Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1289: Prickly rose

  Li Mo frowned lightly. He came here to help him.

  If Nangong Shuo really ignites the fireworks right now, the clan of the Nangong tribe will kill them. At that time, he will definitely fight, and then Li Mo will help him, maybe he can force the nine-tailed fox to the puppet heaven.

   So Li Mo swish and came to the front of Nangongshuo before igniting fireworks in Nangongshuo.

  The palm of the hand turned into a sharp hand knife, and with a rattle, Nangong Shuo's arm was cut with fireworks.


  Nangong Shuo suddenly howled, blood spattered continuously at the broken arm.

   "Want to die, I will fulfill you!"

   Li Mo didn't kill Nonggongshuo before, but now Nanggongshuo is going to ruin Li Mo's event.

  So Li Mo said nothing, his palms turned into fists and smashed into Nangong Shuo's chest.


   A large gulp of blood spewed out, Nangong Shuo's chest was suddenly recessed, and the bones and flesh did not know how much was broken.

   The figure of Nangong Shuo also flew to the distance and fell to the ground. Mouth full of blood foam, seeing more outgassing less air.

   The pair of gradually lost eyes looked at Li Mo, unbelievable.

   In the mind of Nangong Shuo, his practice is to lose to this humanoid kid. But you can also support a few tricks, release fireworks to attract the tribe?

   After all, he is the pride of the Nangong tribe!

   But now, this kid is going to kill himself so quickly? I have no power to resist!

   "Woo... save, I..."

  Nangong Shuo, who fell to the ground, vomited blood foam, and looked at Nangong Meier, shouting weakly.

   "Master Brother."

   Nangong Meier smiled charmingly and walked in a catwalk. The smile on his face was so intriguing, but somehow Li Mo felt a trace of danger in this smile.

"help me……"

   Nangong Shuo shivered as if he saw a savior.

   "Brother Shou, my sister wants to save you. But my sister thinks you are so painful, and my sister is also distressed."

  Nangong Meier squatted down her delicate body, and Jiao Didi said that the slim and delicate hand rested on Nangong Shuo's throat.

   "So, my sister still gives Brother Shu a happy, let Brother Shu suffer less."

"no no……"

  Nan Gongshuo exerted his strength and shouted. With each opening of Nangong Shuo, a large piece of blood foam must be brought out of his mouth,

   But he is a strong man in the middle of the fairyland, and he also holds a high position in the Nangong tribe. The thousand-year life of the powerful fairyland and the endless glory and wealth, how can he be willing to die like this?

  Nan Gongshuo exerted all his strength and shouted unwillingly.

   But as Nangong Meier's cold jade hand gradually exerted force, he shattered Nangong Shuo's throat.

  Nan Gongshuo's vitality suddenly disappeared, but his eyes were angry.

  Nangong Shuo was not reconciled, and he did not die in the hands of the enemy, but in the hands of his own people.

  Looking at this scene, Li Mo grinned.

   This Nangong charmer is a rose with thorns.

   looks charming, but in fact it has thorns. And this thorn is poisonous, and if you pierce you, it is a terrible existence.

   "You just killed your clan, aren't you afraid that Nangong tribe will pursue it?"

   looked at the back of Nangong Meier, Li Mo asked.

  Nangong Meier suddenly got up and looked at Li Mo. The face of grievance said, "Where did I kill him, obviously you are the one who killed him..."

  Li Mo has a black thread, get it! Let this Nangong Meier calculate again.

   "You should know the direction of Jiuwei City?"

  At this time, the egg came from a distance and asked.

  Jiuwei City is where the people of the Jiuwei Fox tribe are located.

   looked at the egg carefully, Nangong Meier smiled. Walk near the egg

   "Of course I know, do you need a little girl to show the nightmare's son?"

"leave me alone."

   saw the fierceness of Nangong Mei'er just now, and the egg stepped back, avoiding Nangong Meier, said.

   "What does he mean, my little girl is really sad..."

   Nangong Meier seems to be covering her face and crying.

   "Can you speak well? Otherwise, don't blame our brothers for not sorrowing Xiangxixiyu, you know. Men and women, I still kill them."

   said, Li Mo clenched his fists and gestured to Nangong Meier.

   This fist is the fist that used to kill Nangong Shuo.

   Moreover, Nangong Meier once fought Li Mo and knew Li Mo's fierceness. Therefore, Li Mo said that the man and the woman were killed correctly. Nangong Mei'er knew that this was not a fake.

   "Here! Follow this direction, just a thousand acres..."

   pointedly pointed in a direction, white Li Mo and egg.

   Really, others looked at me. I can't wait to put my eyes on me, you two can be good. All treat me like a poison, far away.


   egg egg waved his hand, and he and Li Mo walked in the direction of Nangong Meier's finger.

   But just after taking a step, Li Mo found that Nangong Mei'er had taken a step.

   "What are you doing?"

  Li Mo frowned and asked.

   "Of course it is with you."

   Nangong Meier said a great and awe-inspiring look, as if it should be so general.

   "Follow us? Why?"

  Fan also frowned and asked.

   For the woman who hid the knife in her smile, she didn’t have any good feelings.

   She is like a viper, so beware.

   "You killed this Nangong Shuo, and I have nothing to do with it. Of course I have to thank you..."

  Nan Gong Meier's words were halfway through, and Li Mo interrupted

"speak English!"

   "You are so troubled to me, I can only go to Jiuwei City to hide now, all right!"

  Nangong Meier put away Jiao Didi and said angrily.

  Nangong Tribe is a subordinate tribe of the Jiuwei tribe, and takes care of the vast land of Zhizhou on behalf of the Jiuwei tribe.

   But don't look at the power of the Nangong tribe, but there is a place where they can't afford to exist. It is the Jiuwei clan where the Jiuwei fox clan So after killing Nangong Shuo, the first thing Nangong Meier thought was to enter the Jiuwei city to hide.

  Although the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan Young Master is now staring at himself, the Nine-Tailed Clan is so big. The young master is a high-ranking character, and he dodges at the bottom of Jiuwei City, so the young master can't touch it. After all, who would have thought that the woman he was staring at was under his eyelids?

   This is called black under the light.

   "Okay, where to hide is your right, but don't follow us."

  Li Mo grinned, and then followed the egg to the direction of Jiuweicheng.

"you guys!"

  Looking at the backs of Li Mo and Eggs, Nangong charmed and stood stomping on the spot.

   "Can you understand some pity Xiangxixiyu!"

   Let's talk about Li Mo again, a distance of one thousand mu. For both of them, one hour can't be used, so they can get there.

  Jiuwei City and Nightmare City are about the same size, and the city is more prosperous. The demon, human and demon races are parallel.

   The only forbidden place in the city is the city in that city, and only the clan of the Jiuwei Fox can enter.

  Because there is no war in Zhizhou now, it is still a prosperous scene.

   There was a team outside the city that could not be seen at a glance, and no one in the team dared to make a noise.

  After all, it is the guards of the Nine-Tailed Fox Race who maintain order, these are the top races in the world. Annoyed them, they are really killers.

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