Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1522: 1 beat

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Li Mo raised his head and shouted in the direction of Lingxiao Mountain.


A thick voice from Ling Xiao came, and then there was an illusion in front of Ling Xiao Mountain. The illusory body of Lingxiao Xiao in Lingxiao Mountain slowly came out.

"In the future, you will assist the egg and help him control the nine-day killing array. If there is disturbance in Kyushu, you can let the egg help your strength. The current egg is also the cultivation of the mid-day fairyland, plus your strength. Enter In the middle of Tianshen Realm, there will be the help of Dragon Eagle tribe ancestors and Tianshan Snow King. Kyushu cannot be messed up."

Li Mo smiled as if looking at an old friend and talking softly.


Ling Xiao nodded solemnly and answered.

Although Li Mo didn't make it clear, how could Ling Xiao not feel it. The owner Li Mo is afraid to leave this Kyushu, but with the master's talent. This Kyushu is really not enough for him to show his fists.

"Next, there are the nine formations. Even if you are familiar with the operation formula of the nine-day kill formation, it would not work without the formation's approval."

Li Mo looked at the egg and said.

"How can the nine clans be recognized?" Egg egg asked solemnly.

"Simple, just beat them up."

Li Mo grinned, and then Li Mo looked at Ling Xiao.



Knowing what his master wanted to do, Ling Xiao responded helplessly.

Then Lingxiao's body gradually dissipated and entered the Lingxiao Mountain.


The thick Lingxiao Mountain was suddenly lifted up, with nine superb spirit stones on it, and the light was magnificent.



As the nine best-quality spirit stones shone, nine great arrays of spirits appeared one after another. Around Li Mo's body.

The sound of Lingxiao Mountain also attracted the attention of the Jiuli Presbyterian Church.

Of course, there are many deacons of the Jiuli tribe here. It was just that Li Mo didn't want them to find themselves, but now that the towering Lingxiao Mountain moved, Li Mo could no longer hide himself.

Just listening to the whizzing sounds of the sky, a group of elders deacons rushed in.

From far away, I saw the exquisite dragon robe on Li Mo's body. Everyone shines, but they are afraid that Li Mo will be disturbed after a short distance, so they all kneel on one knee away from the old one

"Meet Grandpa!"

"Meet Grandpa!"


For a time, pilgrimages from all directions rang around.

No matter what prestige or position Li Mo has in Kyushu today.

But in front of the people of these Jiuli tribes, Li Mo is the grandfather of their Jiuli tribe.

"Flat body. Block the periphery. No one is allowed to come close."

Facing a group of deacons of the Presbyterian Church, Li Mo's voice spread across the Sifang Road.


A tremendous amount of trembling voices shook the sky and immediately got up. Looking carefully around, it was a mosquito, afraid that it wouldn't let it fly over.

All this, the eggs behind him are all in his eyes.

I thought that when they first came to the 100,000 Mountains with the seniors of Menglin a few years ago, few people around them regarded them as their own. At that time, they did not regard themselves as the clan of the Jiuli tribe.

But now, Li Mo integrates the old Jiuli tribe. It has brought it to a new height.

The person in front of him had such a magic power.

Without further ado, Li Mo holds the Lingxiao Mountain, which has been shrunk hundreds or thousands of times, and asks the nine surrounding spirits.

"In the future, would you be willing to obey the egg's orders and help him master the nine-day killing formation?"

Hearing Li Mo's words, the Nine Great Spirits were stunned first.

Obviously, with their simple IQ, they don't know what Li Mo is going to do.

But the Nine Great Spirits glanced at each other, and the depressed ones didn't speak. Obviously, let them obey Li Mo, they are willing.

But now they are proud to obey the orders of others, how can they be reconciled.

Don't forget how proud they are. They were proud, they didn't pay attention to their master Li Mo. Not to mention others.

"It's against you! I dare not listen to my words!"

Looking at the hesitant nine groups, Li Mo seemed to have given birth to his childish parents. Rolled up his sleeves, he lifted Ling Xiaoshan and smashed it to the nine great formations.

After listening to the booming sound, the Nine Great Spirits let Li Mo beat it again.

Just like last time, all of them have swollen noses and blue faces, dying on the ground.

"Are you obedient?"

Ling Xiaoshan in his hand pointed at the Nine Great Spirits and asked with staring eyes.

The water eyes of Nine Great Spirits looked at Li Mo, and then looked at the egg. Immediately nodded one after another, apparently making Li Mo beaten up.

Seeing this scene, the egg is a little speechless. Is this still the Nine Formations that can intercept the Quasi-Emperor Realm? What about your arrogance?

Hey! You must stand up! Can't counsel! If you really beat it once, you will be obedient.

"Okay, let's go."

Li Mo turned his head and looked at the unbelievable egg.

Although these clans are wise, they are not as cunning as humans. Once they agreed to obey the eggs, they would not regret it.

"it is good."

The egg nodded and responded.

Li Mo raised his palm and Lingxiao Mountain returned to its original state again. However, Li Mo and Eggs flew together in the direction of Zhongzhou Plain and Tiangong.

"Congratulations to Grandpa!"


Behind them, a group of deacon members of the Jiuli Presbyterian Church. They knelt on one knee and shouted fanatically.

When returning to the Tiangong, the sun at the horizon had already set, and Li Mo and the egg stayed on the steps of the Lingxiao Temple.

Looking at the egg, Li Mo smiled playfully.

"Tomorrow I will leave. Or call a few people, let's have a drink?"

"Forget it, you should go with your wife."

Dandan shook her head, obviously not willing to be the'bulb' of Li Mo and Jin Qiaoxin again. Even less willing to disturb the time left before Li Mo and Jin Qiaoxin left the most.


Li Mo laughed loudly, and said no more. He shook his head and walked towards the rear of the Lingxiao Behind the Lingxiao Baodian was a quiet courtyard with mountains and water in it, like a paradise.

At the moment, Jin Qiaoxin was sorting out clothes.

Li Mo, who came back, was seeing this gentle scene in front of him.

"Yo, so many men's clothes."

Came behind Jin Qiaoxin, Li Mo pretended to be ignorant and asked playfully.

"I haven't done it for you all these years. You guys who have no conscience have been away for one year or two. I think you will make clothes for you, and you will make clothes for you. Unconsciously, they did everything. So much."

Jin Qiaoxin smiled softly and said while finishing his clothes.

Li Mo looked at those clothes, and it was indeed quite a lot.

The huge stone tables were full, and the stone benches followed. The stone benches around the stone table were full of clothes.

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