Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1100: Ashui tortured

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Outside the cave, there are a number of guards guarding here. After seeing Ah Shui, these guards suddenly opened their eyes and opened their mouths in amazement.

They stood here, their eyes wide and small. Although it is to prevent others from entering, but did not see who came out of the cave?

But now everyone sees A Shui who followed Gong Ziyu into the cave with his own eyes. Now how do they appear in front of them?

I don't know the reason why everyone's surprised eyes, and Ah Shui entered the cave without thinking.

Because I have walked through a cave before, this time Ashui is very familiar. And A Shui is not as clean as the Hawk feather. So soon came to the center of the cave.

At the moment, Yingyu's eyebrows were tightening tighter and tighter, because until now Yingyu did not see A Shui appear, so she became more and more uneasy.


Seeing the back of Eagle Feather, Ah Shui quickly stepped forward and bowed down.

Originally, the eyes of Eagle Feather and Eagle Qi were on the stone wall. Why did you think there would be someone behind you? So when they heard Ah Shui's voice, they were both startled.

The son Yu Yingyu had seen the world anyway, so he recovered after a moment of shock. Ying Qi looked at A Shui and pointed to the stone wall beside him. He was so surprised that he couldn't say anything.

Obviously Ying Qi couldn't understand, Ah Shui came in from here, how come back from outside?

Looking at Ying Qi, A Shui grinned. A Shui also guessed what Ying Qi thought.

A Shui grinned and said

"I don't know what's going on. I entered there and was teleported out. After finding a way for a while, I came back..."

You can't say anything about Li Mo, otherwise you will harm your master. So A Shui concealed Li Li's affairs.

But right now Eagle Feather feels like listening to how Ah Shui came out, and now Eagle Feather's eyes are only heaven and earth. So Eagle Feather can't wait to ask

"What about treasure? Did you get it?"

"This one……"

Ah Shui lowered his head and dodged his eyes, daring not to look at Eagle Feather. Master has done too much for him. I took too many things from the master again.

Since the treasure was obtained by the Master, how could he give that treasure to Eagle Feather? In that case, Ah Shui looked down on herself!

So Ah Shui gritted his teeth and said

"Son...treasure, did not get it!"

Originally, I stretched out my hand to pick up the treasure that Ah Shui had brought back. I heard that Ah Shui did not get the treasure. The look of the eagle feather suddenly changed, scolding

"Really didn't get it?"

Still daring to face Eagle Feather's eyes, Ah Shui gritted his teeth and nodded, without saying much.

"I don't know what caused this crack, but it has been maintained for so many years, and you will be gone as soon as you enter. How can you explain it?"

Ying Yu continued to ask Ah Shui, although Ah Shui and Li Mo spent several days in the cracks of time and space.

But the day when the space cracks is only one hour outside. So just a few hours later, in front of the eagle feather, Ah Shui entered the space crack in these few hours. Now that the crack is gone, it has nothing to do with Ah Shui. Can Eagle Feather believe it?

"This... I don't know!"

A Shui hesitated for a moment, then bent over and clenched his fists, said.

But after all, Ah Shui is still a child with a childish mind, in front of the powerful scene of Ying Yu. A Shui shivered unbearably, and his fear continued to flow out.

"I want to push things through without knowing anything? Do you know how important things are to the son!"

Seeing that Ah Shui was going to be unlucky, Ying Qi couldn't help but add oil and vinegar.

Anyway, Eagle Feather said to let Ah Shui replace himself as the guard captain. This has caused Ah Shui's dissatisfaction. Now that you can clean up Ah Shui, how can Ying Qi let go of this opportunity?


When Ying Qi was about to count Ashui again, Ying Yu could not help but yell at Ying Qi. Immediately the eagle feather lifted his footsteps and walked out, before he left, he did not forget to throw the next sentence in anger

"Tie him to me! Take it back to the cottage!"

Of course, Li Mo, who has already returned to the cottage, did not know about Ah Shui. In Li Mo's heart, there is an inner pill in the midst of the beast of Yuanying Realm.

Even if Yingyu had a father who was cultivated in the late Yuanying Realm, he couldn't get it easily? After all, it was not easy for the monks in the late Yuanying Realm to kill the spirit beasts in the middle Yuanying Realm. How can I easily give my son?

