Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1155: Vote

The horse was pulled apart, and more than thirty people on horseback were all dressed in coarse cloth. The person in front of the leader was a strong man in the early stage of the Dandan Realm.

In the whole county, who can be qualified to wear coarse clothes, who can there be except the five poisonous tribes?

The young man in the early stage of Jiedan Realm looked at the pool of blood and frowned. The youth was weak because of the pride of the Wudu tribe. I only listened to the lower tone of the youth, and asked to Leopard

"Which is the leopard eagle, come out and talk!"

Because Li Mo was facing away from the youth of the Wudu tribe, the youth of the Wudu tribe did not see Li Mo. Then Li Mo asked playfully

"I don't know what this adult is looking for Grandpa?"

It's obviously disrespectful for someone to speak against their backs. But as soon as he saw the pool of blood around him, the youth somehow did not get angry and answered

"Li Mo is back! Ask your grandpa leopard carving if you have found this Li Mo!"

Obviously, the youth regarded Li Mo as the clan of the Yingbao tribe.

"Oh? The kid who was driven away by the Wudu tribe still dares to come back. I don't know if the adults find the kid. What do you want to do with him?"

Mentioning the things that drove Li Mo away, the young man's face suddenly showed a proud look. The young man sits on a high horse and smiles proudly

"That stinky kid! After killing our Wudu tribe Elder Wuli, he dared to come back after he ran away. Of course, after he found him, he was on the spot!"

"Ha ha."

Li Mo laughed, the laughter turned out to be so cold.

You are a five poisonous tribe, really endless! I'm not going to find you, are you sending someone to find me?

Then, Li Mo turned suddenly, his temperament was frosty.

Seeing Li Mo's figure, the man only felt a little familiar. Then suddenly his eyes widened, pointing at Li Mo in surprise, shouting

"you you you……"

No one in the Wudu tribe has seen Li Mo, but which of these high-level people has never seen a portrait of Li Mo?

When Li Mo killed one of their elders, there was a portrait of Li Mo in the hands of every high-level Wudu tribe.

"What am I? I am the one you want to kill!"

Li Mohan said, and then Li Mo took a step in the air, kicking his feet to the young man's chest.

Li Mo moves extremely fast, and the young man turns into a barrier with Reiki even when Li Mo does not start.

But not to mention the barrier that has been hurriedly hurried, it is to give young people enough time. Let the youth form a barrier with all the spirits, and they can't bear Li Mo's blow.


The barrier shattered and Li Mo's feet were directly printed on the young man's chest.

A clicking sound came, and the young man's chest suddenly recessed by more than half, and the horse suddenly flew out of the horse.

The young man who fell **** the ground swayed all over the dust, filled with blood foam, and even some fragments of internal organs. It seems that there is less outgassing and more intake.

"Boy! How dare you!"


The thirty-somethings brought by the youth belonged to the next panic, screaming at Li Mo.

But Li Mo didn't mean anything to them, Li Mo just glanced at them. A coercive pressure emerged, in this coercive pressure. These people don't say they shot Li Mo, they just couldn't do it by raising their steps.

"Leopard Policy! It's time for you to behave!"

To kill the youth, Li Moqi didn't mean to do it immediately on the youth.

The horse was trembling and did not dare to move. He even adjusted his position, fearing that Li Mo would be uncomfortable sitting.

Which of the horses in the training center of their five poisonous tribes is not a spirit beast that quenches the seven or eight layers of the body?

And the horses on which these elders sit are more highly trained. All reached the spiritual attraction.

The spirit beasts that lead the spirit realm already have wits, so after feeling Li Mo's sharp means. The horse under Li Mo dared not make any small moves.

"Li Mo... Master!"

Leopard gritted his teeth and shouted, of course Leopard knew what Li Mo meant.

Li Mo wanted Leopard to lead the Shadow Leopard tribe's clan against the Wudu tribe and more than 30 clan tribes.

But if you really take action against these people, then the leopard and shadow leopard tribes are really **** with Li Mo!


Li Mo showed his displeasure.

Looking at the disgruntled look on Li Mo's face, Leopard's body shivered. Immediately Leopard gritted his teeth and drank

"Go! Kill the five poisonous tribes!"

Annoying the Wudu tribe, climbing Li Mo, maybe there is still a way to live. But if he still stands with the Wudu tribe now, then he really has no way out.

And there is still some hope in Leopard's heart, that is, taking advantage of Li Mo's coercion to suppress the clans of the Wudu tribe from moving. Kill these people.

Anyway, all died, and the five poisonous tribes did not know who killed these people. At that time, Dake will push all the sins to Li Mo.

If Li Mo and the people at Tubaomen want to explain, the Five Poison Tribes have to believe it.

However, Leopard’s calculations were obviously defeated, just as the Shadow Leopard tribes killed the five poisonous tribes.

Li Mo immediately withdrew his coercion, and the more than thirty people resumed their actions.

"Bold Shadow Leopard Tribe! Dare to rebel!"

"Kill these people!"


Although their leader was forcefully killed by Li Mo, these people are, in the final analysis, strong men of the Wudu tribe. The strength is that it has not reached the Dandan Realm, and it is in the middle and late stages of the Spiritual Realm.

Where can they allow subordinate tribes to rebel?

For a time, there was a shout of killing. Although there are many tribes in the Shadow Leopard tribe, how can the quality be comparable to those of the Wudu tribe? So more than 30 people from the five poisonous tribes almost pressed them to fight.

There are even a few people from the five poisonous tribes who took the opportunity to escape They are not afraid of death, but want to pass on the things here to the five poisonous tribes.

Looking at these people who fled, Li Mo still didn't mean to do anything, but Leopard Zheng felt cold.

Looking at Li Mo, Leopard felt a powerlessness. He has been calculating for a lifetime, and he has calculated his big brother.

But in the face of Li Mo, Leopard Zheng felt so powerless! Do it, the strength is not as good as Li Mo. Than a strategy, everything in his heart is within Li Mo's calculations.

After releasing a few people to report to the Wudu tribe, they were completely standing together with Li Mo.

After releasing several members of the Wudu tribe, Ah Tu also participated in the war.

Because they all know that their tribe can be suppressed by the Shadow Leopard tribe, the mastermind behind them is all five poisonous tribes!

With the joining of Ah Tu and others, thirty people, except the two or three who ran out. Others were cut in a pool of blood in a moment...

"I'm afraid the Wudu tribe also sent people to the Jinniu tribe and the Feng tribe."

Li Mo shook his head, and then Li Mo looked at Manniu and said

"Cow, you and Qiaoxin and Uncle Zhuang return to the Jinniu tribe. When you see the five poisonous tribes, they will kill them and put the Jinniu tribe in your hands. A week later, the soldiers sent the five poisonous tribes!"

"Sister Yuwei, you should take a trip with Uncle Nine Snake and Hua Ying. Take control of the Viper Tribe, and send the five poisonous tribe together a week later!"

"Moo! It's the master!"

The barbarian bowed his head, and Feng Yuwei gave Li Mo a blank look. Then Feng Yuwei took Hua Jiu Snake and Hua Ying to the sky.

With the speed of Feng Yuwei, he flew to the Viper Tribe in almost a moment.

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