Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 277: Simple apprenticeship

In the world of Gods, the great Luo Jinxian walks everywhere, but to say the strongest, there are only four people, Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianjun, and Lingbao Tianzun (Tongtian Sect Master). In one, they are the three of them. Master, Hongjun Daozu.

These four people, Hongjun Taoist, are usually rare to see, and Taishang Laojun is good at alchemy. He never accepts disciples. As for Yuanshi Tianzun, his interpretation only recruits human disciples, unlike Tongtian, regardless of your identity, As long as he comes, he accepts.

Among the four people, Hongjun Tao Zu deserves the first place in terms of his ability, but he who is a master is undoubtedly the master of Tongtian.

Ye Xiaolu is a spirit body that returns to Yang, Su Daji is a nine-tailed demon fox. If Li Mo takes them and wants to visit Yuanshi Tianzun's door, it is impossible, not to mention the two rare materials that Li Mo wants, Yuanshi Tianzun There is only one, and in the hands of the Master Tongtian, two are complete.

"Who dares to go to Biyou Palace!"

In front of the mountain gate, a 13-year-old Daotong stopped Li Mo and the others.

Li Mo arched his hand: "Apprenticeship."

"go in."

Daotong waved his hand and retreated.

Ye Xiaolu opened her mouth.

Li Mo smiled and said, "This is the difference between cutting and explaining."

Ye Xiaolu said stupidly: "But in the Feng Shen Bang, I remember that cutting off the teaching is not a bad person?"

"There are a lot of people who cut off the teaching, there are good and bad, but generally it is not bad, but the position is wrong. In the words of our modern people, it is the wrong team."

No one stopped along the way, and Li Mo and the three went to Biyou Palace successfully.

As soon as I walked into the Biyou Palace, I saw a Taoist standing in front of the temple with a thousand celestial bones.

Taobao Taoist.

The first disciple of Tongtianjiao's main disciple, during the retreat of Tongtianjiao's retreat, he will take care of the upper and lower affairs.

"Are you here to worship the teacher? The Master has been traveling for a few days. I will temporarily record you as a registered disciple. When the Master returns, you will perform the worship of the teacher."

The Duobao Taoist simply asked his name and entered Li Mo and the three under the door of interception.

Things went smoothly, and Ye Xiaolu couldn't believe it.

What identity, what is the origin, without investigating, dare to accept the disciples on behalf of the teacher?

After Li Mo and his three teachers finished their tutoring, the Taobao Taoist gave them the waist card, and they were free to move on Penglai Island. This Penglai Xiandao is very large. Biyou Palace is the residence of the Master Tongtian. The disciples also live on Penglai Island.

Taobao Taoist

"This teaching is too formal, right?"

Ye Xiaolu holds a waist card, she always feels that this teaching is a bit of a play in terms of accepting students.

"You are the thinking of modern people. Think about it. In this world, the strongest people are only those four people. With the master's ability, will he be afraid of being mixed with spies?"

"Except for the Hongjun Taoist prince, Tongtian can say nothing to be afraid of, doormen, naturally, the more the better."

In the middle and late period of the Fengshen Bangshu, both Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun would not be able to win the Tongtian leader. Finally, Hongjun Daozu came out to rule the Tongtian leader. From this point, it can be seen that the Tongtian leader's ability, Compared to Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, it is definitely a little higher.

"Yes, this divine world has always been one generation inferior to the next. Anyway, it is impossible for someone to threaten the previous generation, so the more, the better." Ye Xiaolu wanted to understand.

The three came to the place where the doormen lived, and with the help of the waist tag, each of them separated a house.

"It's still a good world. You don't need to buy a house, just give it." Ye Xiaolu sighed again.

"Daily meditation at the dojo every day, homework at the hour, other time, free activities."

The three came to the dojo and saw the heads of the dojo surging, no less than a thousand people were practicing here.

Intercepting people is not a refusal of the comer, whether you are a human or a demon, or whether you have done evil or done good, as long as you come to the teacher, you will want it, so in this heavenly dojo, practitioners Humans are still a minority, and most of them are furry and horned beasts.

A monster with a bull head walked in front of Su Daji and asked, "I am the king of bull demon in Mangshan, and dare to ask Fairy Jiuwei, would you like to practice with me?"

Su Daji smiled and shook her head. The bull head monsters straightened their eyes and asked a few words without giving up. Su Daji pointed to Li Mo.

The Ngau Tau monster froze, shook his head, and walked away in disappointment.

Intermittently, dozens of monsters came to Su Daji again and offered to "double repair" with her. As a result, they were all rejected.

"Human spirit, I am King Xiaotian of Luoyang Mountain. I have a solid family. Although my strength is not outstanding, but among the three generations of disciples, it is also a comparative one. If you are willing to practice with me, I will give you all my family. ."

A kobold walked in front of Ye Xiaolu with a sincere look.

"I'm going to you..."

Ye Xiaolu had just started to scold, thought about it, and forcibly endured it.

It seems that it is the rule here to find someone to "double repair" at will?

Entering the village is customary, not to mention, the monsters here are not what Ye Xiaolu can provoke now.

Since returning to the sun, Ye Xiaolu's hot temperament has converged a lot, and before it was replaced, he had already kicked it.

"Human spirit, I am the strongest of the demon clan, the current prince of the demon clan, you followed me, and you will certainly enjoy the wealth of the world, don't you think about it?"

Looking at Li Mo not far away, Ye Xiaolu turned his eyes and smiled and asked, "Prince Gou, I ask you, do you have a **** demon?"

The dog prince nodded: "Of course, there are many, there are three on the scene."

"What about this humanoid teenager next to me. I like **** the most. I don't think so. How can you take a string and give him a few bitches?"

"If I gave it away, would you double repair it with me?"

"I will consider."

"it is good."

The dog prince was overjoyed and went to the bitch.

Ye Xiaolu made a proud laugh.

Not much, Prince Gou brought three **** to Li Mo.

It doesn't have to be too understandable by Crown Prince Gou. Just a few words, Li Mo knows what's going on.

"Brother, I'm really sorry. I already have two fellow practitioners. Your kindness can only be appreciated."

"Ah? You have it? Who is it?"

"she was."

Li Mo pointed to the leaf deer.

Ye Xiaolu was guilty and bowed his head not to look at him.

"It's her? Why did she just ask me to find a **** for you?"

"Because she owes her training, she wants to help me find a few, and then she can go out and steal people."

Prince Gou was stunned: "Stealing people? Human race brother, you have to be careful about this."

"Yeah, so I decided to fine-tune her."

Crown Prince Gou said: "It's a man, then I won't disturb you."

The crown prince is gone.

Ye Xiaolu walked over: "Don't mind, I'm just kidding. The people here are very funny. I tease them. They are not angry at all."

"Why are you angry?"

Li Mo hugged Ye Xiaolu You...what are you doing? "

"Why not?"

Li Mo sorted Ye Xiaolu's hair and twisted it hard against her nose.


Li Mo patted Ye Xiaolu's butt, scared Ye Xiaolu screamed again.

"Tonight, let's sleep together."

"Ah? Don't don't, I'm just kidding you."

"Yeah, I'm not kidding you."


"I really fell asleep."

Li Mo forcibly hugged Ye Xiaolu and left Tongtian Daochang.

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