Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1323: Purify the power of killing

Looking at Ape Bozhong, Ape Hongfeng paused. He said, "This king is about to ascend the throne and inherit the great rule. You are indeed a group of forces that cannot be ignored. This king has always wanted to conquer you all these years.

But you have always been stubborn and tell the truth. The poison brought by King Wu Tian of the Clan was secretly sent by the king into the spring water of Tianhe. At that time, this king has decided to abandon you, you said. Will this king kill you now? "

"Ape Hongfeng! Lao Tzu fights with you!"

Li Mo and this Ape Bozhong have known each other for almost a month. Although the people of the Tianshan Yeti tribe are simple-minded and well-developed, they are like the three elder apes of the Tianshan Yeti tribe.

But this ape is still not that simple, but now this ape is really irritating the ape Hong Feng.

I saw a heavy breath coming, and the angry Ape Uncle Zhong produced a wind at his feet and rushed towards the sky.

Although the sky is still covered with snowflakes, the strength of the peak of the late Ape's day was not unbearable.

It's just that when Ape Bozhong rushed out the snowflakes furiously, those snowflakes hit Ape Bozhong's body and brought up a lot of blood.

Finally, Ape Bozhong spent a lot of energy to fly out of the avalanche. It can be considered to fight this Ape Hongfeng, but Ape Bozhong was already wounded.

"court death!"

Ape Hong Feng's eyes widened, his cloak flicked behind him.

A heavy air wave in the completeness of Heavenly Wonderland immediately pressed against Ape Bozhong, and Ape Bozhong lifted his fists.


A large mouthful of blood spewed out, and the air pressure pressed down on the body of Ape Bozhong and fell down.

Ape Bozhong's self-cultivation is not as good as Ape Hongfeng, and he can still do a few tricks with Ape Hongfeng when he is at his heyday. But now he is covered with injuries, but he can't even take the action of Ape Hongfeng.

After a while, Ape Bozhong, who finally broke out of the avalanche, was pressed back again. With a bang, Ape Bozhong's heavy body hit the ground.

"Jin Jie, not self-control."

"Yes, just because you dare to commit the challenge to the Tianshan Snow King? Really looking for death!"


In the sky, several powerful players in Heavenly Wonderland mocked Ape Bozhong.

This battle can destroy the lineage of Ape Bozhong who has contended with them for nearly a hundred years, and more importantly. There is no casualty in their own line. The elders in Wonderland these days are clearly in a good mood.

"Uncle Ape, don't waste your energy. Don't say this Tianshan, now the entire Yunzhou. Who wants this king to die, who dares to live?"

Ape Hongfeng asked domineeringly that he had already taken the position of Tianshan Snow King, and he was the King of Yunzhou!

"What if...I want him to live?"

A plain voice came, as if to say an extremely simple matter.

Ape Hongfeng didn't look at Li Mo until he heard the sound. Until now, Ape Hongfeng didn't notice Li Mo, and then asked jokingly

"Where's the human race kid? Dare you dare to speak here in the early days of Heavenly Wonderland?"

To be honest, if Li Mo hasn't spoken so far. Ape Hongfeng will not go to see Li Mo.

Ape Hongfeng himself is the powerhouse of Tianxian Realm, and he is the new king of the Yeti in the Tianshan Mountains. Neither Ape Bozhong, the peak of the late Tianxian Realm, is his opponent.

And they are also the natural supernatural powers of the Tianshan Yeti clan. Where will they notice a human clan in the early days of the Celestial Realm?

"Is it a shame?"

Li Mo smiled, then Li Mo slowly rose into the air. Along the way, Li Mo meditated on the law of origin, and there was endless golden light all over him.


The snow falling from the sky fell on Li Mo. But on the snowflakes, there were slowly dark smoke.

"This is... the power of killing!"

Looking at the black smoke in Li Mo's body, Egg said with surprise.

This killing power is mixed with Shirayuki, so it is in everyone's mind. Wanting to kill the power of killing is the same as killing Shirayuki. As for wanting to simply eliminate the killing power in the snow, this is impossible.

But Li Mo did it now! This is simply incredible!

"Quickly stop him! Can't let him clear the force of the avalanche!"

Watching Li Mo's movements, Ape Hongfeng hurriedly shouted. At this moment, Ape Hongfeng finally took Li Mo seriously.

This avalanche is killing people with the power of killing, so how can Ape Hongfeng let Li Mo get rid of the power of killing!


But after hearing the words of Ape Hongfeng, several elders in the fairyland next to Ape Hongfeng all hesitated for a while.

What a joke? Although this method was laid by us, we only used the power of killing in the snow in the Tianshan Mountains and could not control the power of killing.

Below Ape Bozhong they have been tragic enough to resist this killing power. Do we dare to go in?

Besides Li Mo, his body quickly flew out of the avalanche. And with the help of the power of origin of the rod of origin, the golden light shrouded the avalanche below.

Like purifying toxins, Li Mo uses the purifying effect of the power of origin to purify the destructive power of snow.


Li Mo was in an avalanche, and the elders of these fairyland dared not take Li Mo. But now Li Mo rushed out of the avalanche, so these elders who were eager to perform suddenly rushed.

For a short while, two strong men in the middle of Tianxian Realm and two strongmen in the early days of Tianxian Realm came to siege Li Mo.


Li Mo snorted again, too lazy to tangle with them. Immediately, Li Mo's palm directly recruited the quasi-imperial weapon Lingxiao Mountain and blasted against the four powerful heavenly wonders!


A thick voice came, and Lingxiao Mountain suddenly became the size of a small hill, crushing against a strong man in the middle of Tianxian Realm.

Without the slightest struggle, Lingxiao Mountain directly crushed the strong man of the Tianshan Yeti in the middle of the fairyland to the ground.


Seeing this scene, the remaining three Tianshan Yeti strongmen were all startled.

A weapon that directly crushes the strong in the middle of Heavenly Wonderland? What weapon is this? They are afraid they haven't seen it before.

"Not good! Withdraw!"

Others' eyes are on Lingxiao Mountain, but the ape Hong Feng's eyes have always been on Li Mo's body.

This young man who was not willing to take a glance at himself just now has recruited this weapon. The breath of his body climbed straight up, and now he has surpassed himself and reached the point where he looks up.

Therefore, Ape Hongfeng directly led his subordinates to retreat.

"Where to run!"

Ape Hongfeng wanted to retreat, but Li Mo agreed. Just listening to Li Mo shouting, Li Mo's figure became one of five! It is Wuqi Chaoyuan!

Next, a Li Mo purified the power of avalanche in the sky.

Four Li Mo killed the ape Hong Feng and the remaining three Heavenly Wonder Get me away! "

Seeing Li Mo rushing in, Ape Hongfeng shouted. Then the body of Ape Hongfeng began to grow slowly until it was the size of a small hill, and he punched Li Mo with a punch.

But the great thing about Wuqi Chaoyuan is that it makes several avatars other than the body have the same cultivation style and the same fighting power as the body.

So Li Mo attacking Hong Feng at the moment, Xiu Wei is also in the early days of Tenjin Mirror.


As if two behemoths collided together, the world shook!

Ape Hongfeng's face changed drastically. Only then did Ape Hongfeng realize. The seemingly thin humanoid kid, the coercion that appears on his body, is afraid that it has exceeded the scope of Heavenly Wonderland!

The former Tianshan Snow King was the strongest of the Heavenly God Realm. Who can think of the human race boy in his twenties who turned out to be the cultivation of Heavenly God Realm? Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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