Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1226: Win

"court death!"

Watching Li Mo's movements, Lang Xiaotian smiled contemptuously. Then Wolf Xiaotian stroked his hands on his chest, and the wolf head behind him suddenly showed a thicker pressure.


Faced with this coercion, Li Mo coughed up blood again.

This coercion, even the powerhouses in the land of fairyland perfection, can't stand it.

Li Mo also insisted on his strong physical body until he insisted until now.

Then, Li Mo took another step, two steps, three steps...

Gradually, the distance between Li Mo and Lang Xiaotian was getting closer.

Looking at Li Mo's embarrassed figure, the smile on Lang Xiaotian's face was even stronger.

This is his pride, but he has the ability to fight against the powerhouse of the fairyland. Does a humanoid kid in the middle of a fairyland want to contend with himself? dream!

Wolf Xiaotian was laughing, and Li Mo also smiled.

It's just that Li Mo's teeth were saturated with blood, making Li Mo's smile a bit bloodthirsty.

Then, Li Mo waved his arm.


A gust of wind pave the way towards the wolf screaming sky.

"not good!"

Although the Soul Eater is small, it is very difficult to find it at a rapid pace, but Lang Xiaotian also feels the danger.

However, the wolf howling sky was too heavy just now, and watching Li Mo walked all the way without even defensive movements.

Coupled with the fast speed of Soul Eater, at such a short distance.

So even now knowing that there is danger, Lang Xiaotian wants to defend too late.


The soul-eating needle pierced directly into Wolf's body, and severe pain came.


As Wolf Xiaotian screamed, the wolf head behind him disappeared suddenly. Where is the unprecedented coercion before?

Lang Xiaotian suddenly sweated with sweat, holding his head and rolling on the ground.

"Ah! What did you do to me! Aooo..."

The monks are the most powerful, but the soul is often their weakness. There are so few exercises in this world that can exercise the soul, and this is how the wolf is at this moment.

Did not take care of Wolf Xiaotian, Li Mo turned to look at Meng Zhentian. Bow down immediately

"I wonder if Uncle can announce the result of the competition?"

Meng Zhentian looked at Li Mo's eyes for the first time with a touch of appreciation.

Of course, Meng Zhentian does not appreciate Li Mo's strength.

To be honest, Li Mo's strength is too pediatric in front of Meng Zhentian.

But Li Mo knew that Wolf Howling Sky was extremely fast, in order to let Wolf Howling Sky evade the Soul Eater. Li Mo carried the coercion of the wolf world, a little closer to the wolf world.

With this perseverance alone, Lang Xiaotian would not look up at Li Mo.

Such perseverance, coupled with the talent displayed by Li Mo. In the future, as long as Li Mo does not fall, it is certainly a strong generation.

"Li Mosheng, Li Mo will be my child's foreign aid. As for several nephews and uncles, I will also have a gift."

Meng Zhentian's voice said heartily, at this time, you can see Meng Zhentian's practice.

Even if Xiao Xiaotian did not help the egg to participate in the examination of the Son, but others came. The whole body was injured again, so I still have to give some benefits.

In fact, Meng Zhentian didn't need to announce that he took over. There were four strong men in total, and Li Mo fought against the three strong men alone.

Both Manxi and Rat Sect let Li Mo pick the ring, and Lang Xiaotian was still rolling on the ring. So who wins and who loses, the result is obvious.

Listening to Meng Zhentian's voice, both Mouse Zong and Manxi bowed their heads.

What a face! They still wanted to clean up Li Mo before, but now Li Mo got it cleaned up. Even Lang Xiaotian is not Li Mo's opponent, knowing that Li Mo is so strong. What else did they trouble Li Mo?

Not knowing what Manxi and Ratzong thought, Li Mo put a hand on Wolf Xiaotian. Soul Eater recalled Li Mo's palm.

"You... we fight again!"

The sweat-stricken Lang Xiaotian refused to be convinced and pointed his finger at Li Mo.

Of course, Xiao Xiaotian refused to accept it. It was only after Xiao Xiaotian's care that he was hit by the soul-eating needle. In normal combat, it depends on your own speed. This soul eater wants to hurt itself, how can it be so easy.

And the most important thing is that from the battle to the present, Wolf Xiaotian has not shown his own body!

Only the ontology is the strongest state of their gods and demons, but before that, Xiao Xiaotian was too arrogant, thinking that his own means could completely defeat Li Mo.

"If life and death are allowed in this competition, you will have died long ago. What are your qualifications to convince me?"

Li Mo flicked Wolf Xiaotian lightly and smiled.

Then Li Mo said no more and went straight to the ring.

"Li Mo! Really have you."

Looking at Li Mo who was approaching face to face, Dandan punched hard in Li Mo's chest and laughed.

"Now that my child's foreign aid has been selected, I will inform the whole family and start the selection of the Son tomorrow."

Meng Zhentian said lightly, although Meng Zhentian, the patriarch, had many restrictions on the nightmare clan.

But the day when the Son is selected, there is still some right to dream.

From the sly color in Meng Zhentian's eyes, it can be seen that the day when the Son was selected in advance was Meng Zhentian's long-cherished idea.

Anyway, his son has already selected foreign aid, and the day of selecting the son in advance just happened to catch other candidates by surprise.


Damn, Li Mo all bowed.

Looking at Meng sigh.

My dad has helped himself to this point, if he can no longer grab the seat of the Son. Then it really doesn't deserve to be his son.

No more staying, Li Mo walked out with the egg.

Looking at the eggs on the side, Li Mo asked

"I haven't figured out yet, how did you select your son? Why can I still ask foreign aid?"

"The selection of the Son is to enter a secret realm. Ten secret Sons were buried in advance in that secret realm. We only need to find the Holy Child decree in the secret realm. Who can get more than half of the Sons within the prescribed time limit? Ling, who is the Son."

"Listen to my dad, there is Heavenly Dao suppression in the mysterious realm. Therefore, our cultivation practices are nothing, and even the strong in the fairyland can only barely fly in the mysterious realm. It is almost impossible to fight by Reiki. So Most of the mystery is based on physical battle.

This is why all of us who participated in the selection are willing to find the gods and demons or demon clan, and there is no candidate to find the human clan. "

Egg Egg explained to Li Mo that Meng Zhentian had participated in these selections.

So Meng Zhentian said a lot to her son, and Dandan knew the secret realm very well.

"Suppress Reiki? Fight by flesh?"

Listening to the eggs, Li Mo's eyes lit up.

To be honest, Li Mo also prefers this most primitive and tough fight.

However, Li Mo couldn't help but stunned when he thought that the secret realm could even suppress the aura of the powerful fairyland.

In the outside world, the strong Danjie realm can fly. In that mysterious realm, the powerhouse of fairyland can even fly.

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