Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 172: The last one ruthless

"How come there is a layer..."

Lan Yue's actions shocked everyone. Everyone has the mentality to protect the calf, but it is really rare to protect this kind of black and white.

Although Lan Yue's actions were shameful, everyone was equally curious about Lin Qingrou's true face.

It is a pity that Lin Qingrou's silver mask is not her face, but a fully enclosed mask.

Lin Qingrou quietly picked up the mask and brought it back.

"This woman is really shameless, it's not fun!"

Shan Ji re-emphasized the Zen stick in his hand and said angrily: "Vice President Lan, although in this alien alliance, you are more than 10,000 people under one person, but don't forget, the weight of our Tiannan Provincial Branch !"

"Silverfaced woman is our president's dry daughter. Based on her identity, anyone who offends her is equivalent to doing the right thing with the entire Tiannan branch!"

"Forget it."

Lin Qingrou said lightly.

"Vice President Lan, let's stop this matter, otherwise the President of Tiannan Province's face is not good..."

"Yeah, so be it, just as if this hadn't happened."

A group of people came to play round.

Lan Tianci stared at Lin Qingrou for a long time, and everyone squeezed his sweat. As long as this blue sky gave a word, Lan Yue would definitely take care of him again. By then, the scene could not be controlled.

Fortunately, however, Lan Tianci stared at Lin Qingrou for a long time, and finally seemed to lose interest, saying nothing more.

Lin Qingrou walked past Li Mo, the two were very close, but Lin Qingrou didn't see Li Mo as if he hadn't stayed at all, and walked over directly.

Although the two are classmates, not to mention friendship, they can't even talk about communication. Lin Qingrou rarely goes to school regardless of past or present life, and even if she arrives at school, she will have zero communication with all her classmates.

It is a bit wrong to describe her coldly, and the two worlds are more appropriate.

"The three ruthless people gathered in the alien alliance. It's a really big event. It's so powerful. I originally thought that after the old president can't retreat, the reputation of the alien alliance will get worse and worse."

Bai invincible shook his folding fan, standing behind Li Mo.

"Who is the last ruthless man?"

"The last ruthless man is more mysterious than the silver-faced woman. It was the mysterious man in black who grabbed the time and space treasure in the hands of hundreds of strangers."

Li Mo was surprised.

It seems that the intelligence department of the Bai family is not very good. It is found that he is a strong fourth-level man, but he does not know that the mysterious man in black is himself.

But of course, Li Mo will not tell Bai invincible.

"Jiang Qingxue, Shanji, Lin Qingrou, and the mysterious man in black. These four ruthless men randomly selected one, and they all have the second place in the ranking."

Li Moqi said: "The second place in the sky list? Why not the first place?"

Bai Wudi said without thinking: "Because the top of the list is Zhou Mengxian, in China's alien world, unless Zhou Mengxian is the second, who dares to be the first?"

Li Modao: "I heard that your grandfather practiced the five skills of the Bai family. Shouldn't his strength be worse than Zhou Meng?"

White invincible jumped up in shock, looked around and waved his hands.

"You you don't talk nonsense."

Determined that no one paid attention to this, Bai Wudi lowered his voice: "Who told you?"

"Isn't this a secret in the alien world?"

"Why not, my grandfather only practiced the fourth skill when he was crazy, and the fifth skill was four months ago. This matter is the top secret of my Bai family. Even in my Bai family, there are only a few. People know, how could outsiders know?"

"Say, who told you?"

"It seems you are."

"Me? When did I tell you? Why can't I remember."

"Did I say the last time I drank too much? I don't have any impression at all. It seems that I can't drink too much alcohol next time, fragments..."

Li Mo left, leaving Bai invincible standing on the spot thinking hard.

That night, Li Mo failed to go home to practice the magic weapon because Bai Wudi kept chasing him and asking him, making it difficult for him to get out.

The next day, on the abandoned playground covered with weeds, members of the 30 branches stood in line, and Lan Yue took the podium to announce the official start of the stranger annual assessment conference.

The rules for the Annual Examination Conference of the Aliens are very simple. They are divided into four groups: Qinglong, White Tiger, Xuanwu, and Suzaku. The opponents are determined by drawing lots. In the end, each group produces a winner to compete for the championship.

When all the players got out of the draw, Li Mo was assigned to the Suzaku group and won the fourth draw.

The fourth pick is the fourth.

The first pair of players to play is the frozen man Sun Wei of the Shengjing branch against Jiang Qingxue of the Xixiang branch.

The No. 1 seed contestant in this world's stranger appraisal meeting played in the first game, which immediately caused a sensation.

Jiang Qingshuang, dressed in traditional Miao clothes, walked gracefully to the scene. Her appearance was very similar to that of her sister Jiang Qingshuang. Standing together, it was a pair of twins.

Sun Wei stood in front of Jiang Qingxue in a wretched posture, not because he was addicted to this wretched posture, but as long as he did not do it, he would be invaded by the cold.


The host just started shouting, Jiang Qingxue turned to end.


"Voluntarily admit defeat?"

"No, the four ruthless men in the rumors, how could they admit defeat without hitting them?"

"I do not understand."

Not to mention that the audience didn’t understand it, not even Sun Wei. He looked at Jiang Qingxue’s back and wondered for a long time before he broke his mouth and smiled and said, “This little girl is afraid that Uncle Ben will grab her milk...”


Before Sun Wei's frivolous words were finished, he spurted a stream of blood from his neck. Immediately after that, blood spray began everywhere on his body, and then Sun Wei glared down.

"what happened?"

"What's going on..."

"This... this is the strength of the four ruthless people?"

"One trick, one kills the frozen man Sun Wei!"

Jiang Qingxue solved Sun Wei with one move, and the audience was shocked.

"Do you know what just happened? Don't you know? Want to know?"

Bai Wudi shook his folding fan, seducing Li Mo.

As a result, Li Mo was expressionless and did not respond to his words at all.

"You don't want to know what Jiang Qingxue just did?"

Li Mo was expressionless.

"'re so boring!"

"I've taken care of you. Just now Jiang Qingxue flew tiny grubs that were hard to see with the naked eye to Sun Wei. The wounds bitten by the tiny grubs were extremely difficult to heal, so there was a big blood spray. Do you understand?"

Li Mo was still expressionless.

"It's really boring, really boring..." Bai Wudi shook his head.

"Sichuan Provincial Chapter Wang Jian's Battle against Mobei Branch Zhang Tian, ​​the Great Saint!"

The second pair of appraisers came on the scene. Wang Jian Li Mo of Sichuan Province didn't know him, but Zhang Tian, ​​the master of the heavens, was familiar with him these days.

The big man who was chasing Li Mo all day long was the Zhang Tian.

On the field, Zhang Qi asked Wang Jian: "What level are you?"

"Secondary body How about you?"

"First-level body surgery, I'm here to visit, please tap!" Zhang Qi is very polite.


"Look at me straight!"

Zhang Qi shouted, following Wang Jian is a straight fist, Wang Jian easily avoided, but at this moment, Zhang Qi's arm suddenly stretched out a long way, his hand turned strangely and caught Holding Wang Jian's neck, he pressed him hard to the ground.

Zhang Qi’s name is ‘Tongtian Dasheng’. His power is that his arms can be extended and deformed at will.

Wang Jian didn't know anything about his power, so he was dealt with at once.

Zhang Qi hammered Wang Jian hard, and when he stood up from Wang Jian, Wang Jian had foamed at his mouth and was unconscious.

"Not easy, not easy, ha ha ha ha, laugh, laugh."

Zhang Qigong ended.

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