Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 231: Monkey 200 million

"come out!"

Just as Li Mo closed his eyes and adjusted his interest rate, a roar of earth and earth roared from the ancient battlefield.

A five-meter-tall body with two heads and a three-armed giant monkey raised his stick and smashed it into the ancient battlefield.


A defensive mask was formed over the ancient battlefield to block the giant monkey's attack. However, with this blow, a deep crack appeared on the defensive mask.

Li Mo took a step, Yu Jian volley, came to the giant monkey.

The ordinary giant monkey above A Gu Xing could not have made such a powerful blow at all. The giant monkey in front of him could know without even guessing, and it must be the 200 million monkey king.

The two hundred and twenty-two monkeys will come. It is not the giant monkeys here, but the movements here are known to him. As the real master of Aguxing, how could he allow the'dog man' to make trouble in his territory?

The two hundred and twenty-two million monkeys stared at the mixed black and gold eyes and said, "You are not a dog person on this planet, are you a stranger?"

"No matter who you are, dare to come to my Aguxing to make trouble and die!"

The monkey smashed two hundred and twenty million sticks.

Li Mo fell to the ground and waved his fist to meet.


Li Mo's fist made a loud noise to the monkey's 220 million stick, and the aroused energy shocked the nearby giant monkey to tens of thousands.

Two hundred and two hundred million monkeys shouted: "You have two strengths, are you a king of dogs?"

Li Mo did not answer, and stepped in front of the monkey two hundred and twenty million, screaming a bunch of thunder in his eyes.

Two hundred and twenty two monkeys were smoked in the face by the thunder and thunder, but they just shook their heads, and nothing happened except that the monkey hair on their faces was scorched a few.

"Dog King, Ben Wang asked you again, you are not a stranger?"

Two hundred million monkeys called while playing, the big stick lifted, and kept attacking Li Mo.

boom! boom! boom!

The monkey's 220 million stick can hit a huge hole every time it hits the ground. But Li Mo's body is too fast, and his strength is very strong, but in the body, he is too inferior to Li Mo.

"Damn dog man king, if I can have one more arm, he can't avoid it regardless of your speed!"

The monkey screamed at 200 million.

The bloodline of the ‘Tongming Spirit Monkey’ in the monkey’s two hundred and twenty million is far less than that of the ‘Monkey One hundred and ninety’, so it has a tongming spirit monkey supernatural power with only one head and one arm, and none of the remaining supernatural powers can be inherited.

"Look at me with a stick!"

The monkey put up the big stick, and the volume of the big stick began to swell and became bigger and thicker. In a blink of an eye, the sky above him was covered.

I saw the two hundred and twenty-two-year-old monkey's body surging violently, and suddenly swept down...

The attack range was too large, Li Mo, who was under the stick, wanted to go out with'shrinking the ground into an inch', but in the end, even two steps, shrinking into an inch did not take effect. ', the space is forbidden, shrunk to an inch and the magical power cannot be used.

Li Mo stomped his feet, and did not expect that even the earth-sucking magical arts were malfunctioning and he could not escape into the ground. Seeing that the thick and scary stick fell down suddenly, Li Mo put on a ground-fisting "body-guarding" posture.

The big stick is eye-catching, ruining the world, and the power reaches a radius of a dozen miles. Nearly ten thousand giant monkeys are wiped out by this blow...

"Ah...ah...ah, the monkey is exhausted, ah..."

The monkey is 200 million and two gasping with a big stick. This ‘Qingtian one stick’ is its strongest magical power, and it comes out to almost consume its physical energy.

"Whether you are King of Dogs or Queen of Dogs, under my throne, it is impossible to call... call... call alive!"

The smoke gradually disappeared, and Li Mo's figure appeared. When he saw him, the monkey's eyes were 200 million and his mouth widened.

The land at the foot of Li Mo is still there. Like a pillar, it stretched out in the giant crater that the monkey slammed with 220 million.

Li Mo glanced at his hand, and there were slight blood marks on his hands.

"If it is the "Tongming Spirit Monkey" who uses this Qingtian club, absolutely even the planet has directly exploded, and the top ten ancient beasts are indeed well-deserved."

Li Mo sighed and walked towards the monkey 200 million.

"What level of dog-dog king are you? Call... call you... how could you not die?"

The monkey has two hundred and two hundred thousand sticks and can't believe it.

The monkey has ruled the giant monkey family for two hundred and two hundred years. During its reign, although most of the time did not pay attention to common things, it also prevented several invasions of Thunderbirds. It can be said that it has been from birth to Now, it is the only time it encounters a creature that can survive under its "Skyball."

"What do you want to do? You..."


I saw the monkey two hundred and twenty-two throw away the big stick in his hand and kneel in front of Li Mo.

This reaction made Li Mo stunned.

What does this mean? Just play if you can? Kneeling and begging for mercy? This is too dignified, right?

"Dogman King Rao Ming, the little monkey does not recognize the dogman king, and he has forgotten my life."

"If you call me King of Dogs again, I will kill you!" Li Mo is also angry. This monkey has a dog king on the left and a dog king on the right.

"What's that called?"

"Call me with the most respectful title of your giant monkey family."

Two hundred and twenty million monkeys fell to their knees and shouted, "Great dogman!"


How far Li Mo kicked the monkey 220 million.

The two hundred and twenty-two-year-old monkey is not angry, but kneeling on the ground just begs for mercy.

"You are a descendant of a wise monkey, but you have no bones at all, don't you feel ashamed?"

"It's because I am a descendant of the Tongming Spirit Monkey, so I don't feel ashamed." The monkey's 200 million and 21 faces are taken for granted.

Li Mo was speechless.

If this monkey fights with him, he will not slaughter it softly. Although this monkey's lucid spirit monkey bloodline is a little less, the demon in the body is a good thing, enough to promote the panda to a level.

But it begged for mercy on his knees, which really made Li Mo feel a little unable to hang his hands.

"I don't know how to call it great. I am not lacking in guts, but my guts are taller than the sky and thicker than the ground." The monkey's face was grieved.

"You talk about it."

"I am the only descendant of Aguxing who has the bloodline of the "Tongming Spirit Monkey". If I die, the Tingming Spirit Monkey will probably disappear..."

"My ancestor ~ ~ 190 million monkeys, whose whereabouts are unknown now, this heavy responsibility of revitalizing the giant monkey family fell on me."

"I can't die until I have given birth to a descendant with the blood of a wise monkey."

The two hundred and twenty-one-two-year-old monkey was sad and indignant: "I begged you for mercy and tarnished the glory of the ancestors. Even if you don’t kill me now, when I give birth to a descendant with the blood of a wise monkey, I will immediately commit suicide and wash the shame..."

Li Mo looked at the monkey at 220 million and was speechless.

He checked the memories of dozens of giant monkeys. From the memories of those giant monkeys, this monkey's 220 million is just a faint king who is passionate about mating every day, but he is not doing anything right, but now it seems that there is obviously something about it outside. Misunderstanding.

"Three hundred years, three hundred years, I have day and night... Unfortunately, I have never been able to give birth to a descendant with the blood of a wise monkey."

"The ancestors of the Tongming Spirit Monkey are on top. Do I have to have the same fate as the ancestor monkey 190 million, step on the starry sky, and go to other worlds to find a mating object?"

Upon hearing the cry of 200 million and 200 million from the monkey, Li Mo moved.

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