Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1444: Build heaven

Hearing Li Mo's words, all the people inside and outside the hall were excited. Everyone was boiling, and then the excited people looked at Li Mo's direction again, and worshipped

"Thank you, sir!"

"All of you please."

Li Mo's palm showed a burst of aura, and he lifted the crowd inside and outside the hall. Immediately asked

"Since we want to form a force, I don't know what force you want to form?"

"Ben Wang looks, it would be better to learn from that ancestor. Since you want to form forces, then the name is domineering. How about calling it to heaven?"

Tianshan Snow King looked at everyone, and said with pride.

"Okay! That's called Heaven Court!"

"Yes, the ancestral ancestors shouldn't be the word Emperor Tiandi. But Master Li Mo can certainly afford the word Emperor Tiandi!"

"I wait to see Emperor Li Tiandi!"


However, Li Mo was not allowed to say anything, the strong inside and outside the hall burst into excitement. Immediately, regardless of age, gender, and status. Even the Tianshan Snow King followed, kneeling on one knee in the direction of Li Mo.

In fact, they were also afraid that the time would be dragged on for too long, when Li Mo ruined by regret.

Anyway, now we kneel and kneel, screaming. Do you want to repent, sorry?

"You... the name of the emperor. I am ashamed."

Li Mo looked at the people worshiping in all directions, and he was helpless to himself.

Of course, Li Mo knew how prosperous the ancient heavenly court once was, and he knew how powerful the ancient heavenly emperor was.

So Rao Li Mo did not expect that he would have such a day as a self-proclaimed emperor in the future.

"That's it! The only great force in our Kyushu in the future is the Heavenly Court! All forces will join the Heavenly Court and bow to the Heavenly Court to die, and then die. As for the Heavenly Palace, we still listen to the Heavenly Emperor's arrangement."

The great forces have come into being, and Li Mo is already the strongest among millions. Lord of the world! Therefore, the Snow King of Tianshan can't treat Li Mo as carelessly as before.

"Just settle in the Zhongzhou Plain, where the aura is strong. It is suitable for the place where the palace is located, and the construction of the temple is troublesome to everyone. Although the silver armor is driven away, the matter is not finished. The silver armor is backed by the top ten in the universe One of the races, the Golden Armor and the Silver Armor, will fail. Maybe the Golden Armor will be called in. So from tomorrow on, I am going to use Kyushu as the position to set up a killing position."

"This method needs to communicate Kyushu's high-level spirit veins and the top-level spirit veins, and even some high-level spirit veins and top-quality spirit veins. So hope you don't be stingy."

Li Mo told everyone that this was Li Mo's previous plan.

"Emperor Heaven is polite, from now on we will all be members of Heavenly Court. It is our responsibility to share our worries for Heavenly Court. It is our duty to put together the things of Lingshi."

The Longying tribe ancestor bowed and smiled.

Outside the palace, a group of powerful people shouted excitedly

"Strictly obey the decree of the emperor!"

Obviously, everyone is still very excited about Li Mo's first law after he became emperor.

What's more, Li Mo has placed such a big situation for the benefit of everyone. Everyone, of course, read Li Mo's kindness...

Kyushu drove away the Yinjia tribe, and it was abandoned.

But a piece of news swept the land of Kyushu again! Make the earth of Kyushu tremble again! But this time trembling was because of the excitement of the people of Kyushu, trembling with cheers.

That is the news that Li Mo established the Heavenly Court and became Li Tiandi!

Unlike Guzu, Li Mo has too much reputation and connections in Kyushu. After all, how many races in the world are missing Li Mo's kindness?

Moreover, the establishment of the ancestral puppet heaven was against everyone's wishes. So how many people died under the **** storm of Guzu?

The establishment of Li Motianting conforms to the people's will. Everyone is actively preparing, this is the right way!

Eventually, Tianshan Snow King and others released news. The Tiangong Temple is planned to be built on the grassland of Zhongzhou, and the skilled craftsmen of all forces are mobilized.

Even the small forces at the bottom have sent a lot of people to help.

Although the clan of these small forces can't be compared with those skilled craftsmen of the big forces, but they also have the strength to do some rough work.

When Kyushu was booming, Li Mo had left the Tianshan Mountain with the superb spirit stones and high-grade spirit stones sent by the major forces last night.

At the first stop of Li Mo, he came to the Tianshan Mountains, where the silver soul clan found the best spiritual vein. Not far from Tianshan.

Li Mo stood in the air and looked down. He could see that half of the mountain had been lighted up.

Inside, it turned out to be white!

Among the stones inside, just knock on the next one and take it out, all of which are the existence of middle-level spirit stones.

What is the Need for Spiritual Vein? That is the depth of the spirit, which is the existence of the best spirit stone. Therefore, the inside of this spiritual vein can be simple.

"I really didn't expect that your kid would kill nine days. The nine days would need nine formations, and eventually the nine formations would be connected with one formation. It is simple, but these nine formations, every A formation is not simple, and it is very difficult to connect them together. Even the ancient heaven court had a record of killing the formation in nine days, but apart from the ancient heaven emperor and a few emperors, few really could be cultivated. "

In my mind ~ ~ came the sound of the sigh of the origin of the staff of origin.

Obviously, the formation that Li Mo is going to lay out is that the origin of the scepter of the scepter above the top is very impressive.

"It’s been a long time, and this nine-day kill formation. There are very high requirements for the geographical location and the amount of aura that the formation can absorb. Even if these top-grade spirit veins can meet their requirements for aura. But in the end, their geographic location , Can you integrate them together in a burst. It is still an unknown."

Li Mo grinned and was not arrogant.

In my mind, there gradually emerged a scene in which I had a chance to kill in nine days. That **** battle sensationalized the entire universe.

In that battle, even the life of the quasi-emperor seemed to have fallen as if he were not paying for it.

Of course, Li Mo's strength was there in the previous life. Now Li Mo's strength, even with nine days to fight, can't fight like the previous life.

Without further ado, Li Mo flew straight down. Then I saw Li Mo's palms covered with smart runes and shot down.


Although Li Mo does not rely on the power of the rod of origin now, he still stays at the peak of the mid-day gods.

But how powerful is Li Mo's fighting strength and his strong physical body?

However, in the face of Li Mo's fist, the whole mountain just shivered.

For a while, the sandstone flew and the mountain tip was beaten again by Li Mo. But the interior of the mountain is intact. The tyranny of the Needling Spirit Vessel can be seen.

The sand and stone flew away, and within the mountain, a spirit of white smoke gradually rose.

"Aura is really mellow."

Looking at this scene, Li Mo grinned.

Immediately, Li Mo flew around, throwing high-level spirit stones from time to time. Break into the soil with your own aura, as a flag.

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