Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1158: Siege 5 poison tribe

A week later...

Li Mo stood at the very center of the wind tribe, and the totem of the wind tribe also appeared today. It was a snow-white wind wolf.

Wind Wolf is also a practice of Jin Dan Realm, but in the face of Li Mo, but a little trembling.

Wind Wolf cannot see through Li Mo's cultivation behavior, but Wind Wolf naturally has an intuition about danger. The wind wolf felt the dangerous breath on Li Mo's body.

The wind wolf is in front, followed by the entire tribe of the wind tribe. Algong Gexiao Mountain, which was already in the late stage of the Dandan Realm, and Ge Yuanshan, the patriarch of the early stage of the Dandan Realm, gathered nearly 3,000 people from the wind tribe and stood together.

This is already the full strength of the wind tribe, although the wind tribe is also a tribe with five or six thousand people. But if we remove the old and the young and the women, the fighting power will be almost 3,000.

Looking in the direction of the front row of a tribe, a group of elders stood there. The breath of Ge Fatzi now reaches the early stage of the Dandan Realm. Watching Fatty Ge raised his head, a pair of Qiu Xuanang, a majestic look, was somewhat out of line with the usual comic.

On the other hand, the second king, Wang, had a swollen nose and blue face.

It turned out that after Ge Fatzi entered the Jiedan Realm a few days ago, he pulled Wang Lao Er to compete. Who told them that when they were in the tribe, the two of them had a good time, and they were the least able to deal with it.

Needless to say, the second son of Wang was beaten by Ge Fatty who had just stepped into the Dandan realm and had a swollen nose and blue face. This is Ge Fatzi's view that Wang Lao Er is also the elder of their tribe, so there is no killer.

"set off!"

Needless to say, the wind tribe knows the severity of this battle better than Li Mo.

If they fail in this battle, the fierce five poisonous tribe will surely level the wind tribe. By then the entire wind tribe will cease to exist.

So in this battle, they must work hard!

With Li Mo's command, a crowd of horses were riding horses. Those without war horses can only walk, and the mighty army of thousands marches in the direction of the Wudu tribe.

In the same situation, the Shadow Leopard Tribe, Taurus Tribe and Viper Tribe are all staged.

The head of the Jinniu tribe is Jin Dazhuang itself, and everyone also serves Jin Dazhuang. In addition to everyone's resentment over the Wudu tribe in recent years, Jin Dazhuang led the Jinniu tribe to attack the Wudu tribe without any effort.

As for the Viper Tribe, Grandpa Liu Huai has long said that Hua Jiu Snake will be the Patriarch of their Viper Tribe in the future. With Liu Huai’s support, it’s almost effortless.

Needless to say, the Shadow Leopard Tribe has killed more than 20 people from the Wudu Tribe. Therefore, Leopard Zheng hopes that the Wudu tribe will be destroyed than anyone else.

Everyone knows the situation of this battle, so they have joined the battle with all their strength. Everyone even invited the totem of their tribe, but the Shadow Leopard tribe no longer has a totem.

Moreover, the fighting power of other cottages is about 3,000 people, while the Yingbao tribe has only played more than 2,000 people. No way, today's Shadow Leopard tribe's strength has plummeted, and it can't compare with other tribes.

The mighty march naturally slowed down. Therefore, a group of people walked for five days before meeting outside the Wudu tribe.

Looking toward the Wudu tribe, the long tribe is indeed not comparable to other tribes.

After all, this is also a large tribe that can accommodate tens of thousands of people. The observatory is full of people. The strong men of the five poisonous tribes are full of bows and arrows.

If the Jinniu tribe and the people of the wind tribe take a step forward, it will inevitably lead to a sky of arrow rain.

More than 10,000 people from the Golden Bull Tribe, Wind Tribe, Viper Tribe and Shadow Leopard Tribe pulled into a row at the rear.

Several patriarchs, Grandpa and Totem, and the wild bull, Jin Qiaoxin and others were in front of the team, and behind Li Mo.

Looking at the crowd on the lookout, Li Mo smiled.

