Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1146: Ge Fatty

Li Mo felt warm when he saw that Ge Fatty couldn't help himself, but had to protect Ge Fatty. Just listen to Li Mo muttering to himself

"We were just meeting each other at the beginning, but today you Fatty Ge treated me like this. You friend, I have made a deal!"

"Succumb to your wind training tribe? Are you stupid?"

The scorpion's eyes gradually narrowed, and his eyes appeared sharp. Then a coercion of knotty realm emerged, and Ge Gezi's waist plate had to be bent.

"If it weren't for the portrait of Li Mo that I had seen, I might have let you let go of Li Mo today! Ge Fatty, I'll clean up you later!"

Listening to the words of Scorpion Root, Fatty Ge's big face suddenly turned pale. Let this demon stare at it, it seems that in the future Ge Fengzi's life in the wind training tribe, I am afraid it will not be easy.

"You are the scorpion root?"

Li Mo asked coldly, Li Mo remembered clearly. Those in the White Bear Cottage said that it was Jin Qiaoxin and Jin Dazhuang who were wanted by the scorpion root to kill them, and even gave poison.

Those hands-on people are already dead, how could Li Mo live this mastermind?

"it's me."

Scorpion smiled proudly, his eyes inadvertently swept over Jin Qiaoxin. A trace of greed flashed in his eyes. Even if this greed hides himself well, how can he deceive Li Mo.

Recognized by Scorpion Root, Li Mo said generously

"Well, since you are a scorpion root. Then you can die."

The voice fell, and Li Mo swooped toward the scorpion root. Even if it doesn't turn into a supernatural power, the speed is very fast.

"Protect your son!"

"Quick! Protect your son!"

Seeing Li Mo facing so many masters, he still said he would do it. The guards of Scorpion were also shocked, but then they killed them one after another.

As guards of the scorpion roots, if the scorpion roots have three lengths and two shorts, they also have to pay their lives.

But where are the guards who lead these spirits to Li Mo's opponents? A group of guards killed Li Mo, but they couldn't keep up with Li Mo's speed.

There are four loyal guards in front of Scorpion, but Li Mo is like a fierce beast at the moment.

Far from this, the bursting power of the beasts had caused their legs to tremble. When the fierce beast approached, countless winds directly blow the four loyal guards.

They are simply not one of those beasts! Not even worthy of the beast.

"court death!"

The startled Scorpion anger was furious, and the palm was sent out.

The palm of the hand gradually turned into a dark color along the way. As you can see, this palm is highly toxic. In addition to the practice of Scorpion root, I am afraid that even the monks in the Dandan Realm accidentally have to be poisoned.

No wonder the scorpion root can stir the wind training tribe to be angry and dare not speak, so who uses poison means, who dares to offend?

But in the face of Scorpion's blow, Li Mo only stretched out a finger.

The finger turned out to be like a sharp short sword, pouted, and pierced directly into the palm of the scorpion root.


The severe pain in the palm of the hand made the scorpion root howl, and Yin Hong's blood continued to shoot.

However, this is not over yet. I saw Li Mo's finger turning, and Li Mo's fingertips showed countless sword spirits. Jian Qi directly penetrated the entire palm and arm of the scorpion root, bloody. The toxin on the palm could not hurt Li Mo at all, and was separated by Li Mo's aura around him.

Scorpion howled again in pain, and felt a cold palm printed in front of his throat.

The palm is as hard and powerful as steel, as if it does not require much force to crush its throat.

"Do you want to catch me back? Do you still have ideas about Qiaoxin?"

Li Mo raised the scorpion root above his head and asked coldly.

Scorpion's face turned red and his legs were constantly tossing. At this moment of life and death, Scorpion's arrogance also disappeared. Just listen to the scorpion root keep asking for mercy

" can I! I don't want to catch you, nor...I have no idea about Jin Qiaoxin."

"Well, it's pretty good. But your eyes betrayed you."

Li Mo said coldly, then Li Mo's palm gradually exerted force.

"Li Mo! Let go! Otherwise, I'll be welcome to your wife!"

"Kill his wife!"

Several loyal guards didn't stop Li Mo before, so they directly went to Jin Qiao to threaten Li Mo.

But Li Mo just cast a big white eye on them, and that look was like looking at an idiot.

"Grandma drops! I dare to protect the people, how dare you threaten?"

The barbarian talked, and even Jin Qiaoxin jumped. After all, with their strength, they haven't seen a talking beast yet. And these days, Manniu behaved quite normally and did not speak.

Not to mention Jin Qiaoxin and others sitting on the back of the barbarian cows, even those sharp guards are also terrified. Shivering one by one

"Demon...Demon King?"

In the eyes of these guards who have never seen the world, this spirit beast can speak as a demon king!


The angry bull screamed, and white mist continued to spray from his nose. Just like a gust of wind, a tornado rose to the ground, and immediately took away the guards in front of him.


Several loyal guards were dizzy for a while, not knowing where the tornado would blow them.

Soon, the figures of these guards were no longer visible.

Only the remaining four or five guards watched Li Mo and Manniu cautiously, the long knife trembling in his hands. In their eyes, the wild cow is the demon king! And Li Mo is the master of the demon king, who dares to mess with it?

Seeing this scene, even his own guard did not have the guts to save himself. The hope in Scorpion's heart was immediately extinguished, and he could only threaten Li Mo with his identity at a critical moment

" can't kill me! My dad is the elder of the five poisonous tribe scorpion poison! Patriarch Snake Tiangang is my uncle! You, you, you can't kill me!"

"Relax, they will be with you Li Mo sneered coldly, palms tightened. With a click, the head of the scorpion crooked, and his body gradually became cold...

Looking at the scorpion root that fell to the ground, everyone around him took a breath. Once the atmosphere was quiet, no one dared to speak. In the end, Ge Fatty swallowed a sip of water and said in palpitation

"Is this... dead?"

In the heart of Ge Fatty, the big devil, Scorpion root, is the scourge for thousands of years. How could you ever think that this scourge would die in front of your own eyes?

"You go back and tell the Wudu tribe. I Li Mo is back! Let the people of the Wudu tribe wash their necks! Wait for me to come to the door!"

Although Li Mo was killed by the Wudu tribe in Nanjiang County, Li Mo didn't have that much resentment in his heart.

If it wasn't for the Wudu tribe to overdo it, start with people who have something to do with it. Li Mo didn't even bother to find trouble with the Wudu tribe.

But the dragon has a counterscale, and it will die if touched! What the Five Poison Tribes have done is too much!

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