Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1302: Grab hydrangea

  The banquet was over, and it was already evening. Li Mo and others arranged for them to live in the palace.

   There are also four maids in the room prepared for Li Mo and Egg, all of which are very attractive.

   "You go out first."

  Li Mo waved to the four maids.

   "Your Majesty asked me to serve several adults."

The maid headed by    greeted Li Mo and said.

  Eggs are also rare and did not tease with these four maids, shaking their heads. "Our brothers are used to sleeping on their own. Some people are waiting, but they can't sleep."


   Four maids walked out of the room with a trace of regret in their tone.

   The same scene also appeared in the room of several people in Foxlight. But they are not so polite.

   "Your Majesty."

  Fox Xinxuan's palace, a heart kneeling in the middle of the hall.

   "Has it been arranged?"

  Hu Xinxuan looked at the book in his hand and asked faintly.

   "Arranged, I will bring those maidservants to ask questions tomorrow morning."

   responded respectfully, hesitating for a moment. I couldn't help but ask more, "If you don't like it, your majesty..."

   "If not, just let them go back and forth."

  Fox Heart Xuan still looked at the book in his hand, without raising his head.

   For her, the choice of people is just for the sake of the kingdom. This kind of feeling is not what she needs.

   Of course, if Fox Heart Xuan knows. In the end, if the White Fox tribe were wiped out for this matter, they might be anxious ten times more than they are now.


   confided, and immediately withdrew...

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  Early this morning, dull bells came.

   Li Mo and Dandan were also invited to a Xiulou, looking around, and several guards blocked the place.

  On the opposite side of Li Mo, there are eight of them.

   "Your Majesty throws the hydrangea! With the incense stick's time, whoever the hydrangea is in the end, who is the majesty of your majesty!"

   A maid stood on the show floor and shouted in a sweet voice.

   Then, Fox Heart Xuan was invited out. Today's Fox Heart Xuan wears a red palace dress, although it is plain, but it has a different kind of beauty.

   glanced at the following, Hu Xinxuan covered his face and smiled.

   This smile is like a blooming flower, and heaven and earth will be overshadowed by it.

  Especially Foxlight, his eyes are straight. This time, Foxlight couldn't hold back anymore, and the spit came out.

  Fox Heart Xuan did not speak, the hydrangea in his hand threw down straight.


   There was a strange and fast breaking sound, and I saw a young man of the nine-tailed fox race rushing into the air. Before the hydrangea had landed on the ground, he held the hydrangea in his arms.

   "Fox Dove! What are you doing!"

   This scene suddenly made the fox light thunder.

   "Young Master, this is not the Nine-Tailed Fox Race, I don't need to let you?"

   Fox Dove grinned, this Fox Dove is also the son of the elder's home. Young and vigorous, how can you not want this hydrangea

   "Look to death! Go on! Lose half of his life!"

   Huguang shouted angrily, but none of the people behind Huguang meant to leave.

   These people's eyes flickered and they didn't know what to think about.

   "Fox dove, this hydrangea does not belong to you."

   The experienced Fox Pool stepped forward, shouting at the Fox Dove.

   "This fox pool is still loyal."

   smiled at Li Mo from a distance with an egg that looked at him.

   Seeing that the eight people of the Jiuwei fox clan are going to be in civil strife, Li Mo and the egg don't have any intention of starting.

  Anyway, I don’t know who grabs the hydrangea first.

   But when the egg's voice just fell, he suddenly widened his eyes.

   "Because this hydrangea is mine! Hahaha..."

   The voice fell, and the fox rushed towards the fox dove.

   "This old unscrupulous. It's not exaggerated."

   egg egg laughed a little speechlessly.

  The body of the fox pool moved, but this is just the beginning.

   Next, several other powerful members of the Jiuwei Fox clan also moved. But shouted from their mouths

   "The hydrangea is mine! Mine!"

