Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1238: Kneel

"Dad! Li Mo is my brother, this time to help me..."

The egg said anxiously to Meng Zhentian, but Meng Zhentian just waved her hand and interrupted the egg.

Then he smiled at Kun Kunlin

"Sorry, Li Mo is a guest of our nightmare. In front of our nightmare, let us hand over the guests of the nightmare. It is even more troublesome to harass my ancestors of the nightmare. You put us ...What is it!"

Let's just say, Meng Zhentian's body breath rolled around, and his aura fell into the air.

Your crows are powerful, and are among the top three in the family of gods and demons.

But our nightmare is not much weaker, it is really a battle. You crickets also have a pain for a while!

And the other two families in the top three of the gods and demons family, can you take advantage of the fire when your clan damages your bones?

So the Nightmare are really not afraid of fighting with the Crickets.

Looking at the momentum of Meng Zhentian's body, Chou Zhiyuan frowned. Looked back and forth at Li Mo and Meng Zhentian, then grinned

"Jian Jie, I want to see. The nightmare can protect you for how long!"

The voice is flat, but it contains murderousness.

Speaking of it, the moth suddenly turned around and walked out.

The crows are certainly not afraid of the nightmares, but to fight, it cannot be this critical moment!

The crickets are going to set up a heavenly court.

Let a strong person in the fairyland stare at it, and everyone cast a playful eye on Li Mo.

Especially Dream Electric, whose mouth is up, very happy.

"Mengdian! Kneel!"

Looking at the smile on Mengdian's face, the egg's face was sharp, and he yelled at Mengdian.

"You... you just came back a few years. Dick boy, what qualifications do you have to scold me!"

The smile on Mengdian's face stiffened, and he said what he had kept in mind for the past few years.

"What qualifications do I have to scold you? Just because I am a Son, are I qualified to scold you?"

Dandan smiled contemptuously, and thought I was a dream of the You just want to be the son of the Son, and you will punish the tribes for no reason? This is the prelude to tyranny. Are you sure you want to manage the nightmares in the future? "

At this moment, the nightmare elder Meng broke out and asked the egg.

Listening to the voice of Dream Break, the nightmares and all the tribes were also puzzled, and their puzzled eyes looked at the eggs.

If it is true that Menduan said, wouldn't their nightmare greet a tyrant?

Dandan also knows what Dream is thinking about, this is to reduce his prestige in the hearts of the clan.

However, after all these years of experience, the temperament has matured.

So the egg did not panic, but smiled gently.

"Just by colluding with the crow clan, he wants to betray the interests of our nightmare clan. Why don't you tell him to kneel in front of our nightmare ancestors?"

Listening to the words of the egg, both Dream Break and Dream Electric are tight. Obviously, the egg's words hit their hearts.

"Betray the Nightmare?"

"What's going on? How did they betray the nightmare?"


At this time, the egg dumped the spearhead of public opinion to dream break them again.

However, this dream was also a traitor, and his face quickly returned to normal. Just listen to the dream and doubt

"Colluding with crows and betraying our nightmare's interests? This is why we are talking about. Is it to collaborate with crows and betraying the nightmare's interests? Then ask the clan's foreign aid? Can I say you collude? Human race?"

"Bold! I am the Son, and I am above all the elders. Are you qualified to speak to me like this?"

Egg egg yelled at the dream break, once the dream was a dust. You can blame me for your dreams, but now that I am a son, can you blame me?

For the two men who were struggling, neither Meng Zhentian nor the Nightmare Ancestor had any intention of intervening.

When the child is older, Li Wei cannot always rely on the adult. So Meng Zhentian wants to see how the egg is standing.

"Why? If you don't have an excuse, you will have to suppress people by your identity? You can still press ordinary elders! Press my dreams...No!

What Meng Duan didn't say is that you justify you and press me. You have no reason to press me for no reason. this is not OK!

"Having said for a long time, don't you just want evidence?"

Egg egg grinned, then egg egg shouted to Menglong in the crowd.

"Menglong, Menglei Mengdian brothers and crickets, you should know?"

Although the egg did not deal with Menglong, Menglong and Menglei also did not deal with it.

Look at what they hit in the secret realm, how can there be a trace of fellow friendship.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend, the egg thinks so, Menglong thinks so too.

So Menglong also grinned happily and strode to the center of the ancestral hall.

"At the beginning, we defeated Menglei, but this Kunlin has always been helping Mengdian, and wants Mengdian to be a son."

"It's okay to just let Mengdian be a son, but Meng Lei is still shouting. As long as Mengdian is a son, he will promise them good things they said before. But what are the good things. I will I no longer know."

Menglong didn't hide anything from what he knew. Although it is vague, these are enough to cure dreams.

Of course, the egg did not want to point the dream down. Where is the strongest in a fairyland, so easy to overturn.


Mengdian has to point directly at Menglong, but where does the egg make Mengdian wanton in the ancestral hall?

Then Eggan exercised his right to be a son, "Dare to dream, do not kneel!"


This time, even the second elder of their nightmare stood up and scolded.

There are reasons to punish Mengdian, and Mengduan can't say anything.


Mengdian looked at it from left to left, and found that all the ethnic groups were glaring at themselves. For such things as betraying the interests of the clan, he would be afraid of being confused in the nightmare clan in the future.

Even the patriarch Meng Zhentian and the ancestor were knew that he could not resist.

So Mengdian had to grind his teeth and kneel unwillingly.

This kneeling, Mengdian lost all pride and dignity!

"Okay, let's go. Let me discuss with Zhentian about the result of the dream."

The nightmare ancestor waved and said.

There are a lot of other powerful people who come here to watch the ceremony, how can they let them read the joke.


Egg egg also knows the truth, so egg egg responded and took Li Mo outside the ancestral hall.

This time Li Mo offended a lot of forces of the Nightmare in the secret realm, plus the wounds, so the egg is afraid that Li Mo is in danger. Directly brought Li Mo to his pavilion.

It was a three-story building with antique pavilions, and even the rubble was carved very beautifully.

The rooms in the pavilion are everything, the most important thing is. Outside the pavilion, the nightmare strongman headed by the guardian commander Mengye is here.

The guards prepared by Meng Zhentian for the eggs are the worst in Yuanying Realm.

Both Li Mo and Egg are injured, so Mengye quickly prepared some good ginseng soup and elixir to feed Egg and Li Mo.

"I'm going to retreat and reshape my arms. You protect Li Mo. After I go out of the customs, if he loses a single hair, ask you questions!"

The eggs after being the Son also added some majesty. Terrified Yume’s body shook and hurriedly bowed to answer

"Yes! Master retreats in peace, that is, we must protect Lord Li Mo."

Unconsciously, Mengye's name Li Mo also added the word "adult".

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