Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1446: Copycat

"the host……"

This scene scared Tsing Ma King's face pale.

After all, the Tsing Ma King, who was born and raised in the land of Kyushu, can't know how powerful the poison in this poisonous state is.

I am not the poisonous scorpion, the poisonous snake who is good at poisonous road. So even if you now have cultivation practices in Heavenly Wonderland, there is a place where you are inadvertently invaded by toxins and you have to die without a burial place.

"No problem."

But what responded to the Tsing Ma King was just Li Mo's understatement.

Sure enough, with Li Mo's voice falling. The golden light of the Qingmawang's body suddenly flourished. At the moment, the Qingmawang looks like a golden golden horse. Where is the green horse.

The power of origin was so powerful that the toxin wrapped around the leg of the Tsing Ma King was suddenly forced out of the body and burned to ashes.


The toxin forced him out of the body, and the King of Green Horses couldn't help but spit out a long murmur, a sense of the rest of his life.

"I just heard that this poisonous state is not easy to enter. The attack here can only be filled by human life. I didn't think so, but now it seems. Even if it is filled with human life, there are no big demon who know the poisonous way. You can't attack if you sit down."

Qingma Wang murmured a word, and walked cautiously to the depths of the jungle.

Only this time, Tsing Ma Wang was much cautious. These things in the grass can be touched as little as possible without touching them.


At this moment, the jungle was surging. I saw a strip of only a slap-sized young creature with a snake-like shape stretching towards Li Mo and Tsing Ma.

They all had a crazy color in their eyes, and the snake letter turned out to be a dark color.

"Hei Ba Snake! This is the existence that even the powerful in Heavenly Wonderland can be poisoned! It has long been extinct outside!"

Seeing the slices of the black bar snake, the Tsing Ma King couldn't help but say horror.

Although he is also a powerhouse in the fairyland, even the body is not much larger than these black snakes.

But in the face of so many poisonous black snakes, even the Tsing Ma King has some scalp tingling.

"Go forward."

Li Mo patted the horse back of the Tsing Ma, and motioned the Tsing Ma to speak a little bit restlessly.

In fact, if there is no Li Mo. At this moment, the King of Tsing Ma has already ran away, breaking the poisonous state! Who is willing to enter, who will not enter? This is fate! !

But now, Li Mo is his master. With the spirit beast contract, Li Mo can kill the Qingma King with one thought.

Secondly, the King of Tsing Ma is now more convinced of Li Mo. I believe in Li Mo's strength even more, so I thought about it. The King of Green Horse couldn't help but follow Li Mo's words and walked forward daringly.

But along the way, Tsing Ma Wang couldn't help but close his eyes. There is even more silence in his mouth, "Don't bite me, don't bite me. Don't bite me..."

The same as the demon clan, the Tsing Ma King certainly knows how strong these black snakes are.

Their repair may not be as good as the Green Horse King, but with so many black snakes coming together, the toxin is really enough to poison the Green Horse King.

"Puff puff……"

The green horse king with his eyes closed walked forward with his scalp hard, and there was a continuous voice in his ear.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't feel any pain. Qingma Wang couldn't help but open his eyes and looked forward.

In this regard, the scene in front of him made the Tsing Ma King unforgettable.

I saw the dark black snakes, and all of them hit at the moment. Everything is blocked by the golden lights of Li Mo and Qing Ma Wang.

However, this is not over yet, only to see those golden lights. All the black snakes that encountered the golden light turned into a dark blood mist and died on the spot.

"Hahaha! You dare to offend the majesty of your grandma Grandma?

Watching the black snakes die, the Tsing Ma King suddenly became awe-inspiring, and mocked the black snakes that still collided.

I don't know if it was irritated by the Tsing Ma King, or if these black snakes were really intrepid.

Anyway, even if so many companions died, there were still a lot of black snakes rushing towards Li Mo and Tsing Ma King.

At this moment, the eyes of these black snakes are only Li Mo and Qingma Wang. They have to drink the blood of this horse, which makes them forget their life and death.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Mo shook his head and said to himself

"Tiandao is really fair, giving this group of black snakes unparalleled snake venom. But it did not give them too high spiritual wisdom..."

Finally, through this forest. The black snake that attacked like raindrops finally disappeared.

At the end of the forest, it turned out to be an old tribal cottage.

The cottage covers a very large area, and it should look like a medium-sized cottage with 20,000 or 30,000 people.

How can a tribe of this size get outside, it is also the five poison tribe, tribe alliance such specifications.

But the cottage here is a dilapidated scene. Even most of them are simple houses made of trees and hay. If it rains, there is no difference between inside and outside.

Li Mo's current vision easily passed through layers of poisonous fog to see the scene inside the tribe.

There are indeed a few'good' houses in the middle of the tribe. However, these ‘better’ houses are all made of animal skins.

With this kind of construction, small tribes with thousands of people outside can have these buildings, OK?

The cottage of tens of thousands of people living in this environment is indeed a bit shabby.


"This is... an outsider!"

"There are outsiders!"

While Li Mo was looking at this tribe, the tribe relied on the people on the simple observation deck built by two big trees to discover Li Mo.

As for their discovery that Li Mo recognized Li Mo as an outsider at first glance, it was also very simple.

Because the people here are all dressed in hides. The face is even more colorful, colorful, and should have toxins.

And Li Mo here, clean, with good silk clothes. So I recognized at a glance that Li Mo was from outside.

The people of the poison sect were driven into the area by the forces of several outside states. If it were not for the natural barrier of the poisonous state, their ancestors might have died in battle.

So this is a feud, not because of it. A group of poisonous sect found foreigners, and the tribe's cottage gate opened wide.


"Beheading outsiders..."

For a time, all over the place was the shouting to Li Mo.

There are even a lot of people who are far away from the old, and they shoot a colorful arrow rain at Li Mo.

Don't look at these splendid arrows, it looks so beautiful after breaking through the sky. However, Li Mo can feel that these arrows are poisonous!

If you let them into the body, I am afraid it is not a good thing.

However, most of these people's cultivation practices are in Jindan and Yuanying. So how could they want to hurt Li Mo?

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