Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 320: Zheng Lin

There is no detailed classification of equipment in this world, but there are quality differences. The most common one is level 1'white equipment', followed by level 2 green equipment, above it is level 3 blue equipment, level 4 golden equipment, level 5 Purple equipment, orange equipment at level 6, red equipment at level 7, colorful equipment at level 8, sacred equipment at level 9.

   Players in St. Lawrence City, the level is about 40-50, the mainstream equipment is gold equipment, if you can wear a set of gold equipment, it is definitely a sidewalk in the holy city.

Zheng Lin’s equipment has long been beyond the scope of the newcomer. The blue equipment, placed in the holy city environment, is also very bright. To say that his only shortcoming is probably his level, but This level of things can be improved as long as it takes time.

   "Zheng Lin, you come back to pull!"

   "How is the harvest today?"

   Seeing Zheng Lin come back, a group of people gathered around.

  Moyan branch president Fei Yan came to nod to Zheng Lin, but Zheng Lin didn't even look at her.

   Zheng Lin scanned the crowd and poured out dozens of white and green equipment from his backpack, which caused a crowd of cheers.

  In this group of people, only Zheng Lin has the ability to take risks alone. He is the only source for everyone to obtain equipment. It can be said that Zheng Lin is already the hope of this group of people.

   Someone told Zheng Lin: "That's Vice President Li."

   Zheng Lin glanced at Li Mo, and did not mean to step forward.

   "This world is different from before. What about Li Mo? What about Lan Yue? If it weren’t for me that Zheng Lin was strong enough, what now?"

   "If it weren't for me to give you equipment, what about you?"

   Everyone was silent.

   This world is completely different from the real world. This world can be called a world that is really close to online games.

   The initial character attribute is extremely low, and the monster is extremely powerful. Once death, the character attribute points will always be reduced by half. Not to mention the number of deaths, just die once, the character will be invalid.

  Now this group of players hiding in the woods, all but a handful of people have died, and because of this, they basically lost their ability to fight monsters freely.

   expects Zheng Lin to bring back equipment every day, and only equipment can make up for the lost character attributes.

"The world is different. Whether we can go back is completely unknown, and in this world, Zheng Lin has not relied on anyone. Whether it is Lan Yue or Li Mo, they have not given me any help. Zheng Lin has relied on me. Only myself!"

   "Who do you rely on?"

   There was another silence.

   Zheng Lin glanced at Feiyan and looked around: "I asked Feiyan if she would like to be my woman yesterday. She said she had to think about it. Today I changed my mind."

  Zheng Lin took out a set of shiny blue equipment and held it high.

   Everyone exclaimed.

The blue equipment is a level 3 equipment. Although it is slightly worse than the gold equipment, if you can get a set, the improved character attributes are still very impressive. It can be said that as long as you have this set of blue equipment, even if it is dead After two or three characters, you can go to adventure to fight monsters.

   "Who wants to be my woman, I will give her this set of equipment!"

  When Zheng Lin said this sentence, he looked at Feiyan intentionally or unintentionally.

   In this world, Fei Yanlai's appearance has changed, but her name has not changed. She is still called Feiyanlai, so she recognizes it very well.

   "I will!"

"give me!"

   "Brother Lin, I want it!"

  In just a few seconds, three women raised their hands and wanted the blue outfit.

   "Ha ha ha ha."

  Zheng Lin laughed. He looked closely at the three women and finally chose the most beautiful one.

In this world, although the appearance will change, but one thing remains the same, that is, the same value, that is, how beautiful you are in the real world, it will never be much worse in this world, if the real world is ugly, in this world, Still ugly.

  Zheng Lin chose the most beautiful one of the three.

   "This equipment is for you, from now on, you are my woman!"

  Zheng Lin gave the blue outfit to a beautiful woman named Ye Li.

   "Come with me."

  Zheng Lin put Ye Lila on the little grey horse and left together.

   "A set of blue equipment, if you give it to me, I will no longer be a waste."

   "Anyone can stand up immediately."

   "Say these are useless."

  A group of people talked about it, and from time to time they urged Feiyan to point.

   Feiyan came to be the chairman of the Mobei Association, Zheng Lin was her men, but in the past, Zheng Lin was unknown, Feiyan came to know only his name and did not know him at all.

   Now she understands...

   After listening to everyone's comments, Fei Yanlai didn't have any regrets on her face.

  Bi Yunxian said: "Vice President Li, the situation is special now. Zheng Lin is the only hope for our group of people. We all count on him. His attitude, you should never go to your heart."

  Li Mo smiled.

   Such a small matter, how could Li Mo get angry?

   "Have you all been killed by Cladell?"

   "Not Craddell, but Craddell's Galaxy Guard."

   "Tell me about the situation carefully."

"it is good!"

  Bi Yun first told Li Mo about what happened after he came to this world.

  Everyone is in the same situation in Xinshou Village. The real change is that after they arrived in the Holy City, they all received the task order issued by the ruler of the Galaxy system, as soon as they arrived in the Holy City.

  Each person pays 1 silver coin every day, or 10 pieces of iron ore with a quality of more than 100. Only by doing so can he get the adventure certificate issued by Klader.

At that time, no one took Cladell's order into the eye. Under the leadership of Lan Yue and Du Fei, the people slayed into the wild. As a result, they were attacked by the Galaxy Guard in less than an hour.~www.NovelMTL .com~ The Guardians of the Galaxy is the unit in charge of Klader. This team has two thousand people. Although the number is not large, each person has a set of golden equipment.

  The Guardians of the Galaxy who attacked the Alliance of Foreigners and the Union of Du Fei had only five people, that is, those five people, easily wiped out thousands of people...

"Less than five or six people have not been killed because of their special talents. The rest have all died, and some have died several times. President Lan Yue and Du Fei Du were the worst, and were killed five times. He was also thrown into East Street Prison."

  Bi Yun sighed: "We have no way to mine for Cladell every day, but even if we keep mining all day and night and put all the good mines together, there is not even a qualified one."

   "All we can get are low-grade mines, and good mines with more than 100 quality can only be produced in high-grade mines guarded by monsters."

   "There is no proof of adventure to fight monsters. If it is discovered by the Galaxy Guard, the end will become the same as us."

   "Zheng Lin is different because he has the invisibility talent. He used the invisibility talent to escape the galactic guards' hunts again and again."


  Li Mo nodded and walked outside the forest.

   "Vice President Li, where are you going?"



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