Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1438: question

The scorching sun was empty, but the cool Yunzhou in Kyushu was the busiest at the moment.

Because the Snow King of the Tianshan Mountains and the ancestors of the Dragon Eagle Clan were the silver armor clan leaders who led the strong to contend here.

Although the battle was fierce, all the mountains except Tianshan were destroyed.

However, the triumphant silver armor tribe occupied the magpie nest here, occupying the Tianshan of the Tianshan snowman tribe.

This was the Tianshan Snow King who sent all the people of the Tianshan Yeti into the secret realm. Otherwise, the Tianshan Yeti might be wiped out by the Silver Armor.

And there are really too few houses on Tianshan, and the few houses are not exquisite.

Therefore, the strong members of the silver armor clawed many low-level human races or demon as slaves, and built a palace for them on the Tianshan Mountain.

These bottom human races and little demon have no background. There is no chance to enter the secret realm of the larger forces, so you can only work hard for the silver armor clan, and then you can barely live.

"Hurry up!"

"What are you doing! You can't finish today's work, no one should eat!"


In mid-air, several strong members of the silver clan armed with leather whips, patrolling the project below. Sometimes they scolded and waved their whips towards the human races or demon.


Finally, a young man with a thin figure carrying a huge stone on his back could not keep on lying on the ground. A large mouth coughed up blood, and the boulder on his back rolled down.

"Dare to be lazy! Find death!"

However, in the face of this human race young man lying on the ground, a silver armor clan was pulled by a violent whip.


Suddenly, the young man's skin was flicked.

In addition, his body was at the end of a strong twist, and in the face of this whip, he fainted directly.

Although the young man fainted, he did not hinder the falling speed of the silver armor strong whip.

Just listening to the crackling sounds, which is the rhythm to kill this young human race.

But for the scene in front of them, the slaves around did not dare to stop it. Even they can't help but speed up their work.

They are really scared, one is not good. It's them who pull the leather whip.

For those young people who were going to be killed, they could only sigh in their hearts.

Obviously, these months. For the brutality of these outsiders, these low-level slaves have long been commonplace.

They don’t even know it. How many days or months can they live? As for a few years, it is something that I dare not think about.

"Do you treat the people of Kyushu like this?"

But today, there are few doubts. It's just that this questioning sound is a little cold and even angry.

"Huh? Looking for death!"

I have been here for nearly half a year as a hero and a blessing, and no one dares to question myself. How dare anyone question yourself today? How can the silver clan tribe agree?

Immediately he took the whip, and the long whip in his hand was behind him, the direction from which the voice came. I took it without looking at it.

He doesn't need to know who dares to offend him, he just needs to know. Those who offend him will be corpses next second.


However, after a burst of air, the silver A tribe did not hear the familiar sound of skin cracking.

Even he could clearly feel that the long whip in his hand stopped!


The Yinjia tribe people have some doubts, and the tribes of the Kyushu forces have escaped into the secret realm. The bottom demon or human races they grasped have limited cultivation. So in the past half a month, let alone those who dare to do it with oneself, even those who dare to offend him.

So today, how can anyone have the strength to block their whip?

Thinking of this, the Yinjia tribe turned around and looked back.

I saw a young man in a white shirt, carrying a **** old man, standing in front of himself.

This young man, the Yinjia people did not know. This silver A clan is also not qualified to see his portrait, but can the old man in the young man's hand carry this silver a clan?

Wasn't this old man the old man who led the Kyushu strong to fight back when their silver armor came to Kyushu?

Knowing that the young man in front of him may not be easy to deal with, the silver A tribe will no longer be entrusted. The Yinjia tribe put **** into their mouths, and suddenly a long whistle blew in their mouths.


"Enemies! There are enemies..."

The sound of the long whistle suddenly made the entire Tianshan chaotic, and people from all sides of the silver armor came in the direction of the long whistle.

Hearing the movements around, Li Yin's opposite Yinjia tribe looked at Li Mo proudly. Laugh

"You're done! The despicable race dared to offend our silver armor clan. Lao Tzu will peel your skin alive. Let these people see..."

With that said, the Yinjia tribe pointed to the slaves around them. Proudly speaking

"This is the end that offended our silver armor!"

As he said, Skyrim gathered no less than twenty figures. They are all the strong members of the silver clan, and their cultivation practices of the heavenly wonderland are all the same.

Feeling the suffocating coercion in the sky, all the slaves below had their heads down and trembling. The strength of the other party made it difficult for them even to resist.

"Is everyone here?"

Li Mo finally said the second sentence when he came here. The calm expression made the people of the silver tribes on the opposite side stunned.

What's wrong? The reason why you didn’t do it was to give me time to call our people?

The Yinjia tribe hadn't waited to open his mouth yet, Li Mo continued to speak, "If it's all here, you can die."

The voice fell, Li Mo's star sword in his hand.


An excited sword sound came, the stars were shining!

Immediately Li Mo turned around, and the sword walked between the dragons, and the long sword lined up with the people of the Silver A tribe in the sky.

The creatures in the sky and underground only felt a flower in front of them, and an amazing blade came out!

Jianguang took a little bit of stars, the stars were shining brightly, and pressed upward into the sky!

In the midair, a group of strong silver clan strongmen, as if facing Li Mo's amazing sword, seemed like a fool.

In fact, Li Mo’s coercion on the blade of the sword made it impossible for these silver armor clan strongmen who were only in Heavenly Wonderland to move. So that these silver A tribes can't even escape.


Seeing the blades getting closer and closer to them, a group of silver armor clan could not help howling.

Then, just listen to a few pops. A group of silver A strong people were cut off waist waist! All over the sky is the **** stump.

As soon as Li Mo shot, he killed so many silver armor clan strongmen, so that the creatures below couldn't help but shudder.

Among them, the most terrifying performance is that of Li Yin, who is opposite to Li Mo, who was invincible before.

He never imagined that no one dared to question himself for half a year. This one dares to stand up and question himself, is such a strong existence? Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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