Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1138: Back to Taurus Tribe

Li Mo was a little speechless by the fat ball and stretched out his palm to push the fat ball away.

"Hahaha, we are celebrating the victory at Jinshe Mountain tonight!"

Meng Lin shouted in his throat, the other end of the Golden Snake Mountain was the Godot Cottage. So they are celebrating here, those in the Godot cottage may not be angry.

At night, the lights were bright. Although Golden Snake Mountain is full of horribly poisonous golden snakes. But there are strong men such as Menglin, and those spirit beasts who are not ill-informed dare not attack the clan of Miluo Shanzhai.

The tribes of Miluo Shanzhai celebrated warmly. Everyone danced, struggling for strength, and there was a lot of fun. But Li Mo tonight is drunk...

The next day, the sky was not yet lit. Li Mo and Feng Yuwei left here riding on a barbarian cowboy, and there was only one dream Lin behind him.

Li Mo also wanted to take a few apprentices to go out for a long time to learn, but when he thought of Chi You and Fat Ball, they would soon go to the Presbyterian Association to participate in this year's assessment. This trip might be dangerous, so even A Shui and Li Mo didn't bring it.

Immediately back to Nanjiang County to see Jin Qiaoxin, Ah Tu and Grandpa. Li Mo was a little anxious, so he let the barbarian go all out. Feng Yuwei has a feeling of being so high that if I don’t take care of Li Mo, I might have lost the barbarian long ago.

In this way, one person and two demon who cultivated not badly rushed back to Nanjiang County in more than two months.

"This is Nanjiang County? I have walked so far for the first time."

Dragging Li Mo, watching the volcano under his feet. The barbarian sent it with a feeling.

When Li Mo saw the volcano, he grinned even more. I thought that I had just ran here and let Jin Dazhuang catch them back, almost married Jin Qiaoxin.

Li Mo smiled at the thought of the beautiful woman whose eyes were red because of her departure, Li Mo smiled and was in a good mood.

"This is the territory of the Jinniu tribe. The totem should also be a big demon of the cattle tribe, your family."

Li Mo patted the barbarian cow and walked towards the golden cow tribe. Feng Yuwei followed them slowly on their heads.

Hearing that the tribe's totem turned out to be his own home, the barbarian's eyes lit up and almost said Li Mo fell off his back.

"Taurus of the Taurus? Although the Taurus is not as strong as our barbarian family, and the blood is not pure. But I am still acceptable to the old cattle. By the way, is the mother of the big demon male of the Taurus? Is it old?"

Li Mo blinked, hello! I came back from this trip, not for a blind date!

In this way, Li Mo came to the Jinniu tribe on a barbarian cow.

At this moment, three shots of sunshine are at noon. The Jinniu tribe worked as usual, but when everyone noticed the huge barbarian flying above their heads, they couldn't help but stop the work at hand. One after another

"What a big cow!"


And a roar came from the stone wall in the middle of the Jinniu tribe. Then the stone wall shattered, and a golden cow with a size smaller than a wild cow appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah... Totem! Lord Totem appears!"

"Lord Lord Totem!"

The Jinniu's movement made all the tribes of the Jinniu tribe knelt down on the ground excitedly and bowed their heads.

The totem planted on them is the Taurus totem in front of them. The Taurus totem gives them strength and at the same time kills them with one thought.

The last time Li Mo came here, this totem had not yet appeared. Later, when the five poisonous tribes killed, the totem did not show up. Presumably, this barbarian totem knew that he could not protect the tribe of the Jinniu tribe in front of the Wudu tribe, so he pretended to be asleep.

And now, the bull is here. The same is the cattle, but the blood of the wild cattle is much stronger than the blood of the golden cow. Therefore, this barbarian no longer dared to pretend to be asleep, and could only show up, prostrate to the ground, and bow down to claim his title.

Seeing this scene, Li Mo couldn't help feeling a sorrow. How is this different from the favor contract signed between the big demon and man?

"What the hell! A little golden cow in Jindan Realm is still a male."

The barbarian pouted, and said with some disappointment.

Hearing the bull on the head was beyond everyone's expectation. The totems that stood high on this weekday looked even more obedient, as if I saw his king!


Seeing this scene, Rao is a tribe of Jinniu tribes who can't help but widen his eyes. There was speculation about the origin of the big demon in the sky.

"Look! Someone on it!"

At this time, a young man with good eyes pointed at the bull on his head and said in surprise.

All the people of the tribe raised their heads and looked at the sturdy barbarian in the sky. When they saw the figure sitting on the back of the barbarian, they cried in surprise.

"This is... Li Mo?"

For Li Mo, of course, they are no strangers. After all, I thought that Li Mo had almost married the princess of their patriarch's family in their Jinniu tribe. These people did not follow their busy schedule.

"I am Li Mo."

Li Mogao sat on the barbarian cow, his voice and the power of blood came. Everyone felt the pressure of the voice and were all surprised. In a blink of an eye, Li Mo, this young man, has become so powerful?

"Uncle Zhuang, where is the ingenuity?"

Li Mo continued to ask, but upon hearing Li Mo's voice, the tribe's people all bowed their heads.

Looking at the appearance of these people, Li Mo frowned. A bad hunch was born in Li Mo's heart, and then Li Mo scolded anxiously


"I am the acting patriarch of the Jinniu tribe now. I don't know if Master Li Mo can come down to speak?"

An old man stood up and said respectfully to Li Mo.

Looking at this old man, Li Mo vaguely remembered this old should have been the elder of their Taurus tribe before, and had several ties with Li Mo. It's just how they became the patriarch of their tribe now? Shouldn’t the head of the Jinniu tribe be a strong uncle?

Li Mo frowned and patted the bull. The barbarian knows and flew down.

Looking at the flying bull, the creeping golden cow shivered. That is the suppression of the blood of the barbarian family, and the barbarian has a higher cultivation level than this little golden bull, and the suppression is of course stronger.

Looking at the appearance of Master Totem, the old man behaved more respectfully. At the same time, I was a little surprised in my heart. When Li Mo left the Jinniu Tribe, he hadn't entered the Jiedan Realm yet?

But now a mount can even make the totems of their tribes taller like this. Really worthy of being a teenager who made Wudu tribes think about.

"Sir, please tell the house."

The old man stretched out his hand to Li Mo and made a gesture.

According to seniority, the old man and Jin Dazhuang are the same generation. So Li Mo should have called Uncle when he saw it, but this world is a world of flesh and blood. Now Li Mo is powerful, they can only obey!

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