Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1151: Trial

Without the tribe's ties, the leopard eagle felt a little relaxed. Immediately, the leopard eagle raised his palm and looked at the shadow leopard tribe children behind him.

These people are the elite of their Shadow Leopard tribe, and many of them have encircled the tribes of Atu and Li Mo.

So Leopard Eagle really does not know how many of these people can survive after his death.

But these do not need to be considered, it is good to beg people to let go of the genocide and leave a root for them. Do you still hope that people will not revenge and let these people go?


Leopard carving palm with aura, shot directly to the door. Blood was shining, and the leopard eagle killed himself in front of Li Mo.

"You go back and wait for us to settle the accounts! I will send people to watch the Shadow Leopard Tribe. If you see someone dare to run away privately, kill no amnesty!

Li Mo's cold eyes swept to the shadow panther tribe, as if they were condemning them.

A group of people no longer begged for mercy and descended down the mountain.

There were many people who sent troops to destroy the Atu tribe, so now they are praying in their hearts.

They are praying for so many people, Ah Tube remember their faces, but don't ask them to pay their lives.

Among the crowd, Mo Sang looked at Li Mo's flamboyant figure.

Mo Sang did not want to be an enemy of Li Mo, nor did he want to do that. So when the Shadow Leopard tribe shot Duan Long, Mo Sang asked for leave because of physical discomfort.

Mo Sang wanted to plead with Li Mo and let the tribe of the Shadow Leopard tribe pass. After all, the Shadow Leopard Tribe has no totem, so it needs to protect itself.

If Li Mo was able to encircle and suppress the enemies of their tribe, how can the Yingbao tribe protect themselves?

But Mo Sang had just taken a step in the direction of Li Mo, and he couldn't keep going.

Shaking his head, Mo Sang smiled helplessly. What is he? Now Li Mo is the existence that makes him look up to, what qualifications does he have to ask Li Mo to release their Shadow Leopard tribe?

Give up the idea, Mo Sang reluctantly followed the crowd down the mountain. They are ready to return to the Yingbao tribe to accept Li Mo's final sentence.

As the crowd walked out, the wild cow dragged Jin Qiaoxin, Jin Dazhuang, Hua Jiu snake and Hua Ying flew down. Feng Yuwei also followed silently.

"Cowboy, you follow the crowd to the Shadow Leopard Tribe. If anyone dares to run away, kill it in place!"

Li Mo saw a killing intent, said.

Maniu has followed Li Mo for such a long time, still seeing this man's murderous intention for the first time. So the bull didn't dare to say anything, and nodded to keep up with the shadow leopard tribe.

Not to mention, the bulls follow the way. I really found some crooked shadow leopard tribes who wanted to escape in the jungle.

They are very familiar with this jungle, so give them time. Their form can also hide in these green vegetation.

However, for them, the wild cows cultivated in the later period of Yuanying Realm, for them, are generally strong. Can these people still run in the eyes of the bull?

Even the barbarian did not make a shot, but snorted to blow those people into the sky.

These people are generally quenched in the body state or a few cultivation activities with a spiritual state, where can they fly?

So they were blown into the sky by the scent of wild cattle, and the only thing waiting for them was the one who was killed.

Besides, Li Mo, Li Mo, Jin Qiaoxin and others bandaged the wounds for the members of Atu and Tubaomen, and sent them the Elixir.

Feng Yuwei also came forward, but did not mean to reach out to help. Treating friends, Feng Yuwei is enthusiastic. But treating strangers is still alien, and Feng Yuwei is not so kind.

"Atu, these years...for you."

Li Mo was guilty while feeding Ah Tu Yajiu.

Li Mo thought that Atu and Agong might not have a good life in Nanjiang County, so Li Mo had enough strength to pick up Agong and Atu non-stop.

But when I look at it now, what's wrong? The entire tribe is left with only Atu.

"Li Mo, you don't have to be guilty."

Ah Tu grinned because of the pain in his body and continued

"Grandpa asks me to bring you a message, Aman, you are still the pride of our tribe! We all fall into every tribe, and we have never complained about you. Grandpa can see you as a descendant like this, this lifetime is worth it!

You don’t even know, seeing you cultivated for the better, Grandpa even couldn’t sleep for a few nights with excitement...”

With that, Ah Tu burst into tears. These were all told by A Gong Duan Long to A Tu before the Shadow Leopard tribe surrounded them.

Thinking of the old and kind face, Ah Tu's tears could not stop falling.

Ah Man, it was Li Mo's name when he was a child. Later, when Li Mo came to this world, he would not let others call him Aman.

"Stop talking! Brother!"

Li Mo's eyes were red and he hugged Ah Tu. It can be seen that Li Mo's palms tremble constantly, and even his fingertips pierce his muscles.

"Three days later, we will go to the Yingbao Tribe!"

Li Mo murmured, as if to follow Ah Tu to guarantee. It is also for the grandfather and people of all ethnic groups.

After dealing with everyone's wounds, Ah Tu also recovered his ability to move.

So a group of people entered the cave house of Ah Tu and entered the cave house. Li Mo discovered that there was no cave in the cave house.

Looking outside, the gate of this cave house is not big. Moreover, the mountain is not high, so Li Mo did not expect how big the cave house could be.

But now entering Dongfu, you can see that the overall structure of Dongfu is going down. He extends all the way to the ground, there is an empty space under the ground.

There are even two rows of houses. Although the two rows of houses are not large, they are enough for a few of them.

"This is the base camp of our Leopard Gate."

Pointing to the houses in the two rows, Atu said with satisfaction.

At first, Ah Tu was still a child, but now he has some foundations.

"Where did this cave house come from? It is rumored that you got a panacea, what's going on?"

Standing on the spot, Li Mo looked at A Shui and asked.

At first glance, this kind of cave mansion cannot be developed by monks in the Dandan Realm.

"You all know?"

Ah Tu looked at Li Mo in surprise, then murmured lowly.

"Don't our brothers can meet again, it's nice."

"What's great! Hurry up and say what immortality is!"

Li Mo's eyes widened and he said angrily.


Atu sighed helplessly, and then looked at the surrounding houses. A Tu said

"I was chased and killed by the strong men of the Shadow Leopard Tribe, so I went to this cave house by mistake."

While talking, Ah Tu took Li Mo to the end of the house. At the end of the house, there was a tomb with a wordless tombstone on it.

"There is a body of a senior here. I don't know which senior. But there are a lot of exercises and immortals in his storage bag. I took it without permission and buried the senior.

And this cave has been our base camp for Tubaomen since then. "

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