   "Go away! Who robs me, who I kill!"


   Li Mo and Dandan knew that none of these people were robbing hydrangeas for Foxlight.

   Show upstairs, watching Fox Heart Xuan in the following scene could not help shaking his head secretly. How can she marry these people?

   And through the maids of last night, these people have a clear sense of what they are.

   Then, Hu Xinxuan looked at Li Mo and the egg who had not moved. self-mumbling

   "They really have no idea?"

   said, Hu Xinxuan looked down at his figure. A stubbornness flashed in your eyes, the less you thought of this hydrangea. The more I let you get this hydrangea!

   What's more, Li Mo and Egg's practice last night made Fox Heart Xuan very fond of it.

   Then Fox Heart Xuan pointed a little, and a light aura appeared, slowly drifting into the hydrangea.

   But this is the means of the strong in the early days of Heavenly Wonderland, not to mention the fox, these people in the light fox pool are fighting. Even if there is no battle, they will not find it.

   At this moment, the hydrangea was in the hands of Huchi, but Huchi suddenly felt the hydrangea slip and flew out of his palm.

   Next, the hydrangea flew in the direction of Li Mo under eight pairs of blood-red eyes.

  Li Mo's subconscious deep hands, poof! The hydrangea just flew into Li Mo's hands.


  Li Mo raised his head and looked in the direction of Xiulou. It was found that Fox Heart Xuan was looking at himself, with a stubbornness in his eyes.

   "Stinky boy! Hand over the hydrangea!"

   "Dare to grab the hydrangea with me! Believe it or not I killed you!"

  Huguang, Huchi and other powerful people shouted at Li Mo.

  Someone scolded Li Mo, of course, egg is not happy.

   "You didn't get the time when you grabbed half of the incense in the hot, now this hydrangea ran to my brother, what is this? This is God's will! You and your majesty are destined to have no marriage.

  Although we plan to travel the world, we also believe in heaven. This is God's marriage to my brother. Whoever wants to **** my brother's marriage, I will fight desperately with whom! "

   Looking at the egg, the eight of the nine-tailed fox clan hated their teeth!

What the hell? Is this all coming to heaven?

   "Kid with a sharp tooth, kill him!"

   The fox light shouted and took the lead in killing. The remaining seven Nine-Tailed Fox Race strongmen are also closely followed, at this time, they even unified the camp.

For a while, the sky was full of swords and swords.

  Eggs can play the peak power in the late stage of the fairyland in the time and space fragments, but face so many powerful people. All the eggs fell for a Li Mo grinned as he watched the battle in front of him.

   Then Li Mo held the hydrangea in one hand, clenched his fist in one hand, and smashed it forward.

  Li Mo is extremely fast, and these eight powerful nine-tailed fox clan are still busy attacking eggs.

   So no one found Li Mo attacking. When he saw Li Mo, Li Mo had rushed over.

   Li Mo's first choice was the strongest fox pool among the eight strong members of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan.

  Fu Chi didn't have time to do anything, so he had to use his fist to meet Li Mo's fist.


   The sound of broken bones came, and Hu Chi suddenly coughed up a bite of blood, and his body was coaxed by Li Mo.

   coaxed the flying fox pool, Li Mo's figure didn't stop. The fist loosened and turned into the palm of the hand to draw towards Huguang's face.

   Foxlight is also a strong man in the middle of the land fairyland, so it is reasonable to avoid the slap from others.

   But now let the light of the fox light flash from left to right, the slap looks like a snake, staring at itself with eyes, and can always catch up with the fox light.


   The clear voice came, and Hu Guang's teeth didn't know how much was removed by Li Mo. The figure flew straight backwards towards the back.

   It is still Li Mo who doesn't know whether this foxlight has joined forces with the Puppet Puppet Heavenly Court, otherwise Li Mo has no strength to suppress now. It's simple to slap to kill the foxlight in the middle of this fairyland.

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