Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1413: Li Mo appeared


A thick voice came, and then the whole underwater world seemed to be silent, and all the voices stopped abruptly.

"No screams? Also, where is Long Hao's opponent of the old turtle. Alas, it's a pity..."

A group of high-level aquarists murmured to themselves, but waited until they opened their eyes. One by one, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide, unable to say a word.

It turned out that the one sandwiched between Guicheng Prime Minister and Long Hao was actually a human race youth!

The young man of this race was dressed in a white shirt and was thin.

But it was the slender arm that seemed to stop the fist of the tortoise, who was a bit difficult for the dragon king!

"It's you?"

Seeing Li Mo, Gui Chengxiang was surprised and asked in amazement.

When I thought of seeing Li Mo last time, Li Mo's cultivation base was also perfect in Heaven.

Such strength is in the mind of Prime Minister Guicheng. It's not as good as the Long Hao in Wonderland that day, after all, there are also the bodies of the Jiaolong tribe.

Besides, they also have a father who is a great king of the realm of God, and he has something to save his life.

And what can you have as a human kid?

But it was this humanoid kid who had never made himself worthy, but at the moment he took his punch lightly?

Although I did not exert my full strength with this punch, it is not something that you humanoid kid can take?

"You really hid your strength!"

Some cannot understand Li Mo's strength, and Prime Minister Gui Cheng couldn't help but grind his teeth.

The prime minister, of course, doesn't know that Li Mo's current cultivation practice is no longer the perfection of the fairyland. It was the early days of Tenjin Realm, plus the staff of origin to enhance Li Mo's combat power.

Therefore, Prime Minister Gui Cheng could not understand Li Mo's cultivation behavior and combat strength.

"Brother Li Mo..."

Seeing Li Mo, Long Hao's eyes lit up.

Long Hao once had hope for Li Mo and did not admit that Li Mo was the thief who stole the Dragon Ball.

But this month when Li Mo disappeared, even his birth planet was fake. So Long Hao was a little shaken, and now Mr. Guicheng appeared.

Some puzzles have been solved, it is really not the dragon ball Li Mo stole.

So when I saw Li Mo, Long Hao was a little guilty and whispered


Upon hearing Long Hao's apology, Li Mo was shocked for a while.

Li Mo retired for a month and didn't know anything. So it is not clear why Long Hao apologized.

"You are a human friend from the universe?"

At this time, the Dragon King also spoke to Li Mo. But the voice is quite polite.

No way, this time. It is only this kind of weak human who can't help but be able to contend with the tortoise, the King of Dragons must be polite.

"Senior needs no politeness, just call me Li Mo."

With Long Hao's relationship, Li Mo nodded to the Dragon King and responded.

"Boy, there is nothing about you here. Leave quickly and spare you!"

It seems that Li Mo is a little strange, so the Prime Minister Gui Cheng took a step back and scolded Li Mo cautiously.

Too lazy to talk to Guicheng more, Li Mo turned to look at the silver-white Jiaolong Longhao, who was all wounded. Asked

"Brother Long Hao, what's going on?"


Long Hao sighed and told Li Mo about the whole story.

Even though things were not related to Li Mo, when he heard the tortoise, he even splashed all the dirty water on himself. Long Hao even suffered because of his own hardship, Li Moqi's appearance of clenching his teeth.

"Laozi's name is cheating on this aquarium, you are fine! Very good!"

When the voice fell, Li Mo held the rod of origin and killed the tortoise.

The two sounds are very good, it has proved that Li Mo is very angry!

Anyway, now Li Mo stepping into the heavenly realm, and then using the energy of the source of the source to improve his cultivation, it will not cause any load on the source of the source.

And Li Mo found another piece of origin previously, so the energy of the staff of origin has added a lot. This time, Li Mo, without any hesitation, directly used the power of the rod of origin!


The Staff of Origins burst into the air with a burst of sound, slashing the water and smashing it towards the tortoise.

The tortoise king who has been shrinking in the sea of ​​starfish of course does not know the rod of origin. Watching Li Mo, a humanoid kid, dare to take the lead in killing himself.

Turtle Prime Minister's fist turned around and coaxed to Li Mo with all his might.

Although Li Mo blocked the punch of the tortoise before, but in the eyes of the tortoise.

The punch that I had before was just a punch from my hands, and I didn't have half of my strength. If you want to take it, of course it is not difficult.

And this punch of his own has gathered all his strength, and this humanoid kid will certainly not be able to take it.

But soon, Prime Minister Kame regretted it.

With only a click, the sound of the bones shattered from the tortoise of the tortoise. Yin Hong's blood flowed slowly.

Turtle Prime Minister's defense is strong, but the most powerful is his turtle shell. The flesh is only stronger than the flesh of other demon races, unlike the defense of the turtle shell.

Coupled with the fact that Li Mo on the opposite side used the rod of origin, so Prime Minister Gui Cheng was wounded directly.


The pain from the arm caused the tortoise to grin, and then the tortoise said nothing more. Limbs retracted into their shells again.

The rumbling sound exploded in Li Mo's ears, and I saw that the tortoise shell like a star was killing in the direction of Li Mo.

Even though Li Mo hasn't touched the turtle shell yet, he can still feel the heavy power on the turtle shell.

So Li Mo's figure flashed, and the turtle shell's attack opened.

The turtle shell swept across the door of Li Mo's face, and even the strong wind felt a bit hot.

"Come again!"

Unable to hit, the turtle shell turned its direction and killed again.

But don't look at this thick turtle shell as the main body of the tortoise, but where does flexibility remember Li Mo?

So the tortoise shell kept hitting Li Mo's direction, but he couldn't catch Li Mo's figure at all.

"Cunning human race! Will you just hide?"

The sound of torture of the tortoise came from the turtle shell.

"Human cunning? Not as cunning as your tens of thousands of kings. How much years have you been bearing humiliation?"

While avoiding the tortoise of the tortoise, Li Mo ridiculed with fun.

"Aren't you fighting me? That's good! I killed Long Hao!"

The prime minister is not that silver daylight A blunt pursuit of a war against Li Mo.

Since Li Mo shouldn't fight, Gui Chengxiang suddenly thought of other things.

Immediately, I saw that the turtle's shell turned around and rushed in the direction of Long Hao.

Although Prime Minister Guicheng is not good at speed, the speed of other people's King Realm is still abusing Long Hao.

"Damn, no good!"

Seeing Gui Cheng's actions, Li Mo scolded.

Immediately Li Mo stopped evading and rushed towards the tortoise.

The tortoise shell of the tortoise, it is not easy for the Dragon King to want to take over, not to mention Long Hao, a perfect fairyland.

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