Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1374: Giant King's inventory

"Younger Li Mo, Jiuwen Giant King is good at collecting the world's rare treasures. So when I came here, I also wanted to open my eyes and see the collection of the Giant King, and please ask the Giant King not to be surprised."

Li Mo said with a bow. Since this giant king is not the original fragment, then the original fragment may become a treasure. So Li Mo wanted to look at the giant king's inventory, and by the way, complimented the giant king.

Sure enough, I heard Li Mo's compliments. There was a smug look on the face of the sleepy dragon king, laughing.

"Hahaha, this king's inventory can be ranked high in this universe. Your kid, you can even hear about this, a little knowledge."

Regardless of how your inventory really is, anyway, after hearing Li Mo's words, the Giant King is very happy.

"Since your kid is so pricey, I will take you to open your eyes."

The Giant King went on to say that the Giant King with a simple mind and developed limbs really did not expect Li Mo dare to count his treasures.

In fact, this giant king is also a strong man in the heavenly realm. The body of the giant race, the power of the flesh is even more tyrannical.

Therefore, the Giant King really didn't expect that the human race boy who had been cultivated into a heavenly wonderland dared to hit his own treasure.

"Yes yes, thank you senior."

Li Mo responded one after another, but his heart was a little sighed.

It's a good idea to shoot this giant king's **** by himself, seriously.

In addition, his own collection can be ranked in the forefront in the universe. In the vast universe, a monk in the heavenly realm is really nothing.

Of course, what Li Mo thought, the Giant King was certainly not clear. I saw that the giant king slowly stood up and got fat, said to Baru

"You go out first. Ben Wang opened his eyes with this human friend."


Baru responded and walked out.

When Baru stepped out of the pyramid, the giant Wang smiled.

Then the palm of the giant king showed a rolling aura, and then the giant king pressed the palm of his palm down to his chair.


A dazzling golden light was born, illuminating the entire interior of the pyramid.

This golden light was due to Li Mo's feeling that his eyes could not be stimulated to open.

By the time Li Mo opened his eyes again, the environment at the moment had changed greatly. I saw that Li Mo and the giant giant king appeared in a long corridor. The front of the corridor did not know where it was going. There was a brazier with a raging fire between the two rows at a distance of one foot.

"This is...under the pyramid?"

Li Mo asked somewhat uncertainly.

This pyramid is made of Vajra Ancestral Stones, and a Vajra Ancestral Stone is heavy. How heavy is the pyramid built by so many diamond ancestors?

In this case, another secret room was dug out of the pyramid. How can the whole pyramid stand on the ground?

"There is a formation on the ground, which was built by a master of the formation that the king spent a lot of money on."

Looking at Li Mo's surprised look, the giant Wang said proudly. Speaking of his own pyramids, the Giant King is very satisfied.

"That is, that is. I am afraid that only a strong man like the Giant King, such a force. Only to build such a magnificent building."

In order to get the origin fragments, Li Mo also knows to say a few words against his heart.

"Hahaha, you kid. It's the thought of the king."

After all, giant Wang laughed and led Li Mo towards the depths of the corridor.

The corridor is only a few tens of feet away, in the eyes of Li Mo and their strong men. Such a distance is of course nothing.

So soon, he crossed the corridor and entered a large hall.

There is a golden light in the hall, and the vajra ancestor stone serves as the lighting here.

The two sides of the hall are full of treasures. Many refinery equipment, and some good elixir.

But looking at these herbs, Li Mo looked heartbroken.

These elixir are all high-level elixir. Getting the outside world can cause a sensation.

But all were moved here rudely by giant Wang, and Li Mo could clearly see it. Some medicinal materials are either broken roots or residual leaves, which makes a large part of the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials have passed away.

If you change to other strong people who understand medicinal materials, you can gently move a small piece of land where the medicinal materials live with the medicinal materials.

In that case, it will not hurt the root of the medicinal material. Can retain very medicinal properties, and after a few years, maybe it can still result. But the rude giant king obviously does not understand this.

Not daring to look at these herbs again, Li Mo was afraid of seeing it again. So Li Mo looked in the other direction, which was the ore of the refiner, or the treasure on the other big demon. For example, some big demon's fangs and claws.

These are excellent refining materials, otherwise the Giant King cannot put them in their own endings.

But they have simple minds, and the powerful giants with well-developed limbs simply do not understand the refining device.

So at the moment, they seemed to be holding a golden mountain, but they couldn't get started.

But this did not prevent the giant Wang Xian pendulum, only listen to the giant king pointing at the treasure in the hall. Bo pointed out the meaning of Jiangshan, proudly said

"How? Ben Wang's collection is still rich?"

"Rich, rich..."

Li Mo responded while looking at the giant king's collection.

Although this giant king behaves a bit stinky, but it must be said that his collection is quite large.

However, Li Mo did not find the original fragments in these medicinal materials and refining materials, and as Li Mo walked deep into the hall. You can see a pile of spirit stones piled up, among them even the best spirit stones.

You have to know, which of these top-quality spirit stones is taken outside of the mainland of Kyushu is a sensational existence.

It is Li Mo who is now the grandfather of the Jiuli is in charge of all the wealth of the Jiuli tribe. Only in Li Mo's hands is a superb spirit stone. Moreover, this superb spirit stone belongs to the Jiuli tribe, and Li Mo does not want to practice it by himself.

It is estimated that other races, except the gods and demons in the top three. Other forces can have one or two best spirit stones.

"These things are the least valuable."

Watching Li Mo keep looking at the Need for Spirit Stone, the giant Wang said with a lip. In his eyes, Lingshi is not a good collection.

Only those precious things that are not common in the universe can be regarded as "treasures".

Listening to the words of the giant king, Li Mo grinned. Really, these rare superlative spirit stones are not worth much? If you don’t know that the world here is fake, it will turn into air when you take it out. Li Mo may have robbed two pieces and ran away.

Shaking his head with some unwillingness, Li Mo continued to walk deep into the hall. Among these top-quality spirit stones, Li Mo did not feel the power of the origin. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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