Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1456: Barbecue nightmare


The dark blood splashed out, but before it fell on Li Mo's body, he was purified by the power of origin.

The vitality on the centipede body suddenly dissipated, and even the screams were not issued, and he died.

Solved the centipede essence, Li Mo found out the inner centane of the centipede essence again and took it down.

Looking at the centipede corpse on the ground, Li Mo had a painful look.

This fairyland is a poisonous centipede, all of which are treasures.

But this guy was so big and he couldn't fit the storage bag. It's too much trouble to rush on the road with this huge body.

"Tsing Ma, you see what is needed, come and get it. The rest, in the future, notify Wu Huatian to send someone to carry it, which can be regarded as a benefit to him."

Put the inner centane of centipede essence into the storage bag, Li Mo shouted to the king of green horse.

Hearing Li Mo's words, King Qingma was delighted.

This is the monster with the poisonous nature of the Great Constellation of Heavenly Wonderland. He is full of treasures. Just a drop of essence blood may possibly poison the ordinary early powerhouses in the fairyland.

Therefore, Tsing Ma King is also not polite, stepped forward to collect all the precious blood such as centipede essence, heart and so on. Qingma Wang can ignore that, only he can't take it to Wu Huatian.

In the end, Tsing Ma Wang did not wait until the Tsing Ma Wang's storage bag could not hold any good things. Holding Li Mo in the direction of the coming, hurried to the direction of Zi Yu Du Zong.

Under the night sky, coupled with the unique poisonous gang of the poisonous state. So even if you are wearing a golden light, the Tsing Ma King is very cautious.

By the time he came to the cottage of Purple Feather Poison Sect again, it was already dawn.

This time, the people of the Purple Plume Poison Sect experienced the previous lesson, and did not mobilize Li Moxing.

After all, even their ancestors are not opponents of Li Mo.

So Li Mo was directly introduced to the house of their ancestor, Wu Huatian, by the disciples of the Purple Feather Poison Sect.

The door was wide open, and some roasted barbecue smell came.

Wu Huatian is having breakfast, it should be the simple barbecue left last night.

Looking at the barbecue, Li Mozhi felt that the green horse king beside him seemed to be shaking.

I saw a pair of bronze bell eyes of the Qingmawang staring at the barbecue in Wu Huatian's hands. The horse belly grunted, as if to spit out. Obviously, one day later, the Tsing Ma King was still worried.

Patting the silent Tsing Ma Wang, Li Mo took a step forward. Speaking to Wu Huatian, "Brother Wu, Centipede Ridge and the corpse of the centipede essence. If it is still useful to our Purple Feather Poison Sect, Brother Wu will send someone to get it back."

Upon hearing Li Mo's words, Wu Huatian's eyes lit up. Looking at Li Mo's eyes, with a trace of admiration.

Wu Huatian Yan could not understand the centipede essence of the centipede. He tried to collect it as a pet several times, but Wu Huatian knew how well that guy could run.

But it was Wu Huatian, who had prepared me carefully for several times and could not deal with it. It was easily won by Li Mo who had just arrived in Duzhou. Wu Huatian Yan can not admire.

This body of poisonous non-invasion is really powerful.

"Ma Hao! Take someone, and bring back the centipede corpse of Centipede Ridge!"

Knowing that the poison of Centipede Ridge is not simple, Wu Huatian directly arranged for the patriarch of their purple feather poison sect to go.


Ma Hao responded and took a deep look at Li Mo before taking him out.

Ma Hao Yan could not understand the difficulty of the centipede, so after hearing that Li Mo had killed the centipede, Ma Hao felt a little palpitated.

Of course, after the palpitations, there are some luck. Ma Hao is a little thankful now, fortunate that Li Mo did not kill him yesterday.

"Brother, don't know what I asked you to prepare yesterday?"

After Ma Hao left, Li Mo and Wu Huatian spoke familiarly. In that way, it seems that they are really brothers.

"Yes, yes, yesterday after my brother left. The brother ordered someone to prepare, and he had already prepared it for him."

It may be that Ping Bai got the benefit of the centipede corpse, Wu Huatian was much more enthusiastic about Li Mo.

Immediately, Wu Huatian saw a wave of palms, and a group of highly toxic herbs and some bottles and jars appeared in front of Li Mo.

Inside these bottles and jars are also some small poisons such as centipedes, scorpions and lizards. It’s just that they don’t need to cultivate it, and it’s not comparable to the centipede essence in the heavenly wonderland.

"Well, I'm still bothering my brother to help me prepare a quiet place of retreat. I'm ready to refine the panacea."

While talking, Li Mo put away these herbs and bottles and cans.

"That's easy to say, brother come with me."

Wu Huatian said politely, but just took a step. Wu Huatian stopped and asked Li Mo with a smile

"By the way, did your brother eat? Have you eaten here?"


Upon hearing Wu Huatian's words, Li Mo was really a black As for the uncompromising Tsing Ma Wang, it turned into a green smoke and flew back to Li Mo's pet bag.

"Eat, eat. The time is tight and the task is heavy. Brother should take me to the closed place."

Li Mo responded with an awkward smile.

"Okay, brother, I'll order someone to prepare."

With that said, Wu Huatian arranged his disciples. Prepared a room for Li Mo to be'good'.

It's a good room, but it's just the simple houses wrapped in animal skins.

The furnishings in the room are very shabby. Compared with other houses of Ziyu Poison Sect, it can resist wind and resist rain at best. But it's still the best house for their Purple Feather Poison Sect.

Such a house, since Li Mo left Nanjiang County a few years ago. After following Menglin to the Jiuli Tribe in the 100,000 Mountains, he has never lived in such a humble house.

When I think of a strong **** like Wu Huatian who still leans on such a house, the house where ordinary disciples in Ziyu Poison Sect live is even more rudimentary. Li Mo has a sympathy for this Purple Feather Poison Sect, such a Purple Feather Poison Sect. As long as the mentality is not so hopeless, Li Mo is still willing to help.

"You step back, without my consent. No one can come in."

Li Mo waved his hand and said to the two disciples of the Purple Plume Guardian at the door.

"Yes, little ancestor!"

The two disciples of Purple Feather Poison Sect bowed and walked out cautiously.

Obviously Wu Huatian had explained before, and now Li Mo and his relationship. Since they call Wu Huatian the ancestor, there is nothing wrong with calling Li Mo the little ancestor.

Li Mo closed the door, and he was not assured. Immediately, the staff of origin in the storage bag was taken out, and a burst of golden light appeared above the staff of origin.

The figure of the origin of the Spirit Tool appears above.

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