Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 147: Quick

   "You spent so many points, just want to do this thing?"

  Yang Hongying jumped angrily.

  Li Mo holds a chain of red, green and black ‘chains’ in his hands, which he made from ‘meteorite’, ‘jade essence’ and ‘Ye Xiaolu’s resentment’.

   "What's the use of this broken chain? As far as you spend so many points? I'm sorry to listen to you now."

   Yang Hongying looked at Li Mo bitterly.

   She listened to Li Mo's words, sold Soulstone and bought Stygium. These days she has been unable to close her door to cultivate Stygium, but the result disappointed her. The Stygium has withered long ago, and there is no sign of life.

   "Styx is showing me."

  Yang Hongying took out Stygium and placed it in front of Li Mo.

   "This grass will be placed with me first."

   "Can you save it?"

"of course."

  Yang Hongying looked at her with joy, and asked, "How long will it take?"

   "The fastest is 80 years, and the latest will not exceed 200 years."

   The smile on Yang Hongying's face froze.

   "Is this a long time? It is already very fast. This Stygium has not been blooming and bearing fruit. It can be regarded as a fine plant. Only the longer the cultivation time, the higher the fruit production efficiency."

   "What are you kidding, eighty years and two hundred years? Even if you are a stranger, the lifespan is only one or two decades higher than the average person!"

   "80 years, how can I live that long!"

   Yang Hongying rolled his eyes in anger.

   "Your soul is not weak, as long as you understand the cultivation method, it should not be a problem to live for two or three hundred years."

   "Do you have a knife here?"

   "There is in the kitchen."

   Yang Hongying went straight to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?"

   "I'm going to kill you, my soul stone, how many years I have worked hard to get a piece, all blame you, let me use the soul stone for this broken thing!" Yang Hongying screamed.

   "The value of this Stygian grass is much better than that of a soul stone that can't even be considered as a level. How can you say that you are losing money if you make a big profit?"

  Yang Hongying stopped at the same place and shouted.

   "Do you mean you want this Stygium fruit as soon as possible?"


   "It is not impossible to do it as soon as possible, but in that way, the effect of the Stygium fruit produced is at most one-twentieth under normal circumstances."

   "One-twentieth? Even two-hundredths, I want to see the fruit now, you are a liar, a big liar."

   "Do you really want to eat now?"

  Li Mo picked up Styx.

   "Of course, I want to eat now, immediately, immediately!"

   "Wait a moment."

  Li Mo walked into the study room with Styx.

  Yang Hongying was sitting on the sofa, sulking.

  After half an hour, Li Mo came out of the study with sweat, holding one or two black fruits in his hand, and the green Stygium on the roots.

  Yang Hongying stood up in shock.

   "Two fruits, I leave one as a reward, Styx grass and Stygium fruit, take it."

"real or fake?"

  Yang Hongying took it in doubt, sniffed a few times, and her eyes suddenly shined. Although she had not seen Stygian Fruit, she only sniffed the fruit a few times, and her soul was thrilled.

  Yang Hongying ate Sing Heguo, just for a moment, and the soul power visible to the naked eye flows around the body surface.

   Soul power is revealed, this is only the third-level soul repairer can do, just a Stygian fruit, direct Yang Hongying from the second-level non-influent soul repairer, promoted to the third-level peak.

   Yang Hongying tried several times to condense and transform soul power, but unfortunately it was only a little bit less successful.

   Soul power transformation is the skill of the fourth-level soul repairer!

   Only one step away, only a little...

  Yang Hongying lost her soul.

   "You take the Stygium fruit, this weak Spirulina will have no effect on you, don't eat it again, so as not to waste."

   "If I eat after 80 years... Can I be promoted to a Level 4 soul repairer?" Yang Hongying trembled.

   "There should be no problem at the beginning of the fifth grade."

   Yang Hongying shuddered.

   "You... why didn't you tell me early? You... ah yeah, I'm a fool, oh yeah..."

   Yang Hongying shook his head again.

The higher the level of strength, the greater the gap. The first-level powerhouses can compete with the second-level powerhouses, but there is still the possibility of a battle. However, the difference between the second-level powerhouses and the third-level powerhouses is like an adult with weapons. A child who can just walk, and the strength gap is even more outrageous.

   The fifth-level powerhouses can hardly resist nuclear explosions, but the fourth-level powerhouses can only defend against bullets at most, and the non-critical parts, such as eyes, throat, and lower body, can't be defended.

   "How did you do it? Your strength is not as good as mine..."

   "It must be-that Horcrux!" Yang Hongying's eyes lit up.

   "You make a price... I didn't say it."

  Yang Hongying hadn't finished her words yet, so she waved her hand and joke, a Horcrux that can instantly upgrade a level, can it be measured with money?

   "It's really unreasonable, so good Horcrux, why did it fall on your hands, why not it's mine..."

   Li Mo suddenly said: "Do you really want that Horcrux?"

   "Hmm, as long as you put forward the conditions, as long as I can do it."

   "Replace it with your Heavenly Tea Tree from Yang Family."

   Yang Hongying's eyes lit up: "Really?"


   "Haha, okay, this is what you said, but no regrets are allowed."

   "Of course, I Li Mo must do what I say."

   "Good, but after all, after we exchange, how can I confirm the authenticity of the Horcrux?"

   "You can continue to find Styx, cultivate yourself, if not, there is no need to trade."

   Li Mo doesn't have a Horcrux at all, but for him, it is not difficult to get Yang Hongying a Horcrux that can cultivate'Spirulina'.

   "Well, you are waiting I will go back now to get the Tiandao tea tree, you must not regret it."

   "Never regret it."

   "Hahaha, good."

  Yang Hongying hurried away.

   "Does the Yang family have more than one Tiandao tea tree?"

  Yang Hongying agreed to be too refreshing, which made Li Mo feel a little unbelievable.

  In terms of value, a hundred fully-grown Stygrum fruits are also inferior to a Tiandao tea tree.

  Ye Xiaolu's upper body is wearing a cute little girl with exposed navel, and her lower body is denim shorts, eating an apple in her hand and walking out of the study.

   "Just now that woman's character is too bad, take care of what she did, and I would have chased her away for me."

  Li Mo glanced at her: "Tsing Yi's body, you'd better use less."

   "Why? I used it well. You know how long I haven't eaten. This taste is really good."

   "Are you really a big star?"


   "Is the big star export swearing?"

   "Famous, even if I curse in public, they just say that I have a personality."

  Ye Xiaolu gave Li Mo a white glance, tilted Erlang's legs, took a grape from the fruit tray on the coffee table, contained it in his mouth, and was intoxicated.

   "Oh, why did you ask me to use Tsing Yi's body less? Is there any sequelae?"

   "The more your soul fits this body, the more repulsive it is to Tsing Yi. Did you notice that the little girl has been feeling down these days?"

   Ye Xiaolu was startled, and looked at Li Mo with surprise: "I didn't expect that you would care about people."

  Li Mo put away the ‘chain’ and was about to return to the study when his cell phone rang.

   was called by Du Fei.

   "Mo brother, a new round of internal testing, started!"

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