Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 221: Tongming Monkey

Du Fei said: "It's nothing. Although this group of monkeys is a little stronger, but they don't understand cultivation at all, it is impossible to hurt us."

  Du Fei said this, and took out the soil jade. It was one thing, but he did not dare to carelessly judge Li Mo.

  Li Mo walked to a cage and waved inside.

   There is also a little human girl in the cage, about five or six years old, dirty all over her body. When she sees Li Mo waving, she looks terrified and shrinks from a corner.

   "Don't be afraid, come out."

  Li Mochong smiled at the little girl. The little girl hesitated for a long time before she came out of the cage with courage.

  Li Mo put her hand on the little girl's head and searched her memory.

   Less than a minute, Li Mo withdrew his hand.

   The little girl's brain has a pitiful memory and does not know what civilization is.

   has no cultured brain at all, and it is wrong to say that she is a savage. Perhaps it is really only the words like a dog that can accurately explain what she is.

   The little girl's hand rubs like Li Mo's hand, the action, the look, and the puppy are like the owner.

  Li Mo sighed: "In her memory, there is no civilization inheritance at all. Some are just dog-like imperative instincts. I am afraid that the humans on this planet are all like this..."

   There is no inheritance of civilization. From generation to generation, what kind of intelligence is there? Such a human being is not much different from a beast.

   Just when Li Mo sighed, the little girl suddenly helped him stand up, stretched out his dirty hands and touched Li Mo's face, and smiled innocently.

  Li Mo was dumbfounded.

   The intelligence of the little girl has indeed deteriorated, but the foundation is still...

   is, after all, the most intelligent and creative human race.

  Li Mo stroked the little girl's head, the blue light flashed in his hand.

   "Qi Ling!"

  Li Mo is using the means to open the panda's spirituality to open up the little girl's spiritual wisdom.

  Simple memory instillation makes the little girl dull.

   Language, history, heritage, civilization...

   "The great warrior monkey with ancestor bloodlines is 190 million, please come back soon and kill this group of ignorant dogmen!"

   "The great warrior monkey with ancestor bloodlines is 190 million, please come back soon and kill this group of ignorant dogmen!"

   "The great warrior monkey with ancestor bloodlines is 190 million, please come back soon and kill this group of ignorant dogmen!"

  The monkeys yelled on their knees, crying like blood.

   Little girl opened her mouth, she wanted to talk, but she just got the common sense of life that Li Mo gave, so she couldn't successfully organize her own language for a while.

  Li Mo's palm keeps instilling aura, and the little girl's body gradually surrounds the blue aura.

   The aura on this planet is very full, and has not been separated from the virtual **** realm like the earth. Li Mo baptized the foundation for the little girl, and the effect is extremely remarkable.


  The body of the little girl exudes a strong aura. After accepting Li Mo's baptism, her strength was directly promoted to the second level!

   "Fortunately, although IQ is degraded to beasts, the talents belonging to the human race are still..."

  Looking at the little girl's body to absorb the aura around her, Li Mo felt very relieved.


The little girl said a word to Li Mo, turned and ran like a dog, but did not run a few steps, stood upright, ran with two feet, climbed down, stood up again, repeated several times, and finally stood up successfully , Running upright.

   The little girl ran out of the village, ignored the monkey who was kneeling and prayed, and disappeared into the forest.

   "Is this the starting point of mankind under a strong aura?"

  Li Mo sighed.

   Baptism once to build the foundation, the strength directly rose to the second level, this is the common talent of the human race.

   Li Mo walked towards a giant monkey, and the giant monkey flicked his teeth and pawed at him. Li Mo put his finger over him, put his hand on top of it, and searched for his memory.

   does not understand written descriptions, and his creativity is quite limited, but it has the brand of blood lineage inherited from ancient times to the present.

  Humans want to pass on civilization, teach by example, and describe by words, but other races are not necessarily like this. Just like this group of monkeys, their inheritance mainly comes from blood.

Similar to Li Mo's imagination, the ancestors of this group of monkeys were really Tongming spirit monkeys, one of the ten ancient beasts of the ancient times. It was precisely because they were their ancestors millions of years ago, so they taught them slavery Humans, treat humans as dogs in captivity.

Not all monkeys can inherit the blood of the Tongming spirit monkey. Every thousand years, only one or two monkeys will be able to return to their ancestors and get the talent and inheritance of the Tongming spirit monkey. When the blood of the Tongming spirit monkey awakens, The strength will be extremely terrible, with three heads and six arms, omnipotent.

  The monkeys yelling on their knees 190 million are the descendants of the ancestors who awakened the talent of the Tongming spirit monkey.

  In the memory of this monkey, monkey 190 is extremely powerful. On this planet, in addition to the descendant race of the wise monkey, there is a race that is more powerful than the monkey race-the thunderbird race.

The Thunderbirds can control the thunder and the power is terrible. Before the monkeys did not show 190 million descendant monkeys, the Thunderbirds bullied the monkeys for more than two thousand years until the 190th appeared. In order to expel the Thunderbird tribe to the extreme northern cold with one's best So far two thousand years have passed, and the Thunderbird tribe has not dared to step into the primitive forest.

   But the powerful and terrifying monkey 119, left the planet a hundred years ago. It is said that he was looking for the immortality of "eternal life".

The monkey family has footprints all over this virgin forest. The number of large and small tribes exceeds hundreds of thousands, but apart from the 190 million monkeys, there is currently only one monkey who can be called the strongest. The great chief, the supreme ruler of tens of millions of monkeys.

The two hundred and twenty-two monkeys also inherited the bloodline of the "Tongming Spirit Monkey", but it inherited a very thin blood vein, not even one tenth of the blood of the ancestors, and the nine hundred and ninety thousand monkeys had the blood of the ancestors. The purity of the ancestor bloodline reached five tenths, which is extremely terrible.

Another point is that Monkey 119 is a peerless strongman and a guardian deity respected by the Monkey Clan, but Monkey 220 million is not. Monkey 220 million is only interested in beautiful mother monkeys. It orders each monkey tribe every year. At least one hundred beautiful mothers must be sent because of this order, which caused the monkey race to fall apart.

   The monkey tribe in front of him was the one who had defected without following the order of the monkey's 220 million.

   "The great warrior monkey with ancestor bloodlines is 190 million, please come back soon and kill this group of ignorant dogmen!"

  The monkeys are still shouting.

  Du Fei couldn't hear it anymore. He walked in front of a giant monkey and kicked his feet.

   "You are the dogman, your family is all dogmen!"

There was a weird cry outside the village. The little girl who ran away took the lead, and behind her, followed by a group of undressed humans running on all fours...

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