Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1496: Zhou Liang

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Although the young man is in full swing, his cultivation practice is indeed too different from that of the one-eyed man. And now the teenager is too seriously injured, so just listening to the sound of the clang, the teenager was cut off by the one-eyed man.

"But die!"

Looking at the young man who fell to the ground, the tip of the one-eyed big man turned to the young man. If this sharp spear is really picked up on the teenager, the teenager in this state will definitely die.

"Alas, help this stubborn little guy."

Chi You hasn't shot yet, but Fat Ball shook his head and smiled.

Then I saw the dried meat in the hands of the fat ball, burst into the body of the teenager.

Don't look at the fat ball just now that you want to take this teenager as a mount, that is to make the teenager play. The fat ball also wants to shoot for this teenager.

Fat ball is such a fun character, but the heart is very good. Otherwise, Jin Qiaoxin can't hurt the fat ball so much.

"Go to hell!"

Besides the one-eyed man, the spear in his hand was aimed at the youngster's chest, and his eyes were bloodthirsty.

It was this kid who killed so many of his subordinates! Now, this kid can finally die! So the heart of the one-eyed man is very proud.


But at this time, only a sound of breaking air came.

A piece of dried meat hit the young man's joint, even before the young man fell down. But the belief in revenge still made him hold the epee in his hand.

So as the dried meat hit the juvenile's joint, the epee in the juvenile's hand suddenly lifted up.

Where did the one-eyed man who rushed to kill the young boy think of this young boy who had no energy at all? Still moving at the moment?

So this one-eyed man really had no defense before, and the epee stood. With a snap, he cut the teenager's belly.

The blood and intestines fell down.


Unbelievably looking at his belly, the one-eyed man fell down unwillingly. There was no breath on the spot.

"Thank you! Grace!"

Clenched his teeth, the teenager said solemnly.

"Master, do you want to bring him?"

Chiyou came to Li Mo's carriage and asked.

"You want to take the disciples?"

A satisfied voice came from Li Mo.

Chi You did, Li Mo was very satisfied.

If you have hatred, you must report it yourself. If everything depends on others, this character will not be able to support, nor suitable for admission.

So just now, Chiyou was also evaluating the young man's perseverance.


Chi You scratched her head and smiled. In front of Li Mo, no matter how mature Chiyou is now, he is always a child.

"What's your name?"

Li Mo was still sitting in the carriage, and asked the boy in the distance. The warm voice actually mobilized the aura. This aura slowly gathers on the teenager to help the teenager recover the aura and recuperate his injuries.

This remark can mobilize the spirit of heaven and earth, but it is much more shocking than Chi You's words that shattered the axe.

So the teenager did not dare to delay, and responded quickly and honestly

"Younger Zhou Liang."

"Zhou Liang, good name."

Li Mo in the carriage smiled and said.

"Chou also reported, where I want to go in the future."

Li Mo paused and continued to ask.

Hearing Li Mo's words, Zhou Liang's eyes flashed. Zhou Liang is not a fool, he hurriedly said

"The juniors want to learn from their teachers! Can the seniors accept the juniors as students?"

His own small tribe was destroyed by this bandit because of insufficient strength.

After suffering all these years, he barely entered the early stage of spiritual attraction. In this way, hope for revenge is hopeless.

If there are no big shots in front of you, help yourself to recover from the injury, and enter the midst of the Spiritual Realm. The repressed bandits can only fight one-on-one with one another. I am afraid that they will have no hope of revenge in this life.

So Zhou Liang knows the importance of strength, and Zhou Liang knows that these people are good people in front of him, and he is kind to himself. Why didn't you seize this opportunity and apprentice?

"Then go with us first. Chiyou, start."

Chi Mo's bland voice came from inside the car, and Chi You had to respond. A horse belly, leading the way.

Fat Ball, A Shui and others gave Zhou Liang a deep look. I had to follow the carriage next to the horse belly.

It's not that they are unwilling to take the **** Zhou Liang to sit on a horse with them, but they all know. Li Mo wanted to test Zhou Liang, so Zhou Liang was behind him.


He coughed heavily and looked at the back of the pedestrian. Zhou Liang's eyes showed a bit of tenacity, and then Zhou Liang endured the pain in his body. He gritted his teeth with his epee, and followed behind with difficulty.

Moving all the way, Zhou Liang, covered in blood, didn't even change his clothes.

And these are the two sentences Li Mo said before, which gathered a lot of aura and restored some of Zhou Liang's injuries. Otherwise, let's not let Zhou Liang follow the carriage now, just get up on the ground and struggle.

The men and women of this line are not weak.

Not to mention that Zhou Liang is injured now, even if he is not injured, Zhou Liang can't keep up with these horses and horses. So without Li Mo's speech, the disciples deliberately slowed down their speed.

"You are also true. You have tested this child just now. You have to test. He has such a serious injury. How long will you test him?"

In the carriage, Jin Qiao, who was 15 or 16 years old behind the carriage, always complained to Li Mo.

"He had perseverance before, for revenge. Now that revenge has been revenge, is he going to prepare for pleasure, or does he really have perseverance to practice hard?"

Li Mo shook his head and said. This is why Li Mo continues to assess Zhou Liang.

Then, Li Mo took a sip of fragrant tea on the wooden table. Turned a page of the Supreme Voluptuous Book in your hand, Youzai said leisurely

"Alas, I wanted to test this child for half a month. Since my wife has spoken, let him be evaluated for seven days."

"Three days?"

Jin Qiaoxin leaned into Li Mo's arms, extended three jade fingers to Li Mo, and smiled playfully.

"Six days!"

"Four days?"

"Five days..."

Li Mo is a little wanted to test Zhou Liang for half a month. As a result, because of his wife, who couldn't refuse, she changed the time from half a month to five days.

"Okay, just rest here."

Looking at the gentle place in the jungle, Li Mo's voice came from the carriage.


Chi You responded and waved her hand. A crowd of people were struggling to prepare for camp.

"Fat ball, you take the three younger brothers and four younger sisters to hunt. Li Lu, you go back and pick up some dried vegetables."

Chiyou took out a cauldron and some cutlery in the storage bag.

"Oh, I'm starving."

The fat ball patted the belly and said, then took A Shui and Li Wanxin to go hunting together.

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