Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1283: Arrive at Blue Whale

"it is good!"

   The blue shark who has lived for most of his life can still see that there is no element of lie in Li Mo's sincere eyes, and then the blue shark looks at his doctor middle-aged.

   "Hurry up and we will start tonight. Strive to go to the blue whale family tomorrow morning."

   The blue shark is about to leave without stopping. It shows how much this blue shark hates the mantis puppet heaven.


   Middle-aged should be heard, but the speed of dressing, but not dare to dare.

  Although the blue shark did not show much pain from beginning to end, the middle-aged doctor would not know how much such an injury should hurt.

   The speed in my hand is fast, and I can only add pain.

  It took a little incense for the middle-aged doctor to finish the injury to the blue shark.

   Then the blue shark put on a loose robe and left with Li Mo.

  When he left, Blue Shark also prepared a dark coat for Li Mo and Egg.

   Such clothes are very convenient to catch the road in this dark night...

   All the way, Li Mo finally asked the blue whale in the mouth of the blue shark.

   There is a place called Blue Whale Sea at the southernmost tip of Xutianzhou, where there are various sea monsters and demon.

   There is an island in the middle of the blue whale sea, where is the blue whale family, and it is also the place where the true overlord of Asahi Prefecture lives.

   It's just that the creatures in the sea also recognize the blue whale as the king, so there is no approval from the blue whale.

   hastily entered the blue whale sea, I am afraid that all the creatures in the sea will be ambushed to death.

   Of course, the entire blue whale tribe, and only the grandfathers of the past, were recognized by the blue whale tribe.

   "I want to see the adults of the Blue Whale Clan, and also ask all the Hai Clan friends to open a way."

   The sky was lit up, and the blue shark and Li Mo were standing above. Looking at the sea where he couldn't play, the blue shark shouted loudly.

  As the blue shark's voice fell, the sea level suddenly rippled into waves. In every ripple, a small head was revealed.

   There are whale, cuttlefish, grass carp, turtle...


   There was another sound of crisp water again, and all the undersea monsters drove down with a fierce man, bringing up the rolling waves and splashing into the sky.

   For a moment, Li Mo felt suddenly cool.

   I saw those waves swaying in the sky, no longer falling, but stopped in mid-air.

   Successive waves are grouped together to form a magnificent transparent bridge.

   The bridge is very long and may lead directly to the island deep in the blue whale sea.

   "Don’t underestimate these little demon, there are demon kings in the fairyland in the depths of the blue whale sea. They are staring at them in the dark, even if we are like this, we will be caught by accident.

   But if there is this bridge, it will be different. We walk through the bridge to the depths of the blue whale sea. The demon kings in the water are just seeing us, and they will not shoot us. "

   seemed to see Li Mo's doubts, so the blue shark explained Li Mo.

  Li Mo smiled abruptly. "Fortunately, I came with my seniors. If the juniors came alone, I found the blue whale family, and I wouldn't be able to enter."

   Blue Shark smiled, and immediately the three figures landed on the bridge together. Stepping on the bridge formed by the waves, I walked deeper.

   walked all the way, Li Mo could clearly see a little demon in the water. The deeper, the bigger the demon's size, the higher the cultivation level, and the more dangerous it is.

   Even just now, there was a shark swimming in the middle of Wonderland in front of Li Mo.

   There are a lot of aquatic goblins themselves. If you let them go on an uninterrupted sneak attack on the fairy in all their land, it is indeed very dangerous.

   But Li Mo, who is holding a quasi-imperial device, is not afraid, and now the strongest of Heavenly Wonderland appears in front of Li Mo. Li Mo can also slap him to death.

  The sun is fierce, but it is on this skyless sea. There was some fishy sea breeze blowing in the coolness, but there was still something else cool.

   After about half a day, Li Mo finally appeared a vast island.

   This island is like a small continent, but it is not small.

   The island is green, and a vast castle can be seen in the center. Presumably this is where the blue whale family is.

   Li Mo, Dandan followed the Blue Shark out of the bridge.

  The footsteps of the three men just fell to the ground, and the grass swelled. Wearing a team of blue whale patriarch's guards, the long fork in his hand was aimed at Li Mo and the egg.

   "Blue Shark, who gave you the right to bring outsiders into here?"

   An unpleasant voice came, and then dressed in blue armor, the middle-aged Sifang face walked slowly.

  Although this middle-aged man had only cultivation in the middle of the fairyland, he was not afraid of this blue shark.

   Don't forget, he is a member of the Blue Whale tribe, a member of the Blue Whale tribe! Although this Blue Shark did not recognize him as a totem, did he dare to provoke him?

  He had an idea, and the blue whale tribe had to die for a thousand or eight thousand believers.

   "It turns out to be Lan Chan."

   Seeing Lan Chan who was proud of his expression, even though the blue shark was not happy anymore. I have to hold back my anger and bow down.

   "Who are the two of them?"

  Lan Chan looked displeased as Li Mo and Egg didn't mean to bow to themselves. Immediately, Lan Canyi pointed at Li Mo and the egg, and raised his head high and asked.

   "Are you qualified to refer to me?"

  The blue shark can endure this blue chan, but how can the egg, which is a child of the nightmare tribe, endure a small leader of the blue shark?

  During the nightmare tribe, one egg can scare his mid-land fairyland guard and commander Mengye to the atmosphere and dare not breathe.

   "Blue Shark! Are you bringing a wild boy to the Blue Whale Clan? You want to die?"

  Lan Chan's eyes showed murderousness, scolding at the blue shark.

   "The prince of the nightmare tribe is said to be a wild kid in your mouth. You are so big!"

   Someone scolded the egg, and Li Mo was also angry.

   Hearing Li Mo's words, Lan Can's eyes tightened suddenly.

   Lan Can’s cultivation of course can see at a glance that the egg is a member of the Nightmare tribe, but in Lan Can’s heart.

  Blue sharks are people who know the Nightmare, and at best they know ordinary people. Where can I think that this is the son of the nightmare!

   Blue shark's eyes flickered, but his mouth was stiff

"What a child of the nightmare! Just come to a child of the it a child? And now that the nightmare are all destroyed, you, the child, want to come to our blue whale tribe Come out of the waves, when we blue whales are bully?"

  Don't look at Lan Chan's five big and three thick, but he is not stupid.

   Looking at this young boy, if he is the nightmare's holy son, he is certainly not able to contend. His subordinates will not be opponents of the other party, but he said something.

   Push this kid to the opposite of the whole blue whale family, you are crazy again. A sacred son whose race has been wiped out, may be our entire blue whale's opponent?

   "You, a little leader, dare to speak up to represent the entire blue whale family. Have you represented?"

  Eggs gradually looked up and smiled contemptuously.

   Li Mo shook his head and smiled, "Senior Blue Shark, shall we ask the senior of the Blue Whale Clan. Has the Blue Whale Clan been reduced to the point of being a small leader?"

"you dare!"

  Li Mo's voice just fell, and the Blue Shark hadn't waited for a response. Lan Can immediately scared and sneered with sweat.

  Like the nightmare tribe, although the leader of the blue whale tribe is not low, others must give a little thin face when they meet.

   But this is far from the level of the blue whale high-level. Only when you become an elder can you enter the blue whale high-level and have decision-making power.

  If Li Mo really asked the senior officials of the Blue Whale tribe so majesticly, he could not help but be punished.

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