Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1469: The Stormy Poisonous State

Perhaps the original generation of poisonous ancestors did not want to make a living, facing the siege of the world. A generation of ancestors chose to lead the drug sect disciples to hide. Otherwise, it is not difficult for the generation of ancestors to understand the way of the poison road and want to poison the powerful of several states, causing a sensational slaughter.

"Although I have only seen one side with your juniors, the ancestors have a hunch. The Supreme Voldemort is handed over to you, unyielding..."

With a deep glance at Li Mo, the body of the poisonous ancestor gradually disappeared.

It was just that when he dispersed, a generation of poisonous ancestors looked at Li Mo's face, still full of smiles.

He has been waiting here for so many years, but it can be regarded as a satisfied generation of poisonous sect.

"Whenever you remember, be kind to the poison sect..."

This is the last voice of a generation of poisonous ancestors, and the voice fell. The figure of the first generation of poisonous ancestors suddenly dissipated a glare, while the supreme devotion in the hands of the first generation of poisonous ancestors fell into Li Mo's hands.

And this is not over, only to see the generation of poison ancestors consciousness dissipated. It turned into pure aura and struck Li Mo.

Faced with this pure aura, Li Mo did not show the slightest panic.

Because Li Mo can feel it, there is no malice in this pure aura. This is a gift from a generation of poisonous ancestors. Presumably, a generation of poisonous ancestors also wanted to better protect themselves from the poison sect, so they dissipated their remaining consciousness. Turn it into aura and help Li Mo break through.

"A generation of poison ancestors please rest assured, the juniors will go out this time. Just help the poison sect to unite and let the poison sect end the fragmentation!"

Let's say that the former poison sect had no uniformity, and what did Li Mo have to do with it.

But now I have received such a great kindness from a generation of poisonous ancestors, and a generation of poisonous ancestors has changed Li Mo's perception of poisonous tracts. Therefore, Li Mo will certainly protect the drug sect in the future, and of course he must help them move towards a stronger path, so reunification is inevitable.

As if hearing Li Mo's pledge, the aura fell on Li Mo's body.

The aura of a generation of poisonous ancestors was so pure that after falling on Li Mo's body, he directly drilled into Li Mo's skin pores and entered the body.

Then, the spirit of a generation of poisonous ancestor and Li Mo's spirit gradually merged into one.

It is as if a roll of waterfall fell between the rivers and rivers, the momentum is huge and unmatched.

Li Mo felt suddenly hot and flushed.


Just listened to Li Mo shouting, palms on his chest, and sat straight down.

I saw that Li Mo opened his lips together, silently remembering the formula of heaven and earth.

The aura of a generation of poisonous ancestors who were agitated in his body was suddenly suppressed by the heaven and earth creation tactics.

Moreover, Li Mo uses the tactics of heaven and earth to drive the aura in his body and pours into his abdomen.

I saw Li Mo's flesh, aura rolled. The mysterious rune appeared again, as if protecting Li Mo's body.

And Li Mo's breath is gradually rising.

While Li Mo was cultivating in the secret realm, he did not realize that the poisonous state of the outside world was already storming.

In the dark night, a small pond lay quietly in front of us.

Because of the poisonous relationship, the hazy moonlight spilled down to the pond. Although the moonlight is not complete, it adds a different kind of beauty to this pond.

A middle-aged man dressed in a white shirt and an extraordinary weapon stands upright. Standing quietly by the pond as if waiting for something.


The grass swayed, and there were light footsteps.


The white shirt man asked without looking back when he heard footsteps.

If Li Mo wants to see this man here at this moment, he will definitely recognize it.

Who is this man who is Bai Jin from the Baiwu Duzong? But now even under the moonlight, Bai Jin's face is still pale, very unsightly.

It seems that during the daytime, Bai Jin and Li Mo let Li Mo's panacea clean up, and the injury hasn't been resolved yet.

"Sneaky so late to call us, what's the matter?"

An unpleasant female voice came, and then two figures came out of the grass behind Bai Jin.

To these two people, it looks like a beauty and a beast.

That woman is naturally the wind and frost of the Wind Blade Poison Sect. The beast, though it is a human race, has a body similar to Wu Sandu of an ape.

Right now, except for Wu Huatian of the Purple Feather Poison Sect. The ancestors of the remaining three cases have gathered here.


Hearing Feng Shuang's sarcasm, Bai Jin's face didn't even show the slightest displeasure. Only Bai Jinyin laughed and slowly turned his head to laugh

"Our identity is tossed by Li Mo like this. Don't the two want to avenge? Brother Wu? I heard that the brother is on the way back. The dozens of you who will be angry with you Disciple Zongmen, all of them were poisoned."

Which of the Zongmen disciples who can be selected by Wu Sandu is not an elite disciple of Zongmen who has a higher talent on the poison road.

Presumably Wu Sandu also loved these juniors before they could bring them around. But this does not prevent him from getting angry and poisoning them.

"Those stinky guys, they don't know how to flatter! It's okay to die or to be clean. As for what you said, you don't want to take revenge? Huh! Lao Tzu can't wait to tear that Li Mo alive now! Poison ancestors may have been refined by the poison ancestors of a generation of poison ancestors. We just want to take revenge, what else can we do?"

Wu Sandu snorted again and said angrily. But he was the ancestor of the dazzling Dayan Poison Sect. When was he wronged?

However, they really don't know that Li Mo has entered the secret realm of a generation of poisonous and that Li Mo had already been killed by a generation of poisonous ancestors with a divine power.

After all, a generation of poison ancestors is a myth in their poison sect, so these people believe what kind of ability a generation of poison ancestors have.

"Ji Jie, although Li Mo is dead. But did he not say that he joined the Purple Feather Poison Sect. Isn't the Purple Feather Poison Sect still there?"

Bai Jin sneered, with a killing intention in his eyes.

They used to be wary of each other.

So it is difficult to join forces to destroy another sect. After all, when you join forces, you should also guard against allies inserting a knife in your back. This makes them unable to exert much strength even if they join forces.

In addition, there are a lot of details in each sect, so it is impossible to extinguish it under the hood.

And now, because of Li Mo's things. Zi Yu Du Zong seemed to have made a lot of anger, so at this time, Bai Jin wrestled with the thought of binding their three forces together.

"Destroy the Purple Feather Poison Sect?"

Listening to Bai Jin's words, Wu Sandu couldn't help smiling, showing a bloodthirsty appearance. Being able to kill Wu Huatian and exterminate the Purple Feather Poison Sect can indeed calm down his anger. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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