Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1449: Sheng Wu Huatian

We must know that these vegetations on the ground grow in this poisonous state all year round. They also have toxins in their bodies, so the people from the Purple Plume Toxic Sect had so much toxins that they did not poison them.

But at the moment under the poison of Qianji Purple Feather, the vegetation within a few miles is wilting and dying!


The harsh noise became more and more fierce, and the origin of Li Mo's body was quickly disappeared again!


Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Mo's heart suddenly meditation.

As Li Mo's voice fell, Li Mo's storage bag suddenly showed a dazzling light. The origin of the spirit of the rod of origin is also shot!

This light directly penetrated the poison spread around, protecting Li Mo!

At the moment, Li Mo is like a **** of war descending from the sky! The sacred golden light outside the body is so inviolable!

And the purple Changhong opposite Li Mo was suddenly annihilated by this golden light!


The purple Changhong was broken, and Wu Huatian's mouth suddenly shed a burst of blood.

"How is it possible? How can it fail!"

Wu Huatian, who had great confidence in the purple feather poison of the Purple Plume Poison Sect, shook his head constantly and dared not put in a channel.

In fact, it is not that his thousand-machine purple feather poison is weak, but it is just that this thousand-machine purple feather poison accidentally encountered the power of origin. Under the purifying effect of the power of origin, all poisons will be wiped out in smoke!

"Impossible! Thousand Machine Purple Feather Poison will not fail!"

Then, a harsh look appeared in Wu Huatian's eyes.

Then Wu Huatian attacked Li Mo while fanning the purple feather fan.

Even along the way, the purple light became stronger. Sweep everything in the direction of Li Mo!


And Li Mo shouted here. Like a **** of war, Li Mo, with a bright golden light, went straight to Wu Huatian.


I saw that the more intense the purple light seemed to see the nemesis, let it be strong. When you see Jinguang again, you will be completely consumed by Jinguang!

Without the blocking of Qianji Purple Feather Poison, Li Mo directly killed Wu Huatian.

The feather fan in Wu Huatian's hand is also a holy weapon, so Wu Huatian's hand holding the feather fan to Li Mo is a hack.

However, Wu Huatian has no use in poisoning, and his practice is even lower than that of Li Mo. So at this moment, where is Wu Huatian's opponent?

I saw Li Mo recruiting a star sword, and Qiang blocked the attack of the feather fan in Wu Huatian's hands.

Then I saw the star sword in Li Mo's hand spin again, under great strength. Wu Huatian suffered from pain for a while, and the fan in his hand flew out suddenly.

This Wu Huatianqiang's is just a poison, no poison. His flesh and spirit are not in the top class, and he can't cross the border to fight Li Mo anymore.

Moreover, Li Mo is also a strong player who often crosses the border. So how can Wu Huatian be Li Mo together.


The long sword hissed, and the bright sword light flashed in front of Wu Huatian. The sharp tip of the sword stopped in front of Wu Huatian's throat.

Now as long as Li Mo sends him forward, the sword tip is bound to pierce Wu Huatian's throat.


Looking at Wu Huatian, Li Mo sneered.

Wu Motian's previous plans, Li Moyan could not know. It's just that Wu Huatian didn't offend himself, and he couldn't commit himself to kill him.

Moreover, Li Mo really needs the help of Wu Huatian in this unfamiliar drug state.

"Study, learn. to the end."

The sweaty Wu Huatian smiled awkwardly, and then Wu Huatian yelled at the crowd of purple feather poisonous disciples around him.

"From now on, the little friend will be a guest of our Purple Feather Poison Sect! When you meet the little friend, you have to respect them as much as you saw my ancestor!"

Wu Huatian just moved to kill Li Mo just now, but at the moment he is a bit of a friend. This made Li Mo's heart contempt for a while.


"Strictly follow the ancestor's law."


All the disciples of Ziyu Poetry Sect responded with their bows. A few of the disciples of Ziyu Poetry Sect looked into Li Mo's eyes with hatred. It was not a hate against Li Mo, but a hate against outsiders.

Of course, more of Li Mo's eyes looked respectful.

The Kyushu continent is respected by the strong, even if they have been hiding in the poisonous state for thousands of years, the disciples of the Purple Feather Poison Sect.

Seeing Wu Huatian's movements, Li Mo grinned and put away the star sword.

Of course, Li Mo is not afraid of what Wu Huatian is doing.

They can do it only by poisoning. The poison is really useless for Li Mo.

"Do you have a poisonous way?"

At this moment, Wu Huatian looked at Li Mo hotly and asked excitedly.

Previously, Wu Huatian thought Li Mo had the ability to solve some common poisons, but now it seems. Even his own thousand machine purple feather poison is not good for him, and he has not seen any other means by this kid.

So Wu Huatian suddenly felt that this foreign kid was afraid of the kind of physique.

Looking at the frivolous eyes, he looked up and down at Li Mo's body, and looked at Li Mo for a while.

This old guy, won't it be good?

"What are you doing?"

Li Mo got goose asked, taking a step back carefully.

"The highest realm our poison sect pursues is that one hundred poisons do not invade. There are two kinds of hundred poisons that do not invade. One is innate, just like the ancestor who founded our poison ancestry 10,000 years ago. This species is acquired. It is our innate ability to cultivate poison, the goal pursued in our lives."

Constantly looking at Li Mo, Wu Huatian explained.

"In fact, even people who are innately poisonless are not common. In these years, only three people have been recorded in the history of the poison sect. They are all the existence of our gods."

Wu Huatian did not conceal Li Mo and went on.

In this way, people who are inherently poisonous and invade can try various poisons in person. More experience than trying to catch poisonous insects or something.

The main thing is that these people have congenital roots in the poison road, so they can all walk far in the poison road.

"What do you want to say?"

Having said so much, can Li Moyan know that Wu Huatian must say something to Li Mo.

"This... little friend, please come with me."

After letting Li Mo beat, Wu Huatian was very polite to Li Mo. What you call yourself is no longer an "old man".

"it is good."

Li Mo smiled and took a big step with Wu Huatian and walked towards the cottage.

As soon as they entered the cottage of their purple feather poison sect, Li Mo finally knew why the people of the poison sect hated outsiders so much.

The entire interior of the cottage is even shabby than Li Mo's outside.

There were some women in the Purple Plume Poison Sect cooking and watching their meals. It's all green vegetables, of course, that kind of poisonous vegetables.

However, the poison sect has toxins in his body, so he is poisoned with poison. It can also dissolve these poisonous vegetables and treat them as food.

As for the meat, Li Mo walked around and didn't see it.

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