Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1304: Angry 9-tailed fox family

   "The patriarch's life!"

   "We are on, but we are not their opponents. The patriarch is forgiving!"


   Six strong men of the nine-tailed fox clan shoved their heads and hurriedly shouted.

   "Forget it, they are also injured. It can be seen that they tried their best."

   The elder of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan, the war of poetry and foxes came out and persuaded. However, Hu Yashi may not even think about it. Not much of the wounds on the six Nine-tailed Fox tribes were left when they were fighting Li Mo and Fudan.

  Most of them are for the injuries left by the hydrangea killing each other.

  Fu Junyang exhaled a few breaths in angrily before calming down. Immediately asked

   "What about treasures?"


   Six powerful nine-tailed fox clan glanced at each other and couldn't say a word. Continue to knock the head on the ground.

  Looking at the performance of the six strong nine-tailed fox clan, it goes without saying that Fox Junyang knew that the treasure was not obtained.

   sent so many strong men, his son was seriously injured, and the treasure was not obtained.

  Fu Junyang really couldn't help it, his palms showed endless wind.

   "What do you want!"

   "Poof! Ah..."

   The wind rushed to the chests of the powerful nine-tailed fox clan, directly striking all the powerful nine-tailed fox clan, and the blood was overflowing.

   Let's talk about Li Mo and Egg, the two soon left Jiuwei City. Even Li Mo was still uneasy. He and Li Mo continued their journey for two days and found a place far away from the Jiuwei Fox Clan and the Nangong Tribe before stopping.

   "Let's arrange the formation and then shut down."

  Li Mo said to the egg, and then took out the spirit stone to start the formation. Egg egg also took out a lot of high-level spirit stones, anyway, egg eggs are not lacking these things. And in the first few days, he also won a lot of senior spirit stones in the underground life and death platform.

   Egg Egg helped Li Mo to play his deputy. With the speed of the two, it was still three days before the next phantom array was arranged.

   "Get up!"

  As Li Mo's voice fell, a thick smoke suddenly emerged. The darkness that entangles the heavens and the earth, this dark smoke can not only block the eyes, but also block the consciousness.



   And look carefully, among them there are black ghosts. These screams of the fierce ghosts disturb the mind, making it difficult for the strong to enter the illusion.

   "Six, six, thirty-six high-level spirit stones are used as array eyes, and another 8,100 intermediate-level spirit stones are used as array flags. It is not easy for the powerhouses of Heavenly Wonderland to come in."

  Looking at this vast phantom array, Dandan sighed at Li Mo.

   Such a formation is that the formation masters of their Nightmare clan cannot be arranged. I am afraid that only the ancestors who have lived for many years will be arranged.

   And Li Mo is not much bigger than himself, how can he arrange such a formation, how can he not be surprised.

   "Let's go, we will find another cave to retreat."

  Li Mo smiled, his figure flew away in the distance. Li Mo's previous life was chased and killed for more than two hundred years, if not by these formations. That Li Moyan can escape under the eyelids of so many strong cosmos.

   flew for hundreds of miles, found a small cave, and Li Mo and the eggs arranged a small formation before entering the cave.

   "So careful? What do you want to close this time?"

  Egg looked at Li Mo and asked with some surprise.

   "I want to step into the fairyland!"

  Li Mo grinned and responded.

   "Heaven's Wonderland?"

   Rao is the goddess of the nightmare, such as the egg, and his eyes lit up when he heard Li Mo's words.

   The land wonderland strong man is angry, and the dead body is millions. The strongest in the fairyland is angry, and the world is changing. The strong man who can enter the fairyland has already qualified to compete for the world.

   I thought that Li Mo and Eggs had been walking from the bottom monk all the way, that is, a little elder from a five-poison tribe could kill them both.

   And now, their brothers are finally qualified to compete against others!

   "When this piece is pressed against the rod of origin, there will be a baptism of the power of origin. For us, it is a great opportunity, and you should take good care of it."

  Finally, Li Mo took out the rod of origin and inserted it into the ground. As the shard pressed down on the staff of origin, a faint golden light was born.

   This golden light has endless energy, not only can it improve cultivation, but also improve the strength of the flesh.

  If the egg's father and ancestor might know what this rod of origin is, but egg has not heard of this thing.

   But the egg can also feel the extraordinary power of the origin, and the egg immediately followed Li Mo and sat down around the staff of the origin.

  Li Mo runs the world's chemical formula, like rhino drinking. The power of the golden origin of the sky presents a vortex shape, converging in the direction of Li Mo.

   And the eggs used their breathing method in the blood of the nightmare, although it is also extraordinary, but the speed of absorption is slower than that of Li Mo.

   "Check for me!"

   Among the nine-tailed fox clan, the voice of patriarch fox Junyang came out. The portraits of Li Mo and Egg are spread among the Jiuwei Fox and Nangong Tribes, and the whole Zhizhou begins to search for the masters of Li Mo and Egg.

   But don't say that Li Mo and the egg are now hiding in the illusion, that is, they appear in front of the powerful Jiuwei Fox clan. The original appearance of Li Mo and the egg is restored, and the strong nine-tailed fox clan cannot be found.

   Gradually, let Zhizhou no matter how big it is. For half a month, the Jiuwei Fox Clan and Nangong Tribe still turned the entire Zhizhou upside down. Even the Nangong tribe even sent powerful men to investigate in Dazhou outside Sunzhou.

   And the strong of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan came to Li Mo's illusion for thousands of miles.

   "The whole Zhizhou, there is no search left here?"

  Nine-tailed fox clan elder fox asked about the elder fox pool beside him, half a fox pool with the body of the nine-tailed fox has already recovered most of the injuries.

   But in the past half a month, Huchi has been very low-key in the Jiuwei fox race. Even seeing the figure of Fox Light, Fox Pond always walks around.

   There is no way. At that time, the fox pool ghost lost its mind in the empty crack. The one who offended Foxlight is so ruthless, Foxlight now suffocates to clean up him.

   "Go back to elder elder, yes. I sent a few people before, but they never came out again."

  Fu Chi bowed down honestly and said.

  Don't see that both of them are elders, but an elder in a fairyland and an elder in a fairyland. There is a huge difference in status.

"The barbarians of the Tianshan Yeti clan are in trouble again, and the patriarch took all the people there. There are few clan members in Jiuwei City who know the formation. You go to the Nangong tribe and find a few people who understand the formation. Come here to break the battle."

  Fox Ya Shi frowned and said lightly.

   "Yes, but... but the Nangong tribe knows little about how to play, and it is not as good as our people. Find them to break through, and it is estimated that it will not be broken in a while."

  Fu Chi hesitated for a moment and reminded.

   "Is there any other way right now? Go and invite the masters of other races, isn't it embarrassing?"

  Fu Yashi glared fiercely at Hu Chi and scolded.

   sent your eight strong men to it, and in the end, let the two human tribes **** the treasure. Do you guys want to make everybody in Kyushu well known?

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