Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1261: Powerful quasi-imperial weapon

"Congratulations to Lingxi's ancestors! All Jiuli demons!"

After all, Feng Fengchun's head was tightly clasped on the ground. The other strong men of the crickets also knelt down fanatically, all of a sudden the sound of bells struck by the armor.

The rest of the powerful people of several ethnic groups looked at the fog, and did not understand what was going on.


A thick voice came from the wooden box, and then everyone only felt that the wooden box showed a dazzling light. Even the powerful in Wonderland couldn't resist the dazzling light, so he closed his eyes.

With a swish, a pair of golden gloves suddenly flew to the sky. Gradually withdrawing the dazzling light, but the pressure on it made the powerful people below tremble.

"This is... Quasi-Emperor Tool Rhino Glove!"

Others didn't recognize it, but the elder, Antbiao, the elder of the strong ant royal clan with a little relationship with the crickets, recognized this glove at first sight.

This glove is the emperor's forbidden weapon and a complete set of spirit rhinoceros.

The status of this Lingxi boxing glove is not inferior to the crow clan. The Lingling rhinoceros is second only to the ancestor.

The strong are the most respected, so all the strong in other races hear the name of Lingxi fist. All bow down

"See the ancestor of the spirit rhino!"

Amidst the shouts of the crowd, a phantom shadow of a snail-sized mantis gradually appeared over the glove.

This mantis has two more bunches of bazi than others, and looks proud.

"Also please the Lingxi Ancestor!"

Looking at Qi Ling Ling Xi, Feng Fengchun shouted fanatically.

Ling Xi did not respond to Fengfengchun, but looked in the direction of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Murmured

"How many years have passed, we have met again. Jiuli has been dead for so many years, but my master has sat in the position of the emperor, give up your obsession, and recognize my master as the master."

"Go! You two despicable guys, Lao Tzu is dead, and he will not recognize the despicable guy of Guzu!"

A loud curse came from the Hundred Thousand Mountains, which surprised everyone.

Who has such a big temper? How dare Lingxi's ancestors dare to say so? I don't want to die.

If Li Mo is here, he must laugh to death. This Lingxiao, with a temper up, is really airy.

In front of so many people, I was scolded. Qi Ling Ling Xi was also furious and scolded.

"Okay! You don't come out, then now I will go in and smash you awkwardly, to see you still stiff!"

After all, Ling Xi's figure gradually dissipated, and gradually merged with the Ling Xi fist. The dazzling golden light appeared again on the glove.

Then, the fist opened wide and flew in the direction of Feng Fengchun.

Looking at the floating gloves, Chou Fengchun was happy. Then Feng Fengchun hurriedly hands up.

I saw that the glove fell right in front of Chong Fengchun's hands, and put Chong Fengchun's gloves on. A golden light flashed away, and then Feng Fengchun's body surged so much that he directly broke through the heavenly realm and stepped into the heavenly realm!

This is the terrible place of the quasi-imperial weapon, which can be forcibly upgraded and repaired. Of course, the stronger the strength, the more limited the improvement of the quasi-imperial weapon. Only when these powerful gods bring quasi-imperial weapons, can they lift the subtlety for a long time.

Suddenly raised his head, with the blessing of the quasi-imperial weapon, at this moment, Feng Fengchun is like a **** of war.


Chou Fengchun shouted, and his figure resolutely rushed towards the sky barrier. The fist in his hand fell down and hit the barrier constantly.

For a time, it seemed that the entire hundred thousand mountains trembled. There was constant muffled noise on the beam of light.

"Not yet broken! One punch is not enough, ten punches! Ten ten punches are not enough, one hundred punches!"

Ling Xiao's voice came from the glove, and his power was greatly increased.


One punch, two punches, three punches...

In the end, Feng Fengchun didn't know how many punches he had smashed, and finally made the barrier gradually crack.

Even though the crack is not as long as the hair, it also makes Chou Fengchun happy.

If it were replaced with the former Jiulian formation, even if he had a quasi-imperial weapon in his hand, he would not be able to open it. And if you run slowly, maybe Li Renlong can use the power of Jiuli to kill himself.

But the current Jiuli formation can't stop themselves.

"Come again!"

Chou Fengchun shouted, and his fist fell again.


Hundreds of thousands of mountains shook violently, and the barrier cracks were bigger.

Go on like this, as long as there is enough time. Chou Fengchun must be able to coax this Jiuli formation!


But at this time, only a heavy hum was heard. The defense of the Jiuli Formation dispersed, and an old man stood at the top of the world.

The old man had a white shirt and a long hair shawl. The temperament of his body can resist one million divisions in one stop in this world!

"Ji Jie, old guy, you finally showed up."

Seeing the old man, Chou Fengchun grinned.

"You are not enough to change the ancestor."

Li Renlong said lightly that since the defense of Jiuli Group was not enough. The Li people simply let go of the defense and held Jiu Li's big formation in their hands.

"At this moment you are still arrogant! Find death!"

Hearing Li Renlong's words, Chou Fengchun's face was rueful and a haze flashed.

Then, Feng Fengchun went straight to death.

Chou Fengchun's cultivation practice was consummated in Tianxian Realm, and Li Renlong's cultivation practice was also consummated in Tianxian Realm.

And Feng Fengchun still has a quasi-imperial weapon in hand, and the Li Ren dragon has only the broken Jiulian formation. Coupled with the fighting power of his own **** and demon clan, in this case, Li Renlong still looks down on himself, how can Feng Fengchun agree!


Li Renlong snorted again and gave a palm. For a time, the vast 100,000 mountains showed amazing A little light slowly lifted into the 100,000 mountains and injected into the body of Li Renlong.

This made the breath of Li Renlong also skyrocketing, breaking through the heaven.

Then, the Jiuli Group burst into flames.

Standing above the 100,000 mountains, the scene was spectacular. Even though the Jiulian Formation is now cracked, the prestige is still there.

Li Renlong pointed to the bottom and pinched his palm. Green smoke slowly rose into a blue sword in the hands of Li Renlong!

The long sword flashed, and the dragon hand of Li Ren killed the long sword.


Below, the long sword is out of the sheath, and the big long mouse in the middle of the red flame rat family's heaven is facing north, and the golden long sword in his hand is pointing directly at the sky. The voice spread through the hundred thousand army with aura!


"Kill! Kill..."

With the voice of one of the kings, the soldiers rushed into the 100,000 mountains like a hungry wolf, and the spear in their hands glowed with the chilling light.

However, the army had just rushed into the 100,000 mountains, and there was a strong coercion in the sky. So that those powerful in the fairyland have to come to the ground.

"Oh, uh..."

At this time, the jungle was surging. Numerous figures appeared, and they all had bows and crossbows in their hands, and the special bows and crossbows shot at 100,000 troops.


For a time, blood flowed into the river and screams continued. Those unguarded members of the Chong Tiantian were suddenly shot into a sieve.


"Quick! Defense"

Several heavens in the fairyland would like to see such tragic death of their subordinates, and then one by one showed an aura to prevent the sky from rain.

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