Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1105: Guilt

"What's going on with this matter? How could Li Mo appear here! You tell me the truth!"

Eagle Rock's sharp and aggressive eyes glanced at the elders and asked. In order not to cause panic, Ying Yan did not say that Ying Zichen was dead.

Although Yingyan is the deacon of the Presbyterian Church, he has considerable power. But Yingyan is not a deacon serving in the mission hall, so Yingyan does not know that Li Mo took over the mission to eagle cottage.

These old men also knew only a few words and could only say what they knew. I heard that Li Mo took an apprentice in their cottage, and Ying Yan couldn't help but gritted his teeth, scolding

"Bring me the little beast!"


An old man responded and walked to Ashui's wooden house. Soon, several guards came to Yingyan with A Shui who had been **** by the big flowers.

Although Ah Shui entered the late stage of the Ling Ling Realm, it was too fast because of cultivation. So don't look at the rich aura in Ah Shui's body, but the fighting power is only the fighting power of the ordinary powerful players in the later stage of Lingling Realm.

This combat power is not enough to look at those cottage guards.


Seeing Ah Shui's stern expression coming here, a bodyguard yelled. Immediately the guard raised his foot and kicked at Ashui's back knee.

However, A Shui's flesh was also baptized by the force of origin, so the guard who was in the later stage of Lingling kicked. The pain in his own kick didn't make Ah Shui kneel.

When the guard was angry and wanted to kick again, Yingyan waved his hand. The bodyguard retreated, and Yingyan stepped forward with a grin.

"Like Li Mo, it's stinky and hard!"

With that, Ying Yan's eyes showed a killing intent, said eeriely

"Take it! Since he can't kneel, he dug his knee bone! Then he is waiting for him!"

This kid has such a close relationship with Li Mo, how could Yingyan let him die easily? Eagle Rock will slowly torture Ah Shui.

Hearing Yingyan's words, Ah Shui looked pale. But in order not to embarrass the master, Ah Shui still clenched his teeth. Tolerate the fear in my heart, after all, Ah Shui is also a child. These days, things have exceeded Ah Shui's cognition.

"I think who dares!"

At this moment, a cold voice came. Then Li Mo came slowly and sneered.

"Eagle Rock, who committed suicide to the Jiuli people, who gave you the courage? Do you need to let me know the second elder?"

The necessity of the Presbyterian Association is to protect the people of the Jiuli Tribe. Of course, they will not tolerate the unauthorized killing of Jiuli tribes.

But Ah Shui and Ying Zichen are different, and Ying Zichen is evil. There is a reason for Li Mo killing. As for the child Ah Shui, Yingyan wanted to kill him, but there was no reason.


Eagle Rock clenched his teeth with anger, listening to the words emerging from the cracks of Eagle Rock's teeth

"You wait for me!"

"Hahaha, I'm waiting for you."

With a big laugh, Li Mo took A Shui under the eyes of everyone. Not far away, he picked up Lu Yun, and Li Mo took A Shui and Lu Yun to the distant sky.

Although Li Mo always thinks that his own strength is the most important. But Li Mo is not pedantic, and it is also good to take advantage of the situation.

"Second Lord, he..."

Looking at Li Mo's back, an old man came to Yingyan and asked unwillingly.

"shut up!"

Eagle Rock, who was already in a bad mood, scolded, and then looked around everyone. Say

"Notify all elders, have a meeting!"

Yingyan wants to announce the death of Yingzichen to these elders, and at the same time elects a patriarch of Jindan Realm as the acting patriarch.

Although if you let a contemporary patriarch of the Jindan Realm complete, they will make their cottages fall in the position of the Jiuli tribe's eighty-one cottages in the future.

But Eagle Rock himself has to go to the Presbyterian Church, if he loses his identity in the Presbyterian Church. For their eagle cottage, it is a non-negligible blow.

Besides Li Mo, Li Mo cannot bring A Shui and Lu Yun to the Presbyterian Church. Can only go back to Miluo Shanzhai first, and give A Shui and Lu Yun to Chi You and Fat Ball to take care of it.

For your little brother, Chi You and Fat Ball are very enthusiastic.

However, after experiencing this incident, Ah Shui compared with before. There was a lot less speech, but the tenderness on the face also faded a lot. Li Mo knows that although this incident has given Ah Shui a lot of blows, it is very helpful for Ah Shui's future growth.

Seeing Chi You and Xiu Qiu's Xiu Wei as they had entered the Great Complete Realm, Li Mo gave instructions to these two apprentices. It seems that Chiyu and Fat Ball should be able to participate in the presbyterian trials this year.

Then, Li Mo went back to Lingxiao Mountain.

Because I went to the Miluo Village first, so I counted the days when I left the Eagle Village. It took more than four days to return to Lingxiao Mountain.

Li Mo is going to the mission hall to ask for guilt, because he broke the mission and killed people. Although Li Zi killed Ying Zichen, Ying Yu and Ying Qi were supposed to be there.

