Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1255: 5 dozen 9


The golden light flashed away, and with the golden light completely submerged in the puppet's body, the nine puppets seemed to be hit with chicken blood. The pupils were angry, and the whole body showed an endless murder intention.

Along with the increase in strength and speed, the nine giant axes followed the principles of three up, three middle, and three down to Li Mo's body.

Li Mo, who turned into a sword fairy, was caught by surprise and was shot again.

"Damn it! You're **** it!"

How did Ling Xiao's movement just escape Li Mo's consciousness.

Although the nine puppets are very powerful in their individual combat, in the end, they still have no practice, even less consciousness, and will not jointly attack.

So just now their battles are chaotic and unruly, and there is no danger of fighting against the strong men of the nine gods and demons. So Li Mo just got the upper hand after the unification of the sword.

But Ling Xiao used the secret method just now, so that these puppets had a touch of wisdom for a short time. Even if these wise minds are not strong, with the cooperation of the nine puppets, Tian Mo's seamless attack still makes Li Mo suffer a big loss.

"The assessment set by the host was like this. I didn't take it easy."

Ling Xiao spread his hands, a look that didn't concern me.


The nine puppets with the sacred wisdom came to kill again, and the nine puppets stood apart. The giant axe in his hand seemed to lay Tian Luo Di Wang and fell to Li Mo.

Looking at the giant axe on the head, Li Mo's eyes were ruthless.

"In this case, don't blame me!"

"Five Qi Chao Yuan!"

The voice fell, and Li Mo's figure changed into five.

The five sword immortals rushed towards the nine puppets in the same realm.

A Li Mo is not an opponent against nine puppets in the same territory, but what about five Li Mo?

Just listening to Qiang, a star sword of Li Mo splitting the giant axe. Immediately following the second sword, the puppet's chest was opened.

The gigantic golden puppet suddenly knelt on one knee and could no longer move.

On the other side, another Li Mo took advantage of the gap of the Jinjia puppet attack. The figure hit the golden armor puppet directly.

With a sword-like blessing, Li Mo's figure also looks like an unstoppable long sword.


So Li Mo's shoulders directly knocked down the chest of the golden armor puppet, and the unlucky golden armor puppet flew out directly.

With a thud, the golden armor puppet fell to the ground, and the golden light in his eyes gradually dispersed, losing his ability to move.

And the other three Li Mo each also destroyed a puppet.

"Stop! Stop!"

Seeing that the five puppets were scrapped directly, Ling Xiao suddenly rushed in pain. Stopped Li Mo while cursing

"The Prodigal Son! These will be available in the future! Tap lightly!"

"Let me pass these levels without it."

Li Mo grinned and mocked. Learning the appearance of Ling Xiao before, a look that does not concern me.

Demo, still mocking me just now?

"You're a scumbag, you can only have one passer-by at a time. Why did you use five!"

Lingxiao shouted like a child.

"This is just a secret method, don't you let me fight with the secret method? Then I put my head directly under their axe and let them cut it."

The five Li Mo were combined into one, and Ling Xiao gave a glance, and said angrily.

You can beat me one out of nine, and what are the reasons for me to beat you nine out of five?

"It's okay, it's your pass."

Ling Xiao waved his hands impatiently, watching the five broken golden armor puppets lying on the ground, kneeling on the ground and lying on the ground. Ling Xiao's face hurts

"I have to waste a lot of energy to repair them, but it's okay. Nothing hurts."

"Don't tinker with your puppets first, hurry up and say what next test? I'm waiting to get through!"

Li Mo said angrily.

"Huh, the second level is to assess perception."

With that said, Ling Xiao did not know where to take out a jade slip and threw it to Li Mo.

"One of them is an exercise method. When will you understand it? You can pass the second level after you have achieved it."


Looking at the jade jade in his hand, Li Mo grinned.

Li Mo likes these exercises the most, otherwise, tens of thousands of exercises cannot be collected in previous life.

"Don't underestimate this exercise, this is the light spirit that the master got in the heavenly court at first! The average person can't learn great things in his lifetime."

Looking at Li Mo still looking like he was eager to try, Ling Xiao didn't get angry.

Every assessment here is an assessment that can stump others for a lifetime. Otherwise, Ling Xiao wouldn't have said before, maybe Li Mo's life would be evaluated.

But why did Li Mo feel so relaxed here?

"Light spirit, is body style?"

With that, Li Mo's consciousness looked to the jade jade. An obscure line of secrets appeared in Li Mo's mind.

However, Li Mo has the Soul of Soul, and after seeing something, he will never forget it.

So even if this light spirit technique is difficult to understand, Li Mo has written it down.

After the mantra, there are some essentials, but these essentials are similar to other essentials.

Li Mo is proficient in shrinking into an inch, and of course he knows a lot about these methods.

So for these essentials, Li Mo just glanced away and put away the jade jade.

Then Li Mo opened his lips together, meditating on the obscure mantra of Ming soul.

Just listening to Li Mo swish, the figure was worn far away.

The speed is extremely fast, but Li Mo also frowned. Shook his head

"What's the matter, there's something that doesn't work..."

Although Li Mo was extremely fast just now, it was all the speed of the powerhouse in the fairyland. Li Mo did not succeed in using the speed of light spirits.

Watching Li Mo frown and look pensive. Ling Xiao couldn't help but grin

"Sample, I can't cure you yet? Where is the test of understanding so Is it really good to just learn?"

Then Lingxiao walked to the distance, and the child in the distance was staring blankly at the things here.

"Little guy, are you hungry?"

Looking at this childish face, eyes full of innocent children. Ling Xiao smiled softly.

Under the influence of the host Jiuli, Lingxiao also cared about the people of the Jiuli tribe.

The people of the Jiuli tribe are not his masters.

This kid is only in his early twenties, how much knowledge there is.

So seeing this person coming high, Ling Xiao, who looks like a hill, moved around. The child's face is tense, where else can it be said.

"Don't be afraid. Uncle will find you something to eat."

With that, Ling Xiao's figure disappeared.

After a while, Ling Xiao returned to the child with a burnt some black soil.

The child's face is nervous, what is it doing? Do you want me to eat mud?

Looking at the child, Ling Xiao smiled.

Then Lingxiao slammed the dirt in the face of the child to the ground. There was a spirit chicken wrapped in the mud. The spirit chicken was roasted and cooked, and the meat was tangy.

After all, children are also greedy, and smell such delicious. The child suddenly swallowed.

"Come and try."

Ling Xiao dragged a piece of chicken leg and handed it to the child.

The child was hesitant at first, but he couldn't resist the temptation of food. So after swallowing a few more saliva, the child hurriedly took the chicken leg in Ling Xiao's hand and ate it.

Bite it, my God! How can it be so delicious!

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