Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1310: conspiracy

After solving the problems in Long'an County, Li Mo and Hulin led a group of powerful men to stay in Longan County in Zhizhou.

But the strong crows who control the Tianren Yeti seem to have forgotten here, and they haven't attacked Longan County for half a month.

As for the other frontier counties in Zhizhou, Hu Linyang's father Hu Junyang led the strong guards. So they don't need Li Mo to support them because of this matter.

Hulin also deliberately wrote a letter to the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan strong guards in several other counties, but other towns guarded the strong in other counties. In the face of this blood feud, it is estimated that it cannot be like this, and does not fight with the Tianshan Yeti tribe.

And they didn't have the ability to solve the mad devil's poison, so the strong of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan did not kill the strong of the Tianshan Yeti, and the strong of the Tianshan Yeti would kill them.

Unwilling to let his subordinates die in vain, the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan's strongman can only go to fight with the Tianshan Snowman Clan.

This is also the wiseness of the Guzu, even if the strong of the Nine-tailed Fox family knows that the strong of the Snowman of the Tianshan is poisoned.

But they do not have the ability to detoxify, and they can only kill them.

Of course, Guzu didn't figure it out. There is a kid named Li Mo in the human race who can break the mad demon of ancient heaven and save the people of a county and hundreds of strong people in the Tianshan snowman race.

The sky is dark, covered with dark clouds, and there is a sense of black clouds crushing the city.

A staggered, blood-stained figure flew all the way at a low altitude. Even the figure coughed up blood while flying, but a short distance seemed to be difficult to travel a long distance. After a lot of effort was lost, it could be regarded as flying to the gate of the cottage of the Golden Monkey Tribe.

"Report! Young Master... Young Master please help!"

Covered with blood, the weak nine-tailed fox clan fell to the front of the cottage and murmured. Stretching out the muddy and **** palms, he clasped the cottage gate weakly.

This is the powerhouse of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, and the people of the Golden Monkey Tribe certainly don't dare to neglect.

So the strong man of the nine-tailed fox clan was quickly sent to the front of the fox.

"Young Master... Young Master is under siege in Qinghe County. Please also ask Master to rescue!"

The strong man of the nine-tailed fox claned and knelt on the ground, shouting weakly to the fox.


The tea cup in his hand fell to the ground, and the fox hurriedly stood up. The look changed "What! How many strong men of the Tianshan Yeti!"

"About, about a thousand or so! But they are all the elite of the Tianshan Yeti, and the young master is not an opponent."

The strong man of the nine-tailed fox clan hesitated for a while before saying.

Looking at the appearance of the Tianshan Yeti strongman, Li Mo frowned.

Somehow, Li Mo felt a little wrong.

But just as Li Mo was about to use magic to test this powerful Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, Hu Lin suddenly stood up.

"Assemble all the guards and save my second brother!"


The guard of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan guarding the door responded and ran out.

"Brother Fox, wait a minute!"

Li Mo got up and called for the Fox Going to go out, but the Fox Gore responded to Li Mo without returning his head.

"Can't wait! That's my brother!"

It was his young master who was taken away by his second brother Hu Guang, but in Hu Lin's heart, that Hu Guang was still his brother.

This is the affection of blood being thicker than water, which may be the reason why Hu Lin is unwilling to talk more about him and his brother in front of Li Mo.

"How to do?"

Dandan came to Li Mo and looked at Fox's back and asked.

"Follow me, what can I do."

Li Mo said angrily, and then ran out.

At this moment, there is no time for Li Mo to test the strong man of the nine-tailed fox family.

Thousands of bodyguards brought by Hulin are the confidants of many years, and they are the elite of their nine-tailed fox family.

So thousands of guards quickly assembled, and rushed to the direction of Qinghe County. ‘

Of course, even the hundreds of Tianshan Snowman clan and other strong players keep up. Today's Yasong just had a broken arm, and his face was weak.

But I'm afraid that Hulin will kill the strong man of the Snowman of their Tianshan Mountains, so even if they are weak. Yasong also had to grind his teeth to lead the hundreds of celebrities in the Tianshan Yeti clan to keep up.

And Li Mo and Egg, riding the Tsing Ma Wang followed in the team.

Blowfish tribe, the largest tribe in Qinghe County. Like the Golden Monkey Tribe, it is also a large tribe in charge of a county.

But at this moment in this tribe, blood flowed into rivers.

I saw that the guards of the thousands of Jiuwei tribes were slaughtering tens of thousands of pufferfish tribes, although the numbers were not equal.

But how can the tribe of the Pufferfish tribe contend with the powerhouse of the Nine-Tailed Fox Race?

Therefore, fighting is one-sided massacre, both men, women and children must be cut down in chaos.

Outside the tribe is a wide plain, where thousands of strong people of the Tianshan Yeti stand in the same place. They have scarlet eyes and dull eyes. Obviously, the same kind of mad demon poison.

This and Hulin got the news that only a thousand Tianshan Yeti clan besieged Qinghe County, but the number was several times worse.

In front of this Tianshan snowman strongman, two strongmen stood.

There was a proud color in one eyebrow, watching the killing in the cottage, with a faint color of excitement. It was the mantis steel that Li Mo had seen before! Today's Manchurian Steel has a more powerful breath, and it is obviously entering the land of fairyland consummation.

The other is younger, but has a sharp eye, with a defiant, warlike attitude, and fierce. Not the second young master of the nine-tailed fox clan, who can the young master Huguang still be?

"I'm afraid that the people of the Pufferfish Tribe have leaked our events and wiped out the entire Pufferfish Tribe, but my dad knows whether it will..."

Foxlight frowned and asked.

He doesn't care how many people die from the Pufferfish tribe, he is most worried now. It's just that his father will find out, will he anger him.

"Relax, this army is in a hurry. Who knows who is destroying the pufferfish tribe? By then, it will be enough to push everything to the Tianshan Yeti tribe."

Gu Gang shook his head and smiled confidently.

Anyway, the army of the Tianshan Yeti has already killed this Qinghe County. At that time, it was said that this pufferfish tribe was not destroyed by these Tianshan Yeti tribes. Then, wouldn’t the nine-tailed fox chieftain Junjun Yang believe it?

"Helin will he come?"

Foxlight's eyes turned asked uncertainly. For his big brother, Hu Guang's tone turned out to be so indifferent.

"When I came, King Wu Tian said it personally. If you were to change it to you, you wouldn't come. But now it's Hulin, he will definitely come."

Li Gang smiled contemptuously and responded. Then Manggang asked again

"Why? Don't want to kill you big brother?"


Gu Gang's words just fell, but Hu Guang smiled.

"One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. If you blame him, Hu Lin has been the young master for so many years! If he had mediocre qualifications, he would not be qualified to compete with me for the young master. Why would I not recognize him as his big brother?"

Then, Huguang talked round.

"Kill my elder brother, can Wu Tianwang really control the retreat of the strong soldiers of the Tianren Yeti?"

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