"Go! Will be five poisonous tribes!"

Having said that, Li Mo took the lead in taking steps.

"Keep up!"


Several patriarchs shouted at the clan behind them, and some even picked up simple shields. Standing on the head, I was afraid that those bows and arrows would come over.


A few watchtowers didn't know who shouted, and arrows of rain fell one after another.


The sky is full of broken air, everyone just feels that the arrows on their heads are getting bigger and bigger in front of their eyes.

However, this time the selected members of the tribe are extremely combative, so everyone bears the fear in their hearts, and none of them run away.

Li Mo raised his head and looked at the oncoming arrows. Grin sneered


Li Mo's voice passed through the sky with aura, like an arrow swaying toward the sky.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

Countless arrows hit the sky waves and shattered into powder.

At the moment, these arrows fall like dust. Arrow rain can hurt and kill people. But can dust kill people?

So the dust fell. One or four tribes just patted the dust on their bodies, and nothing else. They raised the shield above their heads and did not use them.

The three totems behind Li Mo looked at Li Mo. All looked horrified.

Li Mo shot just now, the breath on his body, and the three totems he pressed were all a little breathless. What kind of means should this be?

"Good you Li Mo! You don't cherish your life, but you dare to offend our five poisonous tribe!"

There was a rant from the door of the cottage, and then the gate of the cottage opened wide.

This gate is more impressive than the shadow leopard tribe and the Jinniu tribe. Even if dozens of horses ran side by side, they didn't appear crowded.

Then, the black figure came out. The strongest man in the front row carried a shield that was high in his hand. Behind the shield was a sharp spear in the hands of the strong men.

There are 20,000 or 30,000 people in the Wudu tribe, and the fighting power alone is not the next! And this is compared with the small tribes like Jinniu Tribe and Viper Tribe. The people of the Five Poison Tribes are so elite that they can no longer be elite.

This cultivation of 15,000 people is all on top of the tribes of Jinniu and other four tribes, so in an instant. The momentum behind Li Mo was compared.

Even some tribes did not step back and forth a few steps, their faces pale with fear.


The first one, Snake Tiangang, rushed out of the horse's majesty. Behind him were a dozen horses, all elders from their five poisonous tribes.

Looking at the tribes whose morale plummeted behind Li Mo, a look of contempt appeared in the eyes of She Tiangang. Mouth raised, drink

"Did these few hairs dare to offend our Wudu tribe? It seems that our Wudu tribe has been too gentle with you over the years, let you forget who is the master of this county?"

"Broad! Let your grandpa come out, you are not qualified to speak to me."

Li Mo's face is as cold as The tone is still calm.

What about the unsatisfactory performance of the tribes behind?

To be honest, Li Mo wanted to destroy the Wudu tribe and did not want to use them to intervene at all.

But what a big county, after destroying the five poisonous tribes, must support a few tribes in charge. Otherwise, tribes from other counties will annex the county in the future, and the people at the bottom of that county will live in the water.

"Huh? Looking for death!"

She Tiangang stared at the murderous eyes, and Shen Sheng drank. A whizzing figure rushed towards Li Mo.

A few years ago, there was no need to go out on your own. He only sent a few elders and almost killed the guy. Now this guy tells himself that he is not qualified to talk to him? She Tiangang couldn't help it anymore.

"Brother Li Mo! Be careful!"

"Li Mo, be careful!"

Jin Qiaoxin, Jin Dazhuang, Hua Jiu Snake and others saw Snake Tiangang rushing and shouted to Li Mo.

In their eyes, this snake is a god! The early cultivation of a golden pill realm was to fight against one of their tribal totems. This is a figure comparable to a totem, how can it not be terrible?

Only the bull on the side cast a big white eye, how could the master let this kind of thing kill?

If the owner can die so easily, how can I be conquered?

As soon as I remembered the agreement with the owner that day, the barbarian would cry without tears. What a pit! The skin of the owner is too thick, there is no death! He was almost beaten to death by his master.

Even in the sky, Feng Yuwei, who stood above the clouds, shook his head with no interest.

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