Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1372: Ha??a>

The Giants prepared an extremely grand welcome dinner for Li Mo. On the one hand, the giants were already hospitable. On the other hand, the giants expressed their gratitude to Li Mo.

After all, Li Mo rescued the clan of their giant clan during the day.

Said it was a welcome dinner, but the Giants did not have the red tape of the Humans. What kind of dishes need to be prepared at what place and at what time.

The welcome dinner of the Giants is that everyone sits on the ground in the middle of the pyramid and eats barbecue. The giants of all giants are very hospitable, drinking with Li Mo in a big bowl. Among them, they are the most ‘thin’, and their size is about half a Li Mo. Drinking must be happy.

But looking at the amount of these barbecues, I am afraid that a giant strong can eat half a cow.

"Roar! Roar, oops..."

In the middle of the fire, several giant women danced. Dance...very strong.

"Brother Li Mo, let's drink one too."

Baru raised his wine bowl and spoke to Li Mo. After knowing for so long, Baru also knew Li Mo's name.

But Baru didn't mean to bully Li Mo. Baru's size was several times larger than Li Mo's, but the wine bowl was also several times larger than Li Mo's.

"it is good!"

Li Mo Shuanglang responded and raised his glass. Drink with Baru.

"Li Mo... Brother..."

At this moment, there was a shy voice beside Li Mo.

Putting down the wine bowl, Li Mo looked in the direction of the sound. On the side was a figure of one or two people coming high, not who could the moon altar rescued by Li Mo this afternoon be?

The pretty face of the moon altar at this moment is flushed, just like the flower that is waiting to be released, and it looks like it is talking.

"It's just a hand in the day, the girl doesn't need to worry about it."

Li Mo grinned and nodded to Yuetan in response.

Listening to Li Mo's words, Yue Tan's face became more and more blushing. Then Yuetan lowered his head, pushed his handkerchief into Li Mo's hand, and ran away.

I have to say that this handkerchief, Li Mo is more than rubbing as a scarf.

Looking at the handkerchief with Yu Wen in his hand, Li Mo looked stunned.

What the hell? What do you do for me with a handkerchief? Is there something on my mouth or clothes that I need to wipe with a handkerchief?

Thinking of this, Li Mo lowered his head and looked at the clothes on his chest.

The barbecue grilled by this giant is fragrant, but I haven't reached the point of eating it yet?

After searching for a long time, Li Mo did not find any oil stains on the clothes or the corners of his mouth. But when Li Mo raised his head and looked at the giants around him, all of them were looking at Li Mo with strange eyes.

Even some young men of the Giant clan panted heavily and looked angry.

"Brother Baru, what are they?"

Li Mo asked Baru, Li Mo was not afraid of these giants. But even if they want to be angry with Li Mo, let Li Mo know why?

At first Baru looked at Li Mo's eyes with a trace of strangeness, but now he looked at Li Mo for a moment. Baru found that Li Mo didn't seem to know, so he laughed and explained to Li Mo

"Hahaha, Brother Li Mo, you don't know. We Giants are not good at producing clothes, cloth, handkerchiefs, etc. So these things are expensive in our Giants, and women's handkerchiefs are even personal. Just now. The moon altar gave you the handkerchief, that is, to give you your personal belongings. What do you mean by saying that a little girl gave you the personal belongings?"

Listening to Baru's words, Li Mo is really a black line.

Although in the previous life, Li Mo and the Giants had some contacts. I know that the Giants are not good at producing these things, but Li Mo really does not know how to send these things out.

What can a woman give herself to a man instead of showing love?

Sinful, Li Mo shivered at the thought of the heavy body of the moon altar.

No, just get the debris of origin and start to slip.

"This human race brother, I know that your physical strength is strong, why not let's try a match?"

As Baru explained to Li Mo, a young giant man got up and invited Li Mo to fight.

This dinner also allowed the heroes to compete. As just now, there are two young people in the fairyland giant clan wrestling.

It's just that it's rude to invite guests to compete.

"It's Brother Haxuan. There is a good show now."

"That is, Brother Haxuan is the strongest of our generation. Xiuwei is probably the same as Elder Baru."

"I have long heard that Brother Haxuan likes Yuetan's sister, but now it seems that I didn't expect it to be true. There are really people from this race who eat a pot."


Haxuan invited Li Mo to fight, and there were whispers and playful voices around him.

"Haxuan, leave!"

Looking at Haxuan who came up, Baru drank displeasurely. Li Mo is also a guest of their giant clan, but he also saved their giant clan before. So how can you invite Li Mo so politely?

"Elder Baru is just an ordinary competition. We will not have any problems when we order it. Believe that this human brother is not an accountant?"

Haxuan said with a grin, although Baru was an elder. Haxuan is only a junior, but in a world where the strongest is respected. All are ranked by strength, so Haxuan's strength is so that his identity is really not much worse than this Baru.

But what Haxuan said was polite, but by looking at his expression, he knew that this could not be a simple discussion.


Baru wanted to speak again, but was interrupted by Li Mo.

"Brother Baru, try it, it's not bad."

Looking at the playful eyes of the giant young men around, Li Mo knew. If he should not fight this time, he can only strengthen the confidence of these giant young people in the future. With so many crushes on that moon altar, Li Mo fears that he will fall into endless entanglement in the future.

"Hahaha, refreshing!"

Fearing Baru continued to say something, Haxuan laughed. Immediately went to the center and made a request to Li Mo, "This human race brother, please."

Li Mo said no more, got up and walked.

"Brother Li Mo is careful."

Baru behind him reminded Li Mo, though he knew Li Mo was a bit extraordinary. But Baru also knows that this Haxuan is also Otherwise, it can't be so rampant.


As soon as Li Mo walked to the center, Haxuan rushed towards Li Mo. That heavy fist is almost comparable to Li Mo's half body. If this fist is hit, the situation is not good.


Just when the heavy fist was about to fall on Li Mo's head, Li Mo sipped and flew away into the distance.

"Don't run!"

Seeing Li Mo avoiding his own attack, Haxuan's morale was stronger and he went straight to Li Mo.

However, the power of this giant clan is strong, but the speed does not dare to compliment. Otherwise, the moon altar is in danger this afternoon, and the other giants just want to rush to rescue, and they can't do it in time.

So in the face of the punch punched by Haxuan, Li Mo flexibly dodged in mid-air, and Haxon's attack could not attack Li Mo's body at all. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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