Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1442: Detoxification

"Tianshan Snow King is poisoned by the patriarch. The patriarch's storage bag has an antidote..." The old woman introduced to Li Mo with a trembling voice.

Without saying anything, Li Mo took out Yin Yunfeng's storage bag and turned it over. The old lady's eyes also stared closely at Yin Yunfeng's storage bag to help Li Mo find an antidote.

"This! This is this."

When Li Mo picked up a small green bottle in his hand, the old lady's eyes lit up and she hurriedly shouted.


Li Mo wrinkled and immediately opened the bottle in his hand.

Suddenly, an unpleasant smell rose to the sky. The smell was sour and sour, which made Li Mo frown.

"Are you sure this is the antidote?"

Don't look at Li Mo is still good at alchemy, but for poison and detoxification. Li Mo knew nothing, so he asked the old lady.

"Yes, it is this. As long as he gives the Tianshan Snow King his clothes, he can wake up."

The old lady nodded and answered.

"Okay, I'll give him this. But if something goes wrong, you have to pay for it."

Li Mo gave the old lady a hard look and said.

Then, Li Mo no longer delayed. I saw that Li Mo was afraid of running away from the old lady, holding the old lady in one hand and the green jade bottle in the other, her figure slowly flew up.

Coming to the mouth of Tianshan Snow King, Li Mo poured the antidote in the jade bottle into the mouth of Tianshan Snow King.

Although Li Mo didn't know how to use poison, Li Mo knew. Tian Shan Xuewang is so big that he wants to poison him. I am afraid that the poison used is dozens of times that of others.

Therefore, it is still the same as the antidote for detoxification. There is less antidote, but it doesn't work.


At the entrance of the antidote, an unpleasant sound came from the body of the Snow King of Tianshan.

Li Mo looked at Tianshan Xuewang's body and saw that Tianshan Xuewang's pores overflowed with dark liquid.

Again, this dark liquid is equally unpleasant.

"This poison is made by our patriarch. The strong man of the Great Realm of the King Realm accidentally hit this poison, and he also has to make a move. But now the toxins in the Tianshan Snow King's body are forced out of the body. I believe it will wake up soon. Now."

Looking at the changes in Tianshan Snow King, the old lady hurriedly explained. Afraid of Li Mo’s misunderstanding, the old lady hurriedly explained to Li Mo.

Li Mo didn't respond, but his eyes kept staring at Tianshan Snow King.

The relationship between Li Mo and Tianshan Snow King, plus this Tianshan Snow King is also to protect the major forces of Kyushu. Only give them time to let them enter the secret realm, it will be in trouble. Therefore, Li Mo is certainly not willing to have an accident with Tianshan Snow King.

Sure enough, more and more toxins overflowed from the pores of Tianshan Snow King. Tianshan Snow King changed in front of him, showing a white light.

Then, the huge body of Tianshan Snow King dispersed. A sleepy humanoid old man appeared in the hall, unable to move.

The old man's skin is full of thick black liquid. Even from time to time, an unpleasant smell spread out throughout the empty palace.

However, Li Mo can feel that the vitality of Tianshan Snow King is gradually recovering. I believe that giving Tianshan Snow King some time will wake up.

Now fainted, just because too much aura was absorbed by others before. Coupled with injuries and toxins on the body, it is difficult to wake up for a while.

"Adult, I..."

Looking at the toxins in Tianshan Snow King, the old woman asked quickly.

The old lady now really wants to leave Li Mo's palm immediately, and at the same time she feels a little scared in her heart. Afraid that Li Mo’s words and unbelief, wouldn’t she die?

"Relax, I said let you go, you will let go."

After all, Li Mo let go. He waved his hand to the silver-class clan elders. "With your cultivation behavior, you can't die from this injury. Go back and tell your ancestor about the situation here, and tell him by the way. Kyushu's hatred, I will ask him back. Yes. Let your ancestor wash your neck and wait for me to arrive."

Li Mo knows that the silver armor can be famous in the universe. Of course, there is a prospective emperor sitting in town!

In the previous life, Li Mo did not fight against the quasi-Emperor of the Yinjia tribe.

Just don't know if the silver ancestors of the quasi-imperial ancestors of this life are enough to fight against themselves?

Thinking of conquering the starry sky in the past life, Li Mo's eyes showed a chill.

The old lady of the Yinjia tribe does not know where the cold in Li Mo's eyes came from, but the cold actually made the old lady's body tremble.

Even though she was a strong man in the mid-term of King Realm, she felt a sense of coldness in front of Li Mo's amazing chill.

Then the old lady hurriedly answered "Yes!"

The voice fell, and the old lady hurriedly flew outside the hall. After flying out of the hall, the old lady jumped up quickly and flew directly to the sky.

Now, the old lady has no memory of these Kyushu. Even in the mind of the old woman, this Kyushu is hell, and she has to fly out of this hell. At the same time, tell them about the silver ancestors here. The silver ancestors killed so many powerful people at once.

This is also a Thunder news for the Silver Aristocrats. Even the old lady can guess their ancestor's anger.

After releasing the old woman, Li Mo picked up the Tianshan Snow King and flew towards Tianshan.

The Dragon Eagle tribe ancestors have long been here.

After such a long time, the injuries of the Dragon Eagle tribe's ancestors were also better, and they were finally able to act.

"Tianshan Snow King?"

Seeing the snow king of Tianshan in Li Mo and Li Mo's arms, the ancestor of the Longying tribe hurriedly asked.

"It's okay, the Tianshan Snow King is just too weak now. After a period of rearing, he will wake up."

Li Mo said aloud, then walked to his palace holding the Snow King of Tianshan.

The palace was empty, and even a layer of dust could be seen. Obviously, no one has cleaned up for how long here.

After Li Tian put the Snow King of Tianshan in his throne, he took out the Elixir in the storage bag one after another to restore the weak body for the Snow King of Tianshan.

"Li Mo Xiaoyou, the matter of Kyushu is resolved now. I should go back to Binzhou and bring our Dragon Eagle tribe out of the secret realm."

The Longying tribe ancestor followed Li Mo and smiled.

Solved the problem of the silver armor, the dragon eagle ancestor dare to feel a while relaxed.

"Okay, here is the Snow King of Tianshan. I'll take care of it. It's a senior. The senior is injured. So when you go back to Binzhou, remember to be more careful."

Li Mo turned to look at the Dragon Eagle clan ancestor, his face dignified.

"Hahaha, rest assured, my life is hard! The silver armor family failed to kill my life. Who can kill my life in Kyushu?"

Solved the problems of the silver armor, the eagle ancestors of the dragon and eagle family also relaxed a lot. Just listening to the Longying tribe ancestor laughing and joking with Li Mo, he went out.


I saw that the dragon and eagle clan that had walked out of the palace stretched out their wings, turned into the body, and flew in the direction of Binzhou. Only the dragon eagle ancestors in this state are the fastest.

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