Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 189: Yang Tianhou

"Okay, it's all done."

   The fairy in red snapped her fingers.

  Mo Zifei, Bai invincible, a group of high-ranking children, all fell into dementia.

  The fairy in purple walked to Li Mo and looked at Li Mo's demented face. He said strangely, "Sister, this person is so strange, why didn't he drool?"

  Li Mo's mouth, a spit of water came out.

   "I said, that's right." The fairy in purple clothes was satisfied.

  The fairy in red said: "This man is Li Mo of the Li family in Shengjing, the grandson of the Mo family. Although his identity like him is considered to be noble outside, in our case, he can't be ranked at all."

   "Don't care about him, it's important to do the right thing."

   "Who comes first?"

  The fairy in purple dress pointed at Liu Shao: "Of course it is Liu Dao."

  The fairy in red walked in front of Liu Shao, stretched his finger in front of him, and started asking questions.

  Liu Shao answered what the fairy in red dress asked, and all the questions she asked involved family privacy.

   illegitimate children, property, economic contacts, shady dealings, who are friends, who are hostile...

  As Liu Shaoxian's identity, he answered a random question, which will definitely cause an earthquake in China.

  The fairy in the red dress asked, the fairy in the purple dress took the video recording device, and the two cooperated with each other. At first glance, they did not do such a thing.

  The fairy in purple clothes pouted: "There is nothing new, almost the same as last time."

  The fairy in red said: "Liu Shao is a frequent visitor and comes here every few days. This is normal."

  The fairy in purple looked at Mo Zifei: "Is Master Mo's first visit?"

  The fairy in red dress smiled lightly: "Yes, Mo family tutoring is very strict. If this is not because of that Sheng Jing Li Mo, the Lord of Military Affairs will definitely not come to this place."

   "Ask Mo Zifei, quickly."

  The fairy in red walked in front of Mo Zifei and began to ask questions.

  Mo Zifei yawned, tilted his head, and fell asleep.

   "Oh, why are you asleep?"

   "Probably too many bars? What's going on, it shouldn't be like this..."

   The fairy in red looked puzzled.

   "Forget it, ask him again later, anyway, our Xianle is enough to make him completely conscious within five hours, no matter whether he is asleep or awake, all this!"

   "Hmm..." The fairy in purple clothes nodded again and again.

  The fairy in red asked the next one. This time it went smoothly.

   One, two, three, four...

  Until the fairy in red asked all the high-ranking children, he walked to Mo Zifei and pushed him hard, trying to wake him up.

   It's a pity that Mo Junshen was asleep, and a slight grunt came out. No matter what the red fairy called, he just didn't wake up.

  Princess Ziyi airway: "How can this person sleep so much?"

   "Maybe it's too much alcohol, next time we have to pay attention, we can't let them drink too much alcohol, it's too late."

   "Um, next time I don't drink, just give them Xianle and dance Xianwu."

   "Sister, this Li Mo is the grandson of the Mo family, should he also know a lot about the privacy of the Mo family?"

   "What can an outsider know? I don't have to think about the core things, but if I'm idle or idle anyway, just ask him."

   "This time I come and I come."

  The fairy in purple clothes ran happily in front of Li Mo, stretched out her fingers, and began to ask Li Mo questions.

"What's your name?"

   "Li Mo."

"How old are you?"

   "Twenty centimeters."

   "I ask how old are you?"

   "Twenty centimeters."

  The fairy in purple dress opened her mouth slightly.

   "Sister Red, I asked him how old he was, he said twenty centimeters, what's going on, how to answer what was not asked?"

   "You are asking too general, such a question, ask how old he is."

  The fairy in purple suddenly realized: "How old are you?"

   "You can sleep now."

   Li Mo opened his hand and threw the fairy in purple clothes to the ground.

   "Sister Red, Sister Red!" the fairy in purple shouted in horror.

   The fairy in the red dress ran over and pulled together, pulling Li Mo away.

   "What's wrong with this person, it hurts."

   "What you asked is wrong, look at me."

  The fairy in red stood in front of Li Mo and stretched out his finger, shaking, "What's your name?"

   "Li Mo."



   The fairy in red looked at the fairy in purple, and the fairy in purple admired her.

   "What is your relationship with the Mo Family in Kyoto?" the fairy in red asked again.

   "Mo Zhendong is my grandfather."

   "As far as I know, Mo Zhendong has only one son."

"Yes you can."

Li Mo opened his hand and overwhelmed the fairy in red, and the fairy in purple came to the rescue, and Li Mo was also crushed to the ground. The two fairies were not weak, and their strength was not weak. But under Li Mo, they struggled to struggle. .

   "Double flying, I like it."

   Li Mo ripped the clothes of the two fairies, scared the red fairies desperately to resist, and the purple fairies yelled.

   "Sister Red, save me!"

   "I was pressed by him too!"

   "Mom, mom, save me!" the fairy in purple shouted.

  For the confidentiality of the video, the fairy in red and the fairy in purple dismissed all the fairies. Now in NuoDa's room, apart from the high-ranking children, there are only two of them.

   "It's not right, this person has a weirdness, Azi, he doesn't seem to lose consciousness!"

   "I said he was different from others, Red Sister, save me, woo, his hand came in, woo!"

The fairy in red wanted to cast a spell, but her hands were controlled by Li Mo, and she couldn’t even pinch the tricks. She had a good spell, but in this case, she didn’t show it at all. come out.

   "Master Li, the young girl is abrupt, often offends, and forgets to forgive sins."

   Indescribably sweet voices came from far There are more colorful colors in the room, which are colorful and dazzling.

  Li Mo's movements stopped, and the two fairies took the opportunity to roll and ran away in embarrassment.


  The fairy in the red clothes pinched the tactics. Just when the red silk was about to be sacrificed, the sweet voice said, "Hong'er, stop, you are in front of this master Li, don't get axe."

   The fairy in red was so angry that her face was pale, and she chopped her feet heavily.

   "Bad!" The fairy in purple dress made a face to Li Mo.

  Li Modan said: "Where am I broken? I'm not like you. I use Dementor to envelop others' privacy."

  The colorful light gathered together and turned into a slender beauty, and farewell to Li Mo: "Master Li, we do this, but we also have a bitter but not malicious."

The slender beauty was wearing a colorful gauze and a mask woven with colorful feathers. Although it didn't reveal the true face, but only the white and greasy skin exposed by the figure and the wrist can be regarded as a person. Beauty.

   The fairy in red looked surprised: "Mom, how do you talk to him like this? What is he? A shameless person!"

   "Apologize to Master Li." Liren's voice was not loud.

   "I'm sorry." Although the red fairy was reluctant, she could only apologize to Li Mo.

   "This attitude is okay." Li Mo smiled.

  The fairy in red turned around angrily, and her silver teeth gnawed.

  Li Mo looked at the beautiful woman and asked, "Are you Wan Linyu?"

   "Lin Wandang gave the master a gift." Lin Wandang Yingying bowed.

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