Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1246: Eagle Pecking

Regarding Ma Dongfeng's insult, Li Mo did not mean to be entangled with Ma Dongfeng. I saw Li Mo's eyes turned into a blue.

Then, Li Mo's blue eyes met Ma Dongfeng's eyes.

Ma Dongfeng is the pinnacle of the late peak of the fairyland, and his strength is better than Li Mo.

In addition, Ma Dongfeng lived a lot of years, so if Ma Dongfeng was full. Li Mo brings Ma Dongfeng into his illusion.

But now, Ma Dongfeng's soul is not tortured by the Soul Stick. Soul and body are close to collapse. So Li Mo has almost no effort, and Ma Dongfeng fell directly into Li Mo's illusion.

"Since reality is not afraid, I will give you some fear."

Li Mo grinned.

In the illusion, Ma Dongfeng's self-cultivation could not be brought out at all. Can only be paralyzed and tied to the shelf.

And this world is a world with bright eyes. Ma Dongfeng and the shelf are on the high mountain. Ma Dongfeng is subjected to the hot sun barbecue every day.

Of course, even if there is no cultivation ground for the powerhouse of the fairyland, there is still the consciousness of the powerhouse of the land fairyland. How can it not stand the sun?

But in this illusion, every day an eagle came down to tear Ma Dongfeng's flesh.


This is not, another eagle dive down. The roar is like a fierce ghost in hell, howling at Ma Dongfeng's ear.


An eagle directly pecked off flesh and blood on Ma Dongfeng's chest, and for a time, it was bloody.


There was another tearing sound, I don't know which eagle is so powerful. He even dug out Ma Dongfeng's eyeball. Yin Hong's blood ran down Ma Dongfeng's cheeks.

Then, several eagles ate Ma Dongfeng's flesh in front of Ma Dongfeng.

Although Ma Dongfeng is a powerhouse in the fairyland, there is no cultivation in this illusion. And this painful feeling is real!

The eagles left after a meal, and waited until the next day. The flesh and blood of Ma Dongfeng grew again.

This is not Ma Dongfeng's own growth, but under the control of this **** illusion. The injury that made Ma Dongfeng so serious was still able to grow intact overnight.

The body is good, but Ma Dongfeng is not happy at all.

As Ma Dongfeng looked at the distant sky, the soaring eagle swooped over again.

"Ah! Damn stinky boy! It's a pleasure to kill Grandpa!"

Ma Dongfeng couldn't bear it at last, he yelled at it.

"Tell me truthfully and give you a good time."

Li Mo's voice came from the sky, and Li Mo's voice seemed to be the master of this world.

After the explanation, he died. Ma Dongfeng broke the Jiulian formation. This is to destroy the entire Jiuli tribe, so Ma Dongfeng is not let go.

"Stinky kid! Want me to backboard our tribe, dream!"

Ma Dongfeng yelled loudly and shivered in pain.

"Then you continue to endure the hawk's punishment here."

Skyrim heard Li Mo's voice again, and then no more.

This is an illusion, although the pain is real. But in the illusion, Li Mo didn't want to kill Ma Dongfeng, and Ma Dongfeng couldn't die, so Li Mo didn't mind tossing Ma Dongfeng more here.

Day after day, year after year. Ma Dongfeng had been able to contend with these eagle-pecking penalties before, but perseverance would be tempered by time.

Finally, Ma Dongfeng didn't know that he had been pecked by these eagles for several years, and the haggard Ma Dongfeng finally bowed his head to Li Mo.

"I said... let me go..."

As Ma Dongfeng's voice fell, Ma Dongfeng only felt a flower in front of him.

He appeared again in the familiar library, surrounded by the elders.

Although Ma Dongfeng was tortured in the illusion for several years, the outside world has only a few hours. So Li Mo and others have been here, ready to listen to Ma Dongfeng's confession.

"Say what you know."

Li Mo sat on the chair and asked after taking a sip of tea.

After seeing the destruction of the Jiulian National Flag last night, Li Mo was indeed a bit panicked.

But now, Li Mo has recovered his composure.

The experience of the two worlds made Li Mo understand that it is useless to panic when something happens.

"Yes... there are our people, the horse race, the Juli ant royal race. The Sky Swallow Race, the Red Flame Rat Race, and the Wolf Eater Race secretly participated in the Heavenly Court."

As he said, Ma Dongfeng was still trembling on the side, as if still suffering from torture.

A strong man in a fairyland, who accepted that kind of torture day and night, came down for several years. Even if it doesn’t die, it’s good if it’s not crazy.

"Juli Ant King Clan, Sky Swallow Clan, Red Flame Rat Clan! Sure enough, they are three mixed races!"

Listening to Ma Dongfeng's words, the land battle could not help but scold.

Li Mo looked puzzled at Dongfang Yibai, and Dongfang Yibai frowned and explained to Li Mo

"The Juli Ant King, the Swallow Sky Python Clan and the Red Flame Rat Clan are the races that are hostile to our Jiuli Tribe. It must be their three ideas to make the Guizu calculate our Jiuli Tribe."

"Are the hostile strengths of our Jiuli tribe only their three forces?"

Li Mo asked, Li Mo did not know much about the history of the Jiuli tribe.

"The tripartite forces, as well as the tribal tribes they belong to. Of course, there were definitely more than these six forces. But over the years, those forces have either perished or have become so weak that they can't afford the gods and demons. To the point of being replaced."

Dongfang Yibai explained to Li Mo. I thought that those tribes of the human race did not miss the feelings of the same race, but they also strove to the Jiuli tribe.

But Dongfang Yibai's language did not blame them. After all, they recognized those big demon families, and the demon royal family as totems. The lives of the entire tribe are pinched in the hands of others, and they have to obey them.

Land War also came to Li Mo

"It's not a big deal for other forces to as long as this giant ant royal family does not perish!"

It can be seen that the land battle hated Juli Ant King.

"Although the Juli Ant Clan is a demon clan, but it has some blood relationship with the Crow clan. And the strength of the Juli Ant Clan is not weak. When we attacked the Jiuli Tribe, the number of clan members killed by the Juli Ant Clan was the most!"

Jia Quan also said.

"The most important thing is that this time there is a wolf-eating tribe in the pseudo heaven."

Li Mo frowned, and this wolf eater was also among the top three in all the family of gods and demons. It is as strong as the crickets, so Li Mo feels not very good when the wolf-biting clan joins the pseudo heaven.

"Why did the Wolf Eater join the Pseudo Heavenly Court? As far as I know, the top three gods and demones, the Wolf Eater and the Dragon Eagle, do not seem to deal with each other very well?"

Dongfang Yibai came to Ma Dongfeng and asked.

"Wolf clan... and the crow clan only to deal with the dragon eagle clan. They will not deal with your Jiuli tribe."

After being cleaned up by Li Mo, Ma Dongfeng was quite honest and said all he knew.

"What do you mean by the horse race?"

The land battle continued to ask, but Li Mo waved his hand.

"If the Centaurs did not want to join the war, but if we kill the elders of the Centaurs now, they will also join the war."

Ma Dongfeng is already a dead man in everyone's eyes. What everyone has to do now is only to consider what they have to face after Ma Dongfeng's death.

As for the Centaurs, Lucky is also one of the several divine families of the Jiuli Tribe. The elders of his own family are dead. If they swallow their voices, shall they not let others laugh to death?

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