Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1452: 1 Qi Wandudan

"Let me join your Purple Feather Poison Sect, but it's okay to accept as an apprentice. I can also help you to compare with the other three poisonous Sects, but I hope. Brother said to me today, it's not in kidding me!"

With that, Li Mo looked at Wu Huatian brightly.

I do not know why, I pretend to be used to the big winds and waves. Counting for a lifetime, otherwise it can not create Wu Huatian of Purple Feather Poison Sect. Under Li Mo's bright eyes, he felt a little nervous in his heart.

For a moment, Wu Huatian grinned.

"Where is this brother talking about, the brother absolutely did not deceive the brother!"

Li Mo's strength and mindfulness made Wu Huatian not dare to underestimate.

"Hahaha! That's the best!"

Noting Wu Huatian's gaze, he was not lying. Li Mo immediately closed his bright eyes and laughed.


Wu Huatian also laughed with Li Mo, and raised a wine glass to Li Mo.


White smoke rose and the toxin in the cup was removed. Li Mo and Wu Huatian drank the wine.

"Since the younger brother has decided to join our Purple Feather Poison Sect, then the elder brother will tell his brother about our comparison of the poisonous sect."

Putting down the glass, Wu Huatian leaned forward and said.

"There are two kinds of competitions for the poison sect. One is the competition for the poison squad. It is similar to the normal battle, but the exercises are all the poison sects that we have practiced. Of course, the people of the poison sect are trapped in the poison state. For many years. Apart from poisoning, there will be no other exercises."

"There is another one, the one who uses the drug is superb. This one also has a much higher mortality rate than the previous one. Generally, the strong people who participate in the test prepare a poison and give it to the other party. Then they solved it. The poison configured by the opponent in his own body. The younger brother has the ability to be innocent of the poison. Choosing this one is of course the easiest. However, the difficulty is that the younger brother will not be poisoned. We can’t win."

"If I were to participate in the competition, would it be the ancestors of the other three drug sects who would compete with me?"

Li Mo nodded and continued to ask.

"This is of course, the younger brother is also the cultivation of the gods. The following disciples and younger brothers compare, the old guys are not stupid, of course, they will not agree." Wu Huatian laughed.

"Then choose the second one. I'll have a little more with the drug. I still have trouble to prepare some things for me."

With that, Li Mo waved his palm. A piece of paper appeared on the desktop, Li Mo wrote a few times and wrote a medicinal material.

Although Li Mo has not been exposed to poisonous Dao, he has read one or two copies of the poisonous Dao when he collected exercises in his previous life. Although he has not practiced, he has seen the production process of one or two poisons.

Isn't it simple that the exercises collected by Li Mo in the previous life? So Li Mo felt that it should not be difficult for him to win the competition.

Wu Huatian took one, counted it, and couldn't help but show a look of surprise.

Wu Huatian then asked Li Mo, "Is the younger brother sure that he needs so many things?"

Du Dao Li Mo doesn't understand, but can Wu Hua Tianyan, the ancestor of the Purple Feather Poison Sect, not understand?

It stands to reason that when refining common poisons, it is good to have seven or eight kinds of medicines and poisons.

There are more than ten kinds of poisons, and more than twenty kinds are also extraordinary.

It is the most advanced poison that Wu Huatian, the ancestor of the Purple Feather Sect, has used only 30 kinds of things.

However, Li Mo gave Wu Huatian a list of seven, seven, forty-nine herbs and poisons.

Need so many things, can ordinary poisons need? But this level of poison, let alone Wu Huatian, even if Wu Huatian's Master is alive, it can't be refined.

So Wu Hua genius asked Li Mo uncertainly, really need so many things?

Li Mo didn't know what Wu Huatian thought, but thought that the list he made was too hard for Wu Huatian to find. So Li Mo couldn't help frowning and asked

"How? Brother has some difficulty collecting these things?"

"No, no. Don't hide my brother, we have no other poisonous state. But this poisonous poisonous grass and scorpion are still some of them. Just need these things really a lot, so the brother is a little curious. What poison is made?"

Wu Huatian smiled awkwardly and asked curiously about Li Mo.

"A panacea, I don't know if he has heard of it."

Li Mo grinned and said that this panacea was robbed in the hands of a master of the poison road in Li Mo's previous life.

But at the beginning, Li Mo just opened it up at random, if it weren't for Li Mo who had the unforgettable Ming Soul. I believe Li Mo may not remember it now.

"A panacea? Never heard of it."

Wu Huatian shook his head awkwardly, Wu Huatian was in this poisonous state all his life. Not to mention the things in the universe~ Now I just take things from several other states except the poisonous state, Wu Huatian still does not know.

But he was an ancestor of the Taoist sect, and he had a poison that he had never heard of. So Wu Huatian suddenly felt hot, really shameful! It can also make a newcomer who doesn't know the poison road compare.

Wu Huatian immediately changed the subject and eased the embarrassed laugh

"But it can be seen that this poison must be extraordinary! If it can be refined, it is not difficult to win those three old guys."

To be honest, Wu Huatian now has some belief that Li Mo can refine this panacea.

In Wu Huatian's mind, it is estimated that Li Mo had just heard of this evil panacea. A boy who hasn't even touched the poisonous road, how can he make this level of immortality?

"By the way, I don’t know where there are poisonous monsters cultivated above Heavenly Wonderland in the poisonous state. For this elixir, a monster of the poisonous property of Heavenly Wonderland is also needed as a drug introduction."

While Wu Huatian was meditating, Li Mo continued to speak.


Hearing Li Mo's words, Wu Huatian suddenly took a breath.

Who can meet the big demon in the fairyland. It is not enough to cherish them as spiritual pets. Who can kill them in such an atmosphere, and take Neidan only as a drug primer?

And the poisonous celestial fairy demon is the spiritual pet that these poison sect dream of.

"Brother, is it difficult?"

Seeing Wu Huatian did not speak for a long time, Li Mo asked puzzled.

"Uh... No. There may be no poisonous celestial monsters in you, but the monsters here in the poisonous state are all poisonous, otherwise they will not survive."

Wu Huatian smiled awkwardly, thinking for a moment. Wu Huatian continued to ask Li Mo

"Listening to my brother, the strength of the monster is as strong as possible?"

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