Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1130: Kendo showdown

Looking at the greedy appearance of Manniu, Li Mo smiled.

"Actually, your master I would like to eat the most. It's still beef, tendon, strength..."

Listening to Li Mo's words, the speed of the barbarian cows feeding the barbecue into the mouth slowed down. Even Maniu's look in Li Mo's eyes was full of caution. Whisper

"I haven't offended the host recently?"

Why has Manniu become so obedient? Maniu and Li Mo have a contract, so now Li Mo can kill the life of Maniu with one thought, dare to be disobedient?

Even after coming to the Presbyterian Church for such a long time, Barbarian has seen Li Mo's methods. This is not a loss, so think about it, it may not be a bad thing to be his pet. Of course, Manniu can only comfort himself so psychologically.

After eating the meal with the barbarian cow, Li Mo brought some raw meat, put away the barbarian cow and walked up to Lingxiao Mountain.

Back at Dongfu, Li Mo saw a tall man standing in front of his door.

Looking closely, it is a star-browed man. The men's facial features are exquisite. At that stop, there was a sword that was perfectly natural.

This man, Li Mo, of course, is familiar, not Li Jianxin or who? Just because of Li Jianxin's temperament and appearance, he didn't know how many **** girls were fascinated.

And feeling the breath of Li Jianxin, Li Mo feels that Li Jianxin is much stronger than usual. Although it is said that Li Jianxin is only at the beginning of Yuan Yingjing's cultivation, but under the increase of Jianyi, even in the face of the strong battle of Yuan Yingjing in the later period, he is also not afraid of it.

"Are you looking for me?"

Li Mo stepped forward and asked.

Upon hearing the sound, Li Jianxin turned to look at Li Mo. Li Mo made a lot of noise today, even if he was devoted to practicing kendo, he heard Li Jianxin who was not aware of foreign affairs.

Li Shouxin is from their Hunyuan cottage, although Li Shouxin's position in the cottage is not as good as Li Jianxin.

It was at the Presbyterian Church that both were elders’ disciples and their status was equal. But Li Jianxin knew how strong this cousin was many years older than him.

It is precisely because he knows how strong others are, so after knowing that Li Mo defeated Li Shouxin, Li Jianxin will be more surprised.


Li Jianxin nodded, and then looked at Li Mo, "We have agreed before, and fight again after Yuanying Realm."

No matter how strong you Li Mo is now, I still have to fulfill my promise to fight against you. I Li Jianxin will not be afraid!

"Okay! Three days later, Wenxin Stone Battle."

Li Mo nodded, Li Jianxin and Li Mo had no hostility before. It seems like a confidant.

Li Jianxin didn't say much, turned and walked directly to his cave house.

"Comparing with you, it's time for a battle with Gefang."

With that, Li Mo raised his head and looked at the distant sky. That's the direction of Nanjiang County, where there are people who care about Li Mo.

Another year has passed, after solving the matter here, Li Mo is ready to go back...

Three days passed by quietly. On the morning of that day, Li Mo rinsed out and walked to the direction of Wenxin Stele.

Wen Xin’s stele is located on the mountainside of Lingxiao Mountain, so Li Mo is now walking from top to bottom.

"It's Li Mo."

"What is he going to do?"

Today Li Mo seems to be the strongest among them except Grandpa and the Eight Elders in Lingxiao Mountain, so Li Mo's travel immediately attracted countless eyes.

There are even many deacons who follow Li Mo from afar, wanting to see what Li Mo has to do.

Next to the stone tablet, Li Jianxin was already standing here. In addition to Li Jianxin, there are several messengers and deacons on the sidelines.

Similarly, Li Jianxin, the only personal disciple of Yu Xiao, also attracted everyone's attention.

"You came."

Looking at Li Mo, Li Jianxin nodded, saying hello.


Li Mo responded, and then just heard a buzz. The dazzling star sword came out of the sheath, with unshakable sharpness. In the face of an enemy like Li Jianxin, it is an insult to him that the sword will not come out.

"Li Jianxin and Li Mo are going to fight?"



More and more people gathered around, everyone looked at Li Mo and Li Jianxin with interest. Many people even went to inform their friends to prepare for the battle between Li Mo and Li Jianxin.

Whereas Li Mo and Li Jianxin, as the parties concerned, have the intention to control the people around them, only to see the sword light in the sky. The two killed with their swords, and walked the sword all the way around the dragon.


The sharp voice with a sharp sword spirit, the sword spirit is fierce, the two figures are at one touch. After a short pause, the two killed again, without any bells and whistles. Against the background of sword intention, the move is fatal!

However, although Li Jianxin's comprehension in kendo is deep, Li Mo's comprehension of kendo is not low. He was able to draw a tie with Li Jianxin in Jindan Realm at the beginning of Jindan Realm.

So at the moment the two battles of the same order, Li Mo did not take the initiative to attack. But still invincible!

"Sword breaks Changhong!"

Li Jian's brow furrowed, and he shouted out his wits. For a time, Li Mo only felt that there were skylights around him, and he was enveloped in this light.

These sword lights in the sky are like a meat grinder, and Li Mo inside must be alive.

The sword spirit is powerful, but Li Mo still does not move like a mountain, the star sword in his hand walks the dragon. All of a sudden, Li Mo was full of bright sword light, with the power of stars and the power of Changhong!

"Dang! Dang! Dang..."

Both sides are extremely fast, and it looks like dozens of handles from the outside, oh no, it is the confrontation of hundreds of swords. But people with real eyesight can see it. These hundreds of swords are actually just two swords.

It's just that they are too fast and the sword energy is too strong, so it makes people feel dazzled for a while.

Within the stars, Li Mo's face was as cold as frost, and the defense was not leaking. The Changhong on the outer side is broken when it encounters the stars.

Fighting till Li Jianxin has been attacking. Li Mo has been defending, Li Jianxin's offense is stronger by one point, and Li Mo's defense is up by one point. The battle between the two sides was fierce, but they were still deadlocked.


"I didn't expect that Li Jianxin's swordsmanship was so strong, it was indeed a close disciple of the elders."

More and more people gathered around the outside, looking at the dazzling two people fighting. All were surprised and secretly praised.

"Li Mo! Let's determine the victory in one blow!"

Li Jianxin took a step back, Jianmei raised his eyebrows, and said sharply. This is not the first time that both sides have fought, and there is no need to try any more.

"it is good!"

Li Mo crossed his arms and crossed his sword, and answered with a hearty voice.

"Human sword unites!"

As Li Jianxin's voice fell, Li Jianxin showed a sharp sword all over his body. The long sword in his hand shivered with joy.

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