Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1394: Amami star

This has also made the Jiuli tribe too few top powerhouses in recent years, so now Jiuli tribe has returned 100,000 mountains, and Li Mo must of course grab resources for Jiuli tribe.

Moreover, Li Mo may be leaving the Jiuli tribe in the future. If these things are not arranged well, Li Mo can't rest assured.

As for the Zhongzhou Plain, it is well known. The most prosperous area in Kyushu is Zhongzhou.

This can be seen from the land of Zhongzhou, which can feed the Guzu, the Nightmare, the Swallow Sky Python Clan and the Red Flame Rat Clan. Zhongzhou is indeed rich.

The most prosperous area in Zhongzhou is the Zhongzhou Plain, where all the four forces before were staring at it.

This can be seen from the formation of the formation of the underground spiritual veins of the Zhongzhou Plain, which can contend with an attack by the three God King Realm Powerhouses. The spiritual vein below the Zhongzhou Plain is truly rich.

If it weren’t for the pseudo-celestial court established by the ancestral ancestors, it would indeed be huge. It is estimated that this Zhongzhou Plain, but now there is no force to occupy.

"Okay, I know. Although our Jiuli tribe is not close to the boundary of the Zhongzhou Plain, we can "borrow" from the swallowing clan and the red flame rat clan."

Listening to Li Mo's words, Feng Yuwei's eyes flashed and said leisurely.

The word daodao is very heavy, saying it is borrowing. It is believed that after the Jiuli tribe has obtained the Zhongzhou Plain, these two races will send the two races to Zhongzhou and 100,000 mountains to get a place.

Of course, Feng Mowei understands Li Mo. So Li Mo smiled and said

"There is work."

After all, Li Mo went out...

Just when Kyushu in the world was paying attention to the Zhongzhou Plain, the Jiuli tribe, led by Dongfang Yibai, sent 10,000 elites to occupy the Zhongzhou Plain.

Although it is not enough to say that this 10,000 elite is true, these are just forms.

After all, if the strong of any forces dare to deal with this 10,000 elite, what is waiting for them will be the anger of Ji Li Li Gong Gong Li Mo.

This ten thousand elite ‘borrowed’ the territories of the Red Flame Rat Race and the Swallow Sky Python Race respectively.

The remaining tribes of these two tribes were frightened and shivering. They thought Li Moyan was untrustworthy and sent troops to suppress them.

Although it is only 10,000 people of the Jiuli tribe, it is still not a battle between the red flame rat clan and the swallowing king python clan.

Eventually, I learned that the Jiuli tribe took the road to Zhongzhou Plain.

The newly elected high-ranking members of the two races have given away large areas of land leading to the Zhongzhou Plain.

Since you want to occupy the Zhongzhou Plain, you have to walk with us every day.

This occasional borrowing once or twice can make us frightened. Whoever can bear this borrowing every day. So the two tribes simply gave up the land.

Anyway, the strength of their two families can no longer hold the land.

Now every move of the Jiuli tribe affects the general trend of the world, so I learned that the Jiuli tribe is ready to go out of the 100,000 mountains. All the forces in the world sent strong men to the Jiuli tribe to prepare to meet the grandfather Li Mo of the Jiuli tribe.

But they did not know that Li Mo at the moment. Already left the world Kyushu, went to the starfish that day.

Without cosmic coordinates, it cannot be teleported. So Li Mo had to fly in the direction of the sky starfish in the universe and fly all the way.

"Fortunately, this day the starfish is not far away, or if the cultivation of this wonderland does not have a flight on the left side of the universe. It really has to fly for a few years..."

While flying, Li Mo murmured to himself.

Li Mo has never been to Sky Star, but when Li Mo was chased and killed by others in the previous life. However, several important stars in the universe have been remembered in the mind by the soul.

Fortunately, the star field where Kyushu is located is such a zone...

According to the boundless flight, even though he knew where the sky star was, Li Mo still spent half a year.

This is still the peak of Li Motian's late fairyland, coupled with Li Mo's speed, in order to arrive in half a year. If riding the Tsing Ma King, Li Mo will only take longer to reach Sky Star.

However, within half a year, Li Mo's cultivation practice finally broke through to the heavenly perfection.

It's only one step away from the gods that day.

But Li Mo knew that if there was no chance. In simple cultivation, Li Mo still can't enter the Heaven and God Realm without a year or two.

There is a crisis of the silver armor clan at present, so Li Mo will not allow himself to spend so long to enter the gods.

In a year or two, Li Mo can't afford it.

If you let other powerful players in Tianxian Realm know what Li Mo is thinking, you might be spitting blood.

Abandoned in a year or two?

The powerhouse of the fairyland has a life span of two thousand years! For them a year or two, it is really a matter of retreat.

And some of the powerhouses in Heavenly Wonderland, who have been stuck in Heavenly Wonderland in their lifetime, have no chance to enter Heavenly God Realm.

If you give them a chance, they will be happy for a hundred years and thousands of years. As a result, Li Mo has been abandoned for two years.

Let's talk about Li Mo, Li Mo stands in the sky and looks at the sky starfish.

It was a blue planet, and the whole planet had no land. Standing in the universe and looking at the whole planet, the whole planet is white and blue, and the blue is white, which is really beautiful.

"The entire planet is dominated by strong sea clan, just don't know if there are dragons in it."

Looking at the planet below, Li Mo muttered to himself.

Li Mo knows that among those strong aquarium races, the king of them is the real dragon.

But that was how many years ago, Li Mo had never seen the aquarium led by the Dragon King for so many years.

"Origin, can you feel the general orientation of the origin fragment?"

Li Mo asked about the origin of the spirit of the staff of origin in the storage bag.

"Yes, come with the old man."

The sound of origin came from the storage bag. In Kyushu, the staff of origin can feel the existence of fragments of origin, how far apart is it?

Now we have come to the planet where the origin fragment is located, and of course the origin can be felt even more.

"it is good."

Li Mo grinned, and flew down to enter Sky Starfish with a cry.

It has to be said that the origin of the instrumental spirit with this rod of origin lies. Li Mo's search for origin fragments is really too convenient.

"Fly here..."

The origin's figure appeared beside Li Mo, guiding Li Mo to fly in one direction.

Below Li Mo is the vast sea.

Looking at the tumbling waves, even Li Mo was still some distance away from the sea. But every time the tide rises, Li Mo can ask about the existence of a sea of ​​odor.

The origin guided Li Mo to fly on the blue sea for half a before flying back to Li Mo's storage bag. Said in an aged tone

"It should be within a thousand miles of this neighborhood, you look for it."

I don’t know what the strength of this planet is, so the origin doesn’t dare to show up easily. Li Mo caused a fatal trouble.

"it is good."

Li Mo responded and looked around.

In the vast sea, besides seeing several fish jumping out of the water from time to time, where can Li Mo see the origin of the debris.

However, Li Mo could clearly feel that a lot of eyes were focused on himself at this moment. No need to guess, it must be a strong aquarium on this planet. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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