Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1313: 1 punch

"Miscellaneous! I killed you!"

Fox Lin roared in the sky, and the roar shattered his heart. The sky is endless killing intention.

Immediately, the body's hands and feet of the fox shower have been transformed into a rush towards the direction of the fox light.

At this moment, the Fox Shower has no defense at all. Hulin can allow the fists of the Tianshan Yeti strong to hit him crazily. At this moment, Hulin has only one idea, is to kill this foxlight!

I do not know why, even if there are thousands of Tianshan Yeti strong guards outside the tribe, even if there are so many guards in the tribe.

But when Hu Guang saw Hu Lin as if he were going to eat his gaze raw, an unstoppable fear came out of Hu Guang's heart.

Then Foxlight immediately shouted to all

"Quick! Quick! Protect me!"


The guards gritted their teeth and guarded in front of Foxlight.

Although they are also afraid of the foxing, they are all guards of Foxlight, and of course they must protect Foxlight.

Let's talk about Li Mo here again, the eyes are red and the vast elder Tianshan Yeti Nine elders are in the middle of Li Mo and Gu Gang. Let Li Mo go one step further.

"Jian Jie, are you crazy? You are crazy! This is the strong man in the early days of the Tianxian Realm of the Snowman of the Tianshan Mountains. For the human race in the middle of the Tianxian Realm, he must be coaxed with a punch!"

Gu Gang laughed proudly.

For the physical strength of the Tianshan Yeti clan strongman, the crotch steel from the cricket clan is also very recognized.

"Do you think... a strong Tianshan Yeti in the fairyland can save you?"

Li Mo drank coldly, and then Li Mo's eyes showed a sharp edge.


The momentum like a volcanic eruption spewed out on Li Mo's body. This momentum turned the horizon into a golden color.

Feeling the momentum that erupted in Li Mo's body, Gu Gang's expression changed greatly.

"Heaven, heaven... heavenly wonderland!"

The first time Li Gang saw Li Mo, he was already a strong man at the peak of the late Wonderland. At that time, Li Mo had just entered the fairyland!

How long has this passed? Less than a year, it is enough to be proud of yourself to enter the Wonderland.

But how can Manchu Steel think that in less than a year, Li Moxiu promoted a large section! From the early stage of the fairyland to the early stage of the fairyland!


Li Mo's momentum seemed to offend the Nine Elders of the Snowman Clan that day, and the Nine Elders in the early days of the Celestial Realm suddenly became furious. Elder Nine opened his mouth wide, his hands became fists, and hit Li Mo with a heavy force.

Faced with this heavy fist, Li Mo still did not mean to recruit weapons. Just greeted him with his fist.

"Die! Die! Hit him with a punch!"

Gu Gang's eyes also gradually filled with blood because of resentment, cursing Li Mo.

Now Manchu Steel still has a strong fear of Li Mo in his heart. Therefore, Gu Gang could not face Li Mo alone, and had to rely on the elder of the Tianxian Realm in the early days of the Tianshan Snowman Clan to kill Li Mo.

But obviously, Manchurian Steel was disappointed again.

When Li Mo entered the Celestial Realm, the Heaven Tribulation had already existed. This is only when the Tianxian Realm stepped into the Mirror of the Gods, and the Heavenly Tribulation appeared.

This kind of heavenly catastrophe is that the powerful of the gods and demons dare not be tough.

After experiencing this baptism of Heavenly Tribulation, how arrogant should Li Mo's physical strength be?

So just listening to the bang, as if two giants collided together.

This is the battle of the powerhouses in the Celestial Realm. Because of the momentum of the two, the ground beneath the ground suddenly split, and a big rift that appeared tens of miles deep appeared.

The nearest nine-tailed fox clan guards were crushed and vanished in the rift valley.

Fortunately, both Manchu Steel and Foxlight are far away, otherwise they will also die.


A large mouthful of blood coughed, and the vast body of the elder of the Snowman Nine in the Tianshan Mountains suddenly flew backwards.


Looking at the vast figure, Hu Guang hurriedly hid. But many of his bodyguards are in Jindan Realm. Therefore, they couldn't keep up with the speed of the nine elders of the mountain snowman that day.

"Poof! Ah..."

Suddenly, the guards of Foxlight died tragically! All of them were smashed into flesh by the huge body of the elder of the Snowman of the Tianshan Mountains.

"Actually... coaxed?"

Gu Gang could not care about the life and death of Huguang Guard, watching the elders of Mountain Snowman Nine were coaxed by Li Mo. Where else does Manchu Steel stay here?

However, Gu Gang and Li Mo once had a battle, so Gu Gang knew that Li Mo was good at speed.

Immediately a maniac in the shape of the mantis steel pierced the ground, and you were flying fast in the sky. Then I don't fly in the sky, I can escape by using the escape technique right?

"Where to run!"

Li Mo screamed, his figure followed and entered the ground.

Although Li Mo is also good at earth escape, but the earth escape technique of the crickets is also good. So in the half-life time of Li Mo-Nian's earth-sucking mantra, Manggang has already ran far away in the underground.

This tremendous battle made the thousands of powerful men fighting beneath them startled.

Hulin also looked up at Li Mo's figure, but only froze for a moment. Foxlink's eyes tightened again, and he looked at Foxlight.


With a heartbreaking shout, Hulin gave up all the defensive kills again.

At this moment, the fox is covered with wounds, and they are all left by the strong people of the Tianshan Yeti, even though these strong people of the Tianshan Yeti are not as high as the nine elders.

But the key is that they are large in number, and Foxlink doesn't mean to delay time with them. So with the rushing of Hu Lin, he has left a lot of injuries.


Seeing the fox shower getting closer and closer to her, the fox light could not sit still. Hurry to fly away with a bodyguard in the distance.

"Leave me!"

Looking at the back of Foxlight, Foxling growled angrily.

But now there are countless Tianshan Yeti clan blockers, even in order to escape. Foxlight also left a lot of guards here to block the Fox.

So even if Hulin is not willing to fight them, the blockage of so many people still slows down the speed of the rushing. Off.

"Beast! Beast!"

The fox screamed and finally stopped his flushed figure. Hulin knew that after this moment, she could no longer stop the foxlight.

The rage shouted, and the fox's eyes returned to cold.

The pair of cold people even looked at the opposite side with bloodshot eyes to block their foxlight guards, and foxlin smiled.

"A person like you is eligible to be a clan of the Nine-tailed Fox?"


The voice fell, and the fox was still. The nine tails behind them all pierced out and shot at the fox-light guards.

These nine furry moments are like swords at the moment, and they are extremely fast. Either through the chest of the foxlight guard, or whip the foxlight guard.

These people help to abuse, Hulin Yan can spare them!

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