Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1321: Yunzhou Tianshan

"Huh, fortunately, life doesn't hurt..."

The egg spit out a long breath and said.

But this is also Li Mo's tough body, if you change to other strong. It is really the strong man in the early days of Tenjin Mirror, and facing the finger of Guzu, he will certainly die.

"Tianshan Snowman, who is currently invading Zhizhou, has been detoxified here. There are many things in Zhizhou that need to be dealt with by Dad. Dad went back to host the matter. Dad sent someone to send some good healing medicine tomorrow. Take care of your brother."

Patting on the shoulders of Hulin, Hu Junyang hurried back with the strong of the Nine-Tailed Fox family and the strongmen of other subordinate tribes.

As for Li Mo, I saw Li Mo's power. He also knew Li Mo's identity through Lingxiao Mountain, so Hu Junyang was still a little happy about the brother his son recognized.

As for Naowu and his subordinates, he had no idea where to go now. So Fox Junyang just wanted to chase, and didn't know where to chase.

"Quick! Go home!"

Li Mo carrying blood covered with blood, ran to the Puffer Tribe...

It took more than half a month for Li Mo to get out of bed. This is because Li Mo's physical strength is strong. For other people, I am afraid I have to raise him for half a year or a year.

On this day, Li Mo called all the high-rises of the fox, egg and Tianshan Yeti elders to the Blowfish Tribe’s playground.

No way, the strong man of Tianshan Yeti is too big. There is simply no house that can accommodate seven or eight Tianshan Yeti tops at the same time.

"How are the wounds of several elders raised?"

Li Mo asked politely to the second elder ape of the Tianshan Yeti tribe.

Ape Bo Zhong looked at the elders behind him, including nine elders, including Tao Tao, a total of five elders in the fairyland. Laugh

"We are all thick-skinned, and the injury has been cured for a long time. How is Li Mo's injury?"

It can be seen that Ape Bozhong is very polite to Li Mo.

In the end, Li Mo was the benefactor who saved them. Secondly, Li Mo entered the battle of one finger of the tenacious mirror ancestors half a month ago, and everyone still remembers it.

In this world where the strongest is respected, Li Mo has won the respect of everyone with his strength.

"Me, I'm just fine..."

With that, Li Mo looked at the fox behind him.

"Brother Hulin, you go back to the Nine-Tailed Fox Race first. To prevent Huguang's next move, Eggan and I will go to Tianshan in Yunzhou. After dealing with the matter of the Tianshan Snowman, come back and study the matter of Foxlight."

"Relax, there must be a connection between the crow people and Huguang in Jiuwei City. I will go back to Soucheng to see if I can find some good news."

Foxlin nodded, half a month later. Foxlin shattered the previous decadence, and again restored the look of the former.

"it is good."

Li Mo nodded and looked at the sky in the distance.

"Second Elder, go and notify all the strong men of the Snowman of Tianshan. We will leave at noon."

"it is good!"

The second elder nodded and then ordered to continue.

At noon, the hot sun shone. Zhizhou is still as hot as usual, but the temperature on the ground is still better.


I saw more than 80,000 Tianshan Snowman tribesmen came slowly, the momentum was magnificent, the whole ground even trembled.

In the forefront of the sky, there were several people headed by Li Mo.

Looking at the map in his hand, Li Mo frowned

"In this way, it will be good if we can reach Tianshan in Yunzhou in half a month."

Li Mo did not expect that the strong men of these Tianshan Yeti were not weak. But the speed is really dare not compliment.

And this mighty army is uneven. The speed of this march has slowed even further.

Coupled with Tianshan in the very center of Yunzhou, even if the army entered the boundary of Yunzhou. It takes a long time to reach Tianshan, so the distance is longer.

"At this speed, the Crows can control the Tianshan Yeti army to kill several frontier counties in Zhizhou so quickly, and there are some means."

The eggs on the side looked at the sky and nodded in response.

"I don't know if the poisoning of the elders of the Tianshan Yeti family in this line has anything to do with that line of elder elders. If there is, the half-month period is enough for them to prepare too many things."

Li Mo frowned, his face dignified.

Li Mo can feel that this trip to Tianshan is not so simple.

"What are you afraid of? The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth, that is, our line has been arguing with the elders for so many years, and it has not fallen. I don’t believe that the elders can still block us and not let us Uphill?"

The strong body of the Tianshan Yeti is already large enough, but the three elders who speak are comparable in size to the two Tianshan Yeti.

"The third boy, listen to Brother Li Mo, what Brother Li Mo said is not unreasonable. And our soldiers have been detoxified for so long, and the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced."

Tianzhong Snowman 2 elder ape Bo Zhong glared at the three elder apes who had spoken before and said.

It is precisely because this department has the support of the second elder and the third elder, so it can not fear the big elder one.


With a slight hum, Ape Cheng turned his head.

Ape Cheng also recognizes Li Mo's cultivation and combat strength, but Ape Cheng does not recognize others saying that their line is weaker than the line of elders.

Hurry and hurry, and even sometimes Li Mo leads everyone in the night.

Although the speed of these Tianshan snowman races is not good, but they have a hard-working spirit. So the original planned half-month journey, Li Mo finally spent ten days and came to Tianshan, Yunzhou.

Yunzhou Tianshan is not a mountain, but a series of magnificent mountains.

Surrounding each other are snow peaks, the most central. There is one of the most majestic snow peaks, and the straight mountain peaks seem to be inserted into the clouds.

The majestic mountain directly blocked the sun, making Li Mo their darkness.

Coupled with the white snow on the snow peak, it seems to be integrated with the sky.

Li Mo led more than 80,000 strong men standing under the snow peak, and suddenly felt that the temperature had dropped a lot.

"We... are finally back!"

Looking up at Tianshan, Tianzhong Snowman 2 elder ape Bo Zhong murmured excitedly.

Not only Ape Bozhong, all other Tianshan Yeti strong people are In their hearts, Kyushu is a big country. But only one place is their home, that is Tianshan!

One came because their king was here. Secondly, it is their ancestors of the Tianshan Yeti clan who are here all generations, how could they be willing to leave?

"Second Elder, Tianshan is your home. You have to lead the way up the mountain."

Li Mo opened his body sideways and said politely to Ape Bozhong.

"Yes, Brother Li Mo is polite."

Ape Uncle Zhong responded, and then led a group of Tianshan Yeti strong and Li Mo, and the eggs went up the mountain.

More than 80,000 strong people of Tianshan Yeti, a mighty team. Coupled with their burly figure, they do not appear crowded on this Tianshan.

When I came to the mountainside, the snow was in front of me. The white hairs of the snowmen of the Tianshan Mountains and Baixue here are such a match. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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