Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1399: Wealthy dragon

"This is the palace my father gave me."

Pointing to his palace, Long Hao introduced Li Mo with a smile.

Approaching the palace, two crabs will be here.

After seeing Long Hao, the two crabs knelt on one knee.

"Your Highness!"


Long Hao responded and entered the palace with Li Mo.

The interior of the palace is also magnificent, surrounded by a few blue columns supporting the palace.

Above, dotted with high-order spirit stones illuminate the whole palace.

"So many high-order spirit stones? Is the inventory of a **** and demon family in Kyushu these high-order spirit stones? This is the dragon family that rules a planet. It is indeed rich."

Looking at the high-level spirit stones around him, Li Mo murmured.

Then, Li Mo looked around the palace.

Suddenly, Li Mo stared at a mirror with wide eyes.

The mirror was gleaming with gold, even with a trace of energy fluctuations.

Li Mo is certainly not familiar with this energy. It is the power of origin!

It seems that the interior of this mirror is the space formed by the debris of origin, which is also the purpose of Li Mo's trip.

But although the origin fragment is near, Li Mo, who has many years of experience. He held his breath and showed nothing unusual.

Noting that Li Mo's eyes were always on the golden mirror, Long Hao couldn't help asking

"Brother Li Mo also saw the extraordinaryness of this mirror?"

"Oh? What's so special about this mirror?"

Li Mo asked pretending not to understand.

On the issue of this mirror, Long Hao did not intend to hide. Just patted Li Mo's shoulder and said

"We drink and talk."

Having said that, Long Hao stepped up the stairs and sat down on the throne of the palace. Li Mo was sitting below, with a small table in front of him.


Clapping his palms, two beautiful women came outside the palace.

The two women, Li Mo saw their identity at a glance. It is the jellyfish jellyfish.

"Go and prepare some wine and food. Your Highness and friends drink some wine."

Long Hao said suicide to the two jellyfish women below.

It can be seen that Long Hao is very easy-going with his subordinates.

As for his elder brother and his subordinates, Long Hao was not rude.

"Yes, Your Highness. Do you need Sage?"

A senior woman asked Long Hao.

Long Hao did not respond, but looked at Li Mo. Asked

"Will you call a few singers?"

"Cough, let's forget it. Let's talk, it's good."

Li Mo responded awkwardly. Regarding singing and dancing to help or whatever, Li Mo now has no such elegance.

"Okay, let's drink and chat."

Long Hao responded, immediately waved his hands, and the two maids went down.

Without waiting for a long time, several maids came with plates and wine.

The things on the plate are some rare fruits from the outside world.

Li Mo can clearly feel on these fruits that they all have sufficient aura.

It seems that if you eat these fruits for a long time, for monks, it also has the effect of prolonging life. The Jiaolong tribe is really good.

After pouring himself a glass of wine, Long Hao made a gesture to Li Mo.

Li Mo smiled and toasted with Long Hao.

Fine wine is made from fruit, with a hint of sweetness at the entrance. Li Mo likes it very much, and you can see it. Long Hao also likes this wine.

"What did Brother Li Mo see in this mirror?"

Putting down the glass and taking a bite, Long Hao could not wait to ask Li Mo.

Li Mo frowned and responded after thinking about it.

"If I guess right, is it a space inside?"

The Jiaolong tribe is not an ordinary race. What is so extraordinary about this mirror? They can also see it at a glance.

Therefore, Li Mo knew that he could not tell lies, otherwise, he would surely provoke Long Hao's disgust.

However, the matter of the power of the origin and the staff of the origin is very involved, Li Mo can only say nothing.

Li Mo only said a little, but it made Long Hao's eyes shine.

Immediately Long Hao nodded to Li Mo and applauded, "Brother Li Mo has good eyesight."

"There is indeed a mysterious space inside the mirror. To be honest, when the Father King gave me this mirror, I didn't see it. If the Father King didn't tell me, there is a secret inside. I am I won't see it at all."

"Oh? Since there is a secret in it, did the Longhao Brothers send someone in?"

Li Mo also asked, pretending to be somewhat surprised. As if I was lucky enough to guess.

As for whether Long Hao entered or not, Li Mo was still clear.

If Long Hao really arrives at the treasure of this time and space crack, then this mirror will also disappear.

And now this mirror is in front of my eyes, so it seems that Long Hao failed to take out the origin fragments.

"Hi, don't mention it. To be honest, it has been more than a hundred years since this mirror was moved to my palace. But until now, I don't know anything in this mirror."

Hearing Li Mo's doubts, Long Hao waved a little speechlessly.

With that said, Long Hao drank another glass of fruit wine.

"Don't the Longhao brothers still get in?"

Li Mo frowned and asked. Every crack in time and space is a little bit the same, but a little bit different. So Li Mo is not sure, what kind of spatiotemporal crack is this spatiotemporal crack at the moment.

"It would be nice if I could go in. The space inside the mirror can be entered if it is not powerful, otherwise I would have asked Father Wang to go."

Long Hao murmured helplessly

"This mirror restricts cultivation. Only monks who are below the Jindan realm can enter. To be honest, I have sent many Jindan realm monks in these years. But no one has come alive."

Listening to Long Hao's words, Li Mo's eyes tightened.

Now, Li Mo finally knows what kind of space-time crack this is.

There must be a microcosm of a period of time inside, and some of them are not weak. Therefore, only the strong men who Long Hao photographed in came out.

Looking at Li Mo's silence, Long Hao asked curiously.

"Brother Li Mo is so knowledgeable, is there a way to get in?"

"Even the old dragon king has no way to get in, and I have no way."

Li Mo shook his head and smiled.

But as for the way to enter this crack of time and space ~ ~ Li Mo really has it.

It is to use the rod of origin to communicate with this fragment of origin and force open a door to enter it.

But this requires Li Mo to show the rod of origin. Where can Li Mo tell Long Hao?

"Yes, even my father Wang can't get this mirror. Brother Li Mo is just good at seeing and knowing, and what can he do. It's my abruptness."

Long Hao shook his head and smiled. I believe in Li Mo's words.


At this moment, a crab general who had been guarding the gate of the palace before. He hurried into the hall and shouted to Long Hao on one knee. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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