Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1295: Illusion duel

   "Ha ha ha, happy to be!"

  Li Mohao smiled when he knew it was not much to say at the moment.

   Then Li Mo got up suddenly and walked out with the fox shower.

  The two of them walked down the stone steps in the middle of the grandstand.

  Even after approaching the ring, the two of the ringing fierce fighting on the ring stopped and talked down the ring,

   There are three kinds of people who come to the ring to fight, one is to like to fight.

   The second is to win several games in a row and use the gambling house to win the spirit stone.

  San is like this has a big hatred, want to decide the birth and death.

   Obviously, at the moment, the ring is the one who has a big hatred and wants to die. However, after seeing the figure of Hulin now, they did not dare to continue fighting, and they had to strand their hatred first.


   Li Mo and Hu Lin said to each other, and then boarded the ring one after another.

   "It's Master Fox!"

   "Master Fox is going to fight this Li Mo, this time there is something good looking again."

   "That is, today there is really nothing."

   The stands are full of excitement. Their eyes were set on the ring where Li Mo and Hu Lin were located, and the battles on the other three rings were comparable to this ring. There is really a sense of seeing little witch.

   Everyone was in high spirits, but soon they were disappointed.

   thought it would be a kind of boxing-to-meat battle, a splendid battle.

   But at the moment Li Mo and Hu Lin were standing on the ring, and the two figures didn't mean to move.

   "What are they?"

   "They are competing illusions, alas... competing illusions are equally dangerous. But we can't see..."

   Only a few strong people have this vision, knowing that Li Mo and Hu Lin are competing illusions.

   However, as long as Li Mo and Hu Lin bring them into the illusion, they can see what they are facing at the moment. Otherwise, they could only look like Li Mo and Hu Lin standing still in place.

  Let's talk about Li Mo and Hu Lin, both of them are great masters in illusion.

   At the moment, the illusion of the two of them did not collide as fiercely as those outside thought.

   but the illusion of the two gradually merged together, fused into a whole world.

  Because they are the creators of illusion, they are in this illusion. Their means, weapons and even helping hands are all pinched.

   is like at this moment, the top 10 darlings of Fox Shower!

   Look closely, the war pet behind Jinglin turned out to be the top ten beasts! Qinglong, Phoenix, White Tiger, Black Turtle, Pixiu, Teng Snake, Gou Chen...

   These ten beasts are not much left in the outside world. It is obviously impossible to gather them together.

   Moreover, they are proud and want to put them as pets of war, how is it possible?

   But in this illusion, Li Mo and Hu Lin are the masters. As long as they can outline the appearance of the ten great beasts in their hearts, they will be allowed to appear in this illusion.


  The green dragon roared, and nearly a thousand feet of the dragon's body swayed, slamming into the blood basin with Li Mo's mouth.


   and the white tiger is the foot of the void, the tiger roars in the forest. Bringing supreme Huwei, rushed in front of Li Mo.


  Phoenix also hissed and rushed in the direction of Li Mo with his gorgeous wings. Several other great beasts also rushed in one after another, imposing momentum.

For a while, the whole world in the illusion seemed to tremble.

   These are the ten great beasts! Which one is born is not easy, let alone ten gathered together and born together.

  In front of the ten great beasts, Li Mo's body is so small. It doesn't seem to be enough for the dragons, white tigers and other beasts to sew their teeth.

   And Li Mo did not rush back, but closed his eyes. Outline the illusion in my heart.

  Gradually, Li Mo's body showed seven figures. The figure and the clothes were dark, so I couldn't see clearly.

   But the seven figures can be seen vaguely in appearance, there are men and women, all with their eyes closed. The jacket moves with the wind, and there is no slight pressure on him.

"this is?"

   The question mark on Fox's face, I don't know what it means for Li Mo to outline these seven people in the illusion.

  But Hulin knew that these seven people must be very dangerous. This is definitely not what it looks like. The mortal body, humans and animals are harmless!


   Finally, the first Qinglong attack launched a black shadow.


  Like a long sword out of the sheath, the sharp light seemed to turn into a sound.

   Looking at the figure in front of Qinglong, where did he find the weapon? It's just that he opened his eyes!

   This is a pair of cold and heartless, looking down on the eyes of all beings!

   There is no slight emotion in these eyes, a shattered voice comes


   Life and death is like heaven, the sky makes you die, can you not die?

   Then, I saw Qinglong's vitality disappeared quickly. The huge dragon body gradually dispersed.


  Qinglong's painful roaring sky, the dragon's body twisted continuously in the air.

   But it is powerless to let Qinglong resist! He can't resist heaven!

   In the end, Qinglong's body can only dissipate in the world, as if it has never appeared in the illusion.

  At the same time, the other six figures also moved one after another. All of them carried endless heavenly coercion, one word, one finger, or one look could dispel a **** beast.


   Rao pretends to have seen the world's fox shower. Seeing this scene is not only a sip of water, but also some murmured in surprise.

   This scene in front of me is really shocking.

  The ten great beasts are in reality, but they were destroyed by seven figures?


  As the last **** beast was goblin was suddenly bitten back, coughing up a bite of blood.

   Suddenly, the world changed, as if the stars were moving from star to star.

   The consciousness of Li Mo and Hu Lin returned to reality again, and Li Mo's face was pale now. Obviously, it is not easy to outline the seven figures.

   "Great, what level are the seven strong?"

   Foxing looked at Li Mo's eyes and couldn't help asking.

  Li Mo grinned "secret."

   It's not that Li Mo didn't say it, but the life experience of those seven is too terrifying.

  Because those were the seven quasi-imperials that Li Mo had seen! In this era when the **** king realm is scarce, the quasi-imperial affairs are too terrifying. Not to mention making seven at once.

Among them, some are Li Mo's friends and some are Li Mo's enemies.

  It is also the first time that Li Mo tries to outline seven prospective emperors in his illusion, which is not easy.

   And they can not exert the power of Quasi-Emperor at all, because the illusion focuses on the type, and the type blinds the world. Not paying attention to the intention, so the seven prospective emperors outlined did not have the imaginary means of strangling everything in the world.

   It's just that the ten great beasts outlined by the fox are also stylish. After all, Hulin hasn't seen a few of the top ten beasts. How can it be so outlined?

   And it is the ten great beasts, nor can each be powerful enough to be an emperor. Therefore, the seven quasi-imperial illusions outlined by Li Mo easily kill ten illusions.

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