lines that were invisible to the naked eye emanated from the body of this humanoid and were tied to the bodies of thousands of zombies, like a marionette.

   It was this man in black robe that was driving the attack of those thousands of zombies.

  So, as long as you kill it, all problems are solved.

   "I am the Big Dipper galaxy, the guardian Lich King, you kill me the Big Dipper galaxy, today, I want you to pay the price of blood!"

  The black robe said coldly, raising his hand, and from the ground beneath his feet, drilled four tall cattle demon zombies.

  Li Mo rushed up, poisoned, and attacked.





  Four cow demon zombie pounded the ground at the same time, resulting in a strong earthquake. Li Mo jumped to avoid all of them, and was knocked to the ground.

  Four cow demon zombies pounded the ground nonstop, Li Mo was shocked to get up, the blood on his head kept falling down, and looking at the meaning of the black robe "Lich King", it seemed that he did not want to stop at all.

  It wants to shake Li Mo alive!


  As the Lich King raised his hands, four black gas of football size appeared behind it. After a little pause, he flew up and down like a pursuit missile, and bombarded Li Mo.


  Four black gas bombarded Li Mo's body, which suddenly dropped his health a lot.

  Li Mo's brow furrowed, he now understands why he can become a hegemonic galaxy if he gets a ‘hero’.

   Is this the hero's strength?

   The strength of this ‘Lich King’ is somewhat terrifyingly powerful!

Li Mojing lowered his mind, and at the moment when the body just touched the ground and had not been shaken, he rolled back and succeeded. He rolled out more than five meters. Using this method again, he finally escaped before the blood volume was shocked. Earthquake area.

Four bull demon zombies are still pounding the ground non-stop The four black **** behind the Lich King move up and down, this is because the distance is too far, if Li Mo is close, he will inevitably receive black **** Auto pursuit.

   "No one can escape my pursuit!"

   The Lich King looked at Li Mo coldly, his hands slowly raised.

   The black breath spread from under his feet to the surroundings, spreading 100 meters, kilometers, and ten thousand meters in the blink of an eye...

   The ground of 10,000 meters is covered with black breath.

   Puff Puff Puff Puff Puff Puff——

   One after another zombie drilled out of the ground, these are high-level zombies, not only have tall bull demon, and even dozens of corpses of nine head tribes, one of the ten strong tribes.

  Li Mo's face changed greatly.

  Among these zombies, it is difficult to solve just the demon, but dozens of nine heads of zombies, how to fight this?

You know, all the Nine-headed tribes are strong tribes, they have nine heads, and they have the talent of being nine-in-one, which is invincible in the same realm. One is already difficult to deal with. So many Nine-headed Zombies, It can be said that there is no chance of winning.

   The terrible Lich King...


  Why does it feel so weird!

  Looking at the Lich King with his hands raised and the black gas all over his body, Li Mo felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

  What does this feel like? Why does this person look so familiar?

   "The reincarnation of heaven, the life of all ages, life and death, six reincarnations!"

  As dozens of Jiutou tribes gathered around, Li Mo suddenly screamed.

   The Lich King suddenly shook, and all the zombies' actions stopped.

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