But in the end, Ying Zichen is also a strong man in the late Yuanying Realm. Such a strong man is also a force that cannot be ignored for the Jiuli tribe.

Coupled with the fact that he messed up this task, the messengers of the Presbyterian Church will also re-identify the Eagle Cottage and monitor the Eagle Cottage. So Li Mo knew that he might be punished this time.

Lingxiao Mountain is the most sacred place of the Jiuli tribe, anyone can only climb on foot. When the nightmare patriarch Meng Zhentian came here, he was still on foot.

Li Mo's figure also fell towards the foot of the mountain, but just when Li Mo just fell to the foot of the mountain. A team of envoys surrounded Li Mo, because of Li Mo's fierce name today. So even though these messengers surrounded Li Mo, the weapons in their hands were still shaking.

Looking at the surrounding people, Li Mo frowned.

"Li Mo! I said you can't run."

A playful voice came, and Yingyan walked slowly behind the messengers. These messengers also dared to come to Li Mo because of the support of Eagle Rock.

"A few meanings?"

Li Mo frowned and asked. Right now is the foot of Lingxiao Mountain, Li Mo believes that Yingyan is going to kill himself here. Of course, Eagle Rock does not have that strength.

"Ji Jie, you ignore the mission of the Presbyterian Church in the Eagle Cottage, and kill the senior of the cottage without permission. What a boldness! This is something that the elders have heard about, and ordered me to come and take you!"

Ying Yan smiled triumphantly, he came back before Li Mo, didn't he plan to start with the strong first?

"What a big hat."

Li Mo shook his head, then said

"Lead the way, I will see how you told the elders."

With that, Li Mo walked forward. Anyway, there is no Eagle Rock, and Li Mo also has to go to the senior presbyterian council to make it clear.

Looking at Li Mo's unexpected appearance, Ying Yan's face tightened. Then a murmured self-talk

"I think when you can be proud of it!"

The voice fell, and with a big wave of his hand, Yingyan took a group of messengers and Yang Jie to the mountain.

These messengers exhaled with Li Mo when they were useless.

There are a total of seven floors in the mission pavilion, and the next three floors are where missions are issued. The third and third floors are shops, where the elders sell things. The highest level is the deliberation level. The Chamber is here.

It's the first time Yang Jie has entered the mission pavilion, and he has come to such a high level for the first time.

In the huge meeting room, only a long table and chairs were placed in the center. At this moment, the eight elders of the Presbyterian Church were sitting here. Of course, the elder Yu Xiaogao was sitting on the front seat.

In general, when there are no major events in the Jiuli tribe, everything is decided by Yu Xiao. But Yu Xiao also had to win the consent of the other seven elders.

"Great elder, people brought."

Entering the discussion floor, Ying Yan bowed down and said respectfully.

In front, but the power of the Eight Wonderland, Eagle Rock is also not afraid to breathe.


Yu Xiao, who was sitting on the throne, opened his eyes when he heard the sound, and then waved at the messengers behind Li Mo. These messengers bowed one by one and then withdrew.

For a while, only eight elders sitting high in the chair, Ying Yan and Li Mo standing below.

"Bold Li Mo! The identity of the elders who worked painstakingly in the eagle cottage was exposed because of you. You even killed the patriarch and junior chief of the eagle cottage, but this is the case."

Yu Xiao looked at Li Mo, a anger in his eyes, and asked.


Li Mo nodded and said. These things are facts that Li Mo can't shirk.


"Good you Li Mo!"

Hearing Li Mo confess, Yu Xiao suddenly violently dropped his palm on the wooden table in front of him. Then Yu Xiao shouted

"Such a mistake! You don't have to die!"

Anyway, Yu Xiao did not always like Li Mo, and Li Mo made such a big mistake. So Yu Xiao immediately made the most severe sentence against Li Mo.

The two deacons who stood outside came to arrest Li Mo, but the two elders, Dongfang Yibai, waved to the two and said

"Stop it first."

With that, Dongfang Yibai looked to Yuxiao. Although Yu Xiao’s prestige and strength are above Dongfang Yibai, Dongfang Yibai still behaves indifferently.

"Great Elder, I understand Li Mo's being a man. Li Mo must have a reason to kill a man. Why not give Li Mo a chance to explain?"

"Explain? What explanation would make him so courageous to kill the patriarch of the clan!"

Yu Xiao said strong man in Yuanying Realm is also very important for the Jiuli Tribe.

"It’s not easy for Li Mo in the late Jindan Realm to want to kill Yingzichen? If there is no reason, a kid in the late Jindan Realm would risk his death like a strong man in the late Yuanying Realm, saying I don't believe it when I come out."

At this time, Li Xue, who had only one side with Li Mo, even said a fair word for Li Mo. Li Xue had been curious about Li Mo's combat power before, but now Li Mo could even use the Great Completion of Jindan Realm as a powerhouse to kill Yuan Yingjing in the late period.

Li Xue became more curious about Li Mo, so he said a few words for Li Mo.


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