Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1389: Manjuzu falls

"How did you escape? Did you fall into the late stage of God King Realm?"

Looking at Yin Day's movements, Li Mo grinned.

But then, Li Mo also turned around and hurriedly chased in the direction of Yin Day.

There is also a time limit for the deprivation of the second punch of heaven, earth and boxing.

After this time, Yin's cultivation practice during the day will still be restored to the realm of the God Realm. When Li Mo wanted to deal with Yin Daytime again, it was difficult.


The sounds of breaking through the sky pierced the sky, and Silver wanted to escape during the day.

But Li Mo was not far away from controlling them before, and where can the speed of Yin during the day match Li Mo?

In a moment, Yin's body during the day again fled back to the pseudo heavenly court, when the ancestral ancestor saw Yin during the day. With a happy face, he muttered to himself

"Stinky boy, you could still live for a while. But you have to seek death to make this silver cheaper for you during the day. It's just that I have no trouble..."

As soon as the voice fell, the Zu Zu suddenly widened his eyes and said in horror.


Before, the ancestral ancestor only saw the figure of Yin Daytime, and thought that Yin Day solved Li Mo and hurried back.

But now, Zuzu saw Li Mo's figure behind Yin Tianhui again!

Not only was Li Mo not resolved, but was he chasing Yin throughout the day?

How is it possible that the middle of the God Realm and the God Realm are fully consummated, shouldn't the gap be a heavenly existence?

The nervous Zongzu didn't know how to understand it, then Yin rushed towards the Zuzou during the day.

Looking at Yin Daytime's eyes, the ancestral ancestor's expression changed.

"not good!"

The voice fell and the Guzu wanted to escape to the rear.

However, the ancestral ancestors themselves are not good at speed. Secondly, the ancestors themselves are seriously injured. Where can they go faster than the silver day?

So the ancestors of the ancestors took their steps, and Yin rushed to the front of the ancestors during the day.

"What are you doing!"

The angry ancestral ancestor shouted, and the palm of his hand was about to coax away from Yin Tianxia's body.

"Ji Jie, borrow your life!"

Let's just say, Yin Tian's palm directly grabbed the ancestors of Gu Zu.

The Guzu, who is good at the physical strength, did not even resist, and was directly caught by Yin Daytime!

When there is no injury to Guzu, they are not opponents of Silver Daytime. What's more, the ancestors are now seriously injured?

So after subduing the ancestor, Yin directly laid the ancestor in front of him during the day. Actually want to use Guzu as a human shield!

The crickets are already physically strong, not to mention the crow ancestors of the **** realm?

So Yin Tianming knew that he couldn't escape, but he wanted to stop Li Mo's fist with the order of Gu Zu.

The ancestral ancestors who had leaned back against the silver daytime had lost their ability to act, this time. The ancestral ancestor noticed the glaring fist on Li Mo's arm. This fist, with heavy pressure, continued to enlarge in front of the ancestor.

"No... want..."

Guzu shook his head and shouted, his eyes filled with horror.

It is difficult for Guzu to think that a kid in the early stage of God Realm could actually launch this level of offense?

Now the ancestral ancestors are full of regret. Of course, the ancestors did not regret that he calculated so many people in his life and killed so many people.

Guzu regretted why he didn't find Li Mo earlier. Calculate Li Mo earlier, kill him earlier!


Finally, the dazzling light coaxed on Guzu. The Guzu didn't even utter a scream, and was directly coaxed into pieces by the heavy aura.

And during that silver day, although the flesh of the silver armor clan was not comparable to their master, the gold armor clan. However, the flesh of the Yinjia tribe is also famous in the universe, otherwise, Yin would not have been so confident in his flesh just during the day.

So when using Zuzu's body to resist half of the offense, the remaining half of the offense hit Silver Daytime. It is no longer possible to hit Silver Daylight anymore, which can only cause some dull colors to appear on the silver armor of Silver Daylight.

"Ji Jie, let's die!"

Finally resisting Li Mo's fist, Yin Li went straight to Li Mo during the day.

Making himself so embarrassed, Yin can not stop Li Mo during the day, so he can stop.


Only Li Mo whispered, and then Li Mo stood firmly in place.

And Yin's fist during the day, coaxed to Li Mo with a dim silver light.


A large mouthful of blood was suddenly ejected by Li Mo, and the third fist of the world fist was guarded. It is to connect Li Mo's feet to the earth, and pass the injuries he suffered to the earth.

The body is only a medium, but this medium also has a degree. If the damage sustained by the media is far greater than the level of the media, then the media explodes, which is fun.

"court death!"

Regardless of the blood in his mouth, Li Mo's eyes showed an astonishing killing intention.

Then Li Mo's hands showed a burst of aura again, and the sky's aura came to Li Mo's palm.

Yin looked at Li Mo's fist during the day and suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes flashed and hesitated for a moment. Just listen to Yin yelling during the day

"You... I remember you!"

After all, Yin flew away in the daytime.

Along the way, Yin trembled during the day, crumbling.

Don't look at Li Mo being seriously injured, but Yin is also uncomfortable during the day.

This is still a ancestral ancestor blocking the first half of Heaven and Earth Boxing's first punch damage, otherwise, Yin can't take it during the day.

Therefore, even knowing that Li Mo's punch will take time to hit.

However, Yin Shi, who is now in poor condition, does not know whether he can kill Li Mo in this condition.

In case of death, Yin Day is completely impossible to follow Li Mo's punch.

Li Mo dared to die, but Silver, who was born in the top ranks of the Silver Clan, did not dare to fight during the day and had to run away.

The strong in heaven and earth can only watch the silver run away during the day.

The practice of Yin during the day is that Li Mo struggles to fight, not to mention them.

The silver figure in the sky became smaller and smaller in the air during the day, and gradually turned into a small point until it disappeared.


When Yin Tian completely disappeared in this world, Li Mo finally spit out another mouthful of blood.

Yin Hong's blood stained the ground, and Li Mo knelt directly on one knee. The aura that forcibly gathered with both hands gradually dispersed. Li Mo's figure shivered, and his face was pale.

Silver daytime is the end of the strong twist, why is Li Mo not the end of the strong twist?

The silver daytime who came from the silver armor ~ ~ even if Xiu was deprived to the late stage of God King Realm. Even though Li Mo used the third boxing of Tiandiquan to block many injuries, it was still not easy for Li Mo to take it.

Therefore, the aura that Li Mo had forcibly gathered before was already the one that Li Mo could gather now.

If Yin stays a little longer during the day, Li Mo's state will surely be discovered. But Yin didn't dare to fight hard during the day, so he was scared away by Li Mo.

"Li Mo!"


Seeing Li Mo injured, the egg, Feng Yuwei and Dongfang Yibai, land warfare and other powerful came one after another.

Several strong men immediately surrounded a circle and protected Li Mo in the circle. Fearing that the remnants of the ancestral ancestral puppet heaven were taking advantage of Li Mo's weakness, he shot Li Mo. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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