However, Li Mo obviously ignored Eagle Feather's expectation of the treasure in the crack of space. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

At the moment, even the inner Dan Li Mo gave him did not surrender, which angered Eagle Feather even more.

Back at the cottage, Yingyu and his party did not return to their houses. Instead, he came straight to the cell, and empty cells stood in front of him.

These cells are the places where the elders of the cottage punish the cottage people. They are built underground, inside the mountain, and there is no day.

In the central open space of the cell, **** torture tools were placed, and there was still dried blood on it.

"Tie him to me!"

As soon as he entered the cell, Ying Qi shouted at a stake. The two young men tied Ah Shui to the stake.

Young son Yu Yingyu, his eyes slowly sweeping a set of torture tools around the cell.

Although the eagle feather is the eldest son of the patriarch's family, the eagle feather has never been here in this cell.

It's not that the eagle feather is kind, and the only reason for not wanting to come here is that it is too'dirty'.

But this matter today is enough to make the young son Yu make an exception. I saw Gong Ziyu approaching A Shui, Shen Sheng said

"The cracks in the space have disappeared, and the treasures must have been taken away! Do you dare to say that you did not take them?"

"I didn't take it!"

A Shui gritted his teeth and said that this thing was originally taken by his master. So Ah Shui’s sentence ‘I didn’t take it’ is very convincing.

At the same time, Ah Shui is also holding some fantasies in his own heart. Eagle Water treats him well these days, and Ah Shui sees it in his eyes.

Ashui is a grateful person, so Li Mo said that Eagle Feather let Ahshui come to die. Ashui, who has always believed in Master, this time has a rare choice to believe in Ashui.

Ah Shui no longer fantasizes that Gong Ziyu can treat himself as well as before. These are fakes in front of me, and I will release myself after a while.

However, Ah Shui's thoughts were shattered, because at the moment Eagle Feather found the inner dan of the mid-infant spirit beast in Ah Shui's storage bag.

"Not telling the truth! Call me! Hit hard!"

Looking at Neidan in his hand, he felt the strong energy in Neidan. Eagle Feather roared angrily.

"Yes! Jie Jie."

Ying Qiyin laughed, and then pulled out a whip out of the storage bag.

"Crack! Crack! Crack..."

The sound of Pi Kai's flesh came, but Ah Shui didn't surrender a scream.

Once, A Shui went through Li Mo's training. The power of the flesh is soaring, and the suffering of these flesh and skin is not too much torture for them.

Secondly, the illusion in Ah Shui's heart was broken. The heart is cold, the pain in the heart has already exceeded the pain in the body.

Ah Shui understood that the master said nothing wrong. This eagle feather is using himself from beginning to end, his purpose is only one, that is a treasure! How could he control his life and death?

"Neidan, the spirit beast in the middle of Yuanying Realm, can be owned by your servant? This is one of the treasures in the crack! How could your little servant dare to greedy me? Say! Other treasures are in where!"

Looking at Ah Shui, who is being tortured, Eagle Feather can't control it. Naidan pointed at him and scolded Ah Shui.

Until now, Ah Shui knew what was in his hand. Ah Shui couldn't help but smile bitterly.

How uncultivable is he, a kid who had no hope of even stepping into the spiritual realm? The strong man in Yuanying Realm seemed to him like a star in the night sky, which he could not see from a distance.

But the master gave it to him without saying a word, but ridiculously he didn't believe the master before? I am afraid that when the master leaves, he will be frustrated with himself.

Ah Shui's heart was full of regret, and the hot tears flowed into the mouth, and the blood in his mouth, it was a bitter taste.

"Don't say it? Call me! Hit him until he says it!"

Seeing that Ah Shui still didn't speak, even the eagle feathers that didn't show their anger on weekdays couldn't calm down.

"Yes! Jie..."

Ying Qi responded and looked at Ah Shui with a joke.

Although A Shui is now much stronger than the strong men in the same realm, his cultivation base is limited. So in the cell, so many torture tools were used by A Shui, and Rao Shi A Shui was beaten.

In the end, Rao Shih Shui couldn't help shouting, but Ah Shui still didn't say anything about the cracks in time and space. Ah Shui couldn't let himself tell Li Mo's story.

During the period when Ah Shui was beaten several times, he was comatose, and waiting for Ah Shui was a pot of cold water. The cold cold water awakened Ah Shui, flowing into the wound, and the biting pain came.

Seeing that Ