Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1529: hunting

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"Oh, eh!"

Hearing Li Mo's words, the fox boy jumped with joy.

Since the fox boy's father had an accident, the fox sister would not allow the fox boy to walk out of the yard.

Although this is for the safety of the fox boy, which child does not yearn for freedom and does not want to see the world outside the yard?

"Little brother, this..."

Fox sister-in-law approached, and gave some worried eyes.

"Sister-in-law, rest assured, I will wander around nearby. Nothing will happen."

Li Mo nodded with a smile and said.

Then Li Mo's powerful hand picked up the fox boy and walked out.

The jungle is green, and tall, straight trunks stand around.



In the jungle, the voices of children laughing. Over the years, the Fox Boy has not walked out of the yard. So at this moment it finally came out and was free, and the fox boy was certainly unclearly happy.

Li Mo, holding the fox boy, saw that the fox boy was so happy, and he grinned obviously.

Along the way, Li Mo found that there were already a lot of beasts staring at himself. Most of them are the little demon of Jindan Realm, of course, there are a few more powerful demon spirits, of course, the little demon of Yuanying Realm.

These little monsters are all equal to Fox sister-in-law. It's no wonder that Husao didn't dare to take the fox boy out of the hospital these years.


At this time, the sound of weak mosquitoes came.

Even though the sound was very low, the fox boy did not find it at all. Still looking around curiously, but how can this method escape Li Mo's consciousness?

I saw Li Mo's mouth slightly raised, looking at a direction in the jungle, and chuckled, "Can't you finally bear it? Since you want to be this early bird, then hunt you back."

The voice fell, and Li Mo hugged the fox boy's arm tightly.

Although Li Mo's body is wrapped in white cloth, it still can't hinder Li Mo's amazing speed.

With only a swish, Li Mo hurried towards the jungle in a direction like a strong wind holding the fox boy.

There is a tiger in the jungle. The demon spirit on it was actually consummated in Yuanying Realm!

However, where can this tiger with the complete Yuanyuan Realm see Li Mo's speed?

Even Li Mo rushed in front of him in the distance, he hadn't had time to do anything.


A thick voice came, and when the tiger saw the situation in front of him, he could only see a slap wrapped in white cloth falling towards himself.


A tragic voice came, and the tiger's figure was shot directly. Burst all the way to the depths of the jungle and hear at the same time. The tiger's head was constantly cracking and clicking, and the huge tiger's head was torn apart by Li Mo's slap!

The fox boy in Li Mo's arms saw the scene in front of him. The small mouth can only be surprised to show an ‘o’ shape.

I sighed in my heart, "Uncle is so powerful..."

"There is meat soup."

Li Mo smiled and patted the fox boy's little brain gourd, then stepped forward, carrying the dead tiger to the courtyard.

Back at the courtyard, it was also surprised that Fox-sister saw Li Mo's tiger monster in Yuan Ying Realm. Gradually, he also had a deeper understanding of Li Mo's strength.

Without further ado, the matter of boiling soup naturally fell to Husao.

Li Mo took the fox boy to play in the courtyard.

"Uncle, did you say it was fun outside? When I was young, I heard from my dad that the outside world is particularly prosperous."

Holding Li Mo's hand, the fox boy asked incessantly.

"When Tongtong is bigger, his uncle will take Tongtong out to see. How."

Holding the fox boy's hand, Li Mo smiled.

"Oh, oh..."

Upon hearing Li Mo's words, the fox boy jumped with joy.

This time, even Husao did not stop it. After all, Li Mo is still wounded, but he has such fighting power. If the injury is better, the combat effectiveness will be more arrogant.

So now Husao's heart has already determined that Li Mo must be a powerful fairyland.

Such a strong man can take Tong Tong out for a walk, at least it can protect Tong Tong. As the mother's fox sister-in-law, she was also reluctant to let this deep mountain old forest trap her children for life.

Squeezing the fox boy's face, Li Mo smiled. Intentions have been born in my heart, and I came out on my own. There are too many things, of course, can not stay here to recuperate.

Gradually, Li Mo remembered that waiting hard for himself. A beauty who makes clothes for herself when she thinks of herself.

Li Mo couldn't help raising his head, looking at the burning sun at noon.

"Tomorrow will be tomorrow, ingenuity. Are you watching this round of tomorrow at the moment?"

I was talking in my heart, but suddenly. Li Mozhi felt that there was a hint of blackness in the distant distance of the sky, and a wisp of qi filled the sky.

"Have you found this?"

Li Mo, of course, is no stranger. Who else can be the devil qi of the demon clan? Immediately Li Mo's consciousness looked around, and suddenly found a demon clan strong.

But fortunately, it is not a big army of demon clan. It's just a **** king realm of the demon clan, if the big troops come.

Li Mo's current state, but he can't explode once again.

Immediately Li Mo got up slowly, showing a golden glow around him. It was only for a moment that Li Mo, using the rod of origin, broke through to the existence beyond the half-step quasi-imperial realm!

Endless coercion appeared, and Li Mo's sudden scene scared the fox boy and dared not chatter.

It seems that Li Mo, who has spent a few days with them, seems to be a different person at the moment. Strong, cold, strange...

"Come on you!"

Li Mo's voice was like a thunder, which rushed to the powerful of the demon clan with a rolling aura.

The strong man of the Demon Race King Realm, just searched here before. Where did you think that you really met the enemy in the wilderness?

So the strong man of the demon clan hurriedly took out a signal flare and prepared to launch.

As soon as the signal flare is launched, Master Mohan and others will immediately come over. Kill the enemies here!

This powerful man of the demon clan thinks But Li Mo has discovered him long ago. Why didn't you watch out for him?

So just when Mohan was about to ignite this signal flare, the aura in Li Mo's voice suddenly increased dramatically!

That exceeded the coercion of the ordinary half-step quasi-empirical realm strongman, causing the arm of the demon clan strongman to pop open. For a time, bloody.


The cries of the demon clan's heartbreakers came, and his body shape was swept by Li Mo's aura into Li Mo's small courtyard.

Even though this demon clan strong man was injured by Li Mo, the breath on his body was still making Husao and the fox boy tremble.

"It's you!"

Lying on the ground, the demon clan strongman with his broken arm saw Li Mo. First panicked, then shouted.

"How is it outside?"

Li Mo sat down slowly and asked calmly.

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