Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 254: Changchun Gong and Undead Gong

Anyone who has been bitten by Jiang Sheng has changed his body, strengthened his strength, longed for blood, lost his mind, bitten people everywhere...

When Jiang Sheng was aware of this, he was shocked and frightened.

Only then did he realize that there was a problem with the jade exercises he had completed.

However, although there were problems with the completed exercises, Jiang Sheng's strength was progressing rapidly. Two thousand years after he became a tenth-level strongman, he broke through again and became a **** emperor!

On that day, the entire universe felt the breath of Jiang Shengcheng, all the vassals, and all the tribes.

However, after Jiang became the Divine Emperor, not only did the malpractices of the practice not be reduced, but instead turned to Gary, he couldn't control it at night, and he always wanted to **** blood.

In order to refrain himself from this problem, Jiang Sheng once again closed his jail, and wanted to perfect the jade exercises that had drawbacks.

Another thousand years have passed, Jiang Sheng has gone crazy in the death pass countless times. If he is not desperate to restrain himself, I am afraid that even the earth will be smashed by him.

"How can this happen? My body is not aging, but why do I feel the breath of death again?"

Suddenly, one day, Jiang Sheng's consciousness was sober. At this moment, he felt a terrible problem.

He didn’t really reach ‘Changchun is not dead’, he just looks like ‘Changchun’, but it’s clearly not possible to live without distance.

As a Divine Emperor, Jiang Sheng can clearly know how much his Shou Yuan still has. He sees that he can only live a thousand years at most.

From spiritual practice to Emperor Cheng, nine thousand years, this speed is the fastest in the universe, Jiang Sheng does not know, he only knows that he is dying.

In the last thousand years of Jiang Sheng, he tried everything he could, even he refining his body into an "imperial soldier", but in the end he found that his physical condition was still not good, and he might be out of control at any time. .

In order to prevent himself from having an accident after death, Jiang Sheng sealed himself in'Panlong Mountain'. In fact, he didn't want to'resurrect after death' at all, but he could not destroy his emperor's corpse, he could only use it' 'Seal' method to prevent his corpse from becoming harmful.

"Wrong, my way was wrong, wrong from the beginning, no wonder since ancient times, no Divine Emperor has used his body to train soldiers, and I have become the only..."

"This is not my luck, but my sorrow. Unfortunately, my limit has come, and I can't go any further."

When Jiang Sheng was about to die, he perfected his life-long'Changchun Not Lao Gong', and ruined it all...

There is a deviation in the place where this practice method is repaired, and it is no longer a true fairy, so it is simply not qualified to survive!

Jiang Sheng's ten-year career was in Li Mo's eyes, but for a moment, when Li Mo saw Jiang Sheng destroy the jade exercises, he couldn't help but sigh.


Jiang Sheng was dying, and suddenly used divine power to perfectly restore the jade scriptures he had destroyed by his own hands.

"Although there is a deviation in the patching of this scripture, my way is wrong, but it does not mean that future generations will also follow my path. There can be longevity in this world, I can't see it, but if there are talents who are superior, Can I learn useful things from my scriptures?"

"Just stay..."

Jiang Sheng sighed, he changed his mind and left the jade scriptures.

However, although he stayed, he did not pass it on completely, but divided the scripture into two and turned into two scriptures, namely "Changchun Gong" and "Undead Gong".

"I am a good student in my life, and I never want to be evil. I pass on your exercises and only hope you don't be evil. Besides, you can do whatever you want, but do you remember?"

"I got it."

Seeing the young Yao Changsheng holding "Undead Gong" in his hands and kneeling in front of Jiang Sheng, Li Mo suddenly realized.

Yao Changsheng is a descendant of Jiang Sheng's ten disciples. His "Undead Gong" is a personal biography of God Emperor Jiang Sheng!

As for another "Changchun Gong", Jiang Sheng did not pass it on to his descendants, but found a deep mountain cave and put it in, waiting for someone to get it.

"Can it live forever, can it live forever? Is there really longevity in this world? After all, is there?"

Before his death, Jiang Sheng still missed it.

"Changchun is not dead..."

Li Mo closed his eyes. He doesn't need to deliberately remember it now. He watched the life of Jiang Shendi. Jiang Shendi's understanding of the Jade Book is clear. It can be said that from now on, in this world No one knows Changchun’s immortality better than him.

"Although this practice is not a real longevity, it is only the fact that youth is not old enough to laugh at the universe."

Li Mo worshipped Jiang Sheng's sarcophagus for three times and turned to walk out of the spatiotemporal fragments.


Li Mo had just left the debris of time and space, and the entrance to the crack of time and space disappeared automatically.

This time, Li Mo got nothing from the spatiotemporal fragments.

"It seems that this is a time and space crack that Jiang Shendi wanted to pass on to Changchun without death."

Li Mo pondered for a moment and prayed three times to Mushroom Mountain again.

Throughout the ages, every Divine Emperor has the strength of the invincible universe, leaving a crack in time and space after death. For the powerful of that series, it is not a difficult thing at all.

"Jiang Shendi, I have temporarily accepted your body, but at present, with my strength, I can't destroy your body at all, so I can only grieve you and stay in my star ring for the time being."

"No wonder that Yao Changsheng can live that long. It turns out that he is the heir to Jiang Shendi, then, another heir..."

Li Mo thought of someone.

Zhou Mengxian.

Although Li Mo didn't really meet Zhou Mengxian, he can often be seen on TV. Master Zhou is personable, but he looks only in his early twenties, but this master Zhou has been famous for 20 years. .

Such a young, such achievement, if he practiced the'Changchun Gong', it would be logical.

Li Mo opened the domain door and returned home instantly.

"Li Come out for me!"

"Li Mo, if you have a species, just give me out!"

"Li Mo, are you afraid that I won't be able to come out and meet me?"

When Li Mo arrived home, he heard someone shouting outside the door.

Yang Jinlian was reading a book. She was very fascinated when she read it. Even if she put firecrackers in her ears, she could not hear. As for the two Chebyns, they were scared to hide in the room, and they dared not show their heads.

Li Mo went outside and saw Luo Yingying standing at the door and shouting.

Luo Yingying was shocked to see Li Mo, but quickly calmed down.

"You... are you out? Okay, come here!"

"I came this time, not to seek revenge from you, but for my future master. When I was the first person on the list today, Master Zhou Mengxian Zhou delivered a letter!"

Luo Yingying threw a letter to Li Mo, turned and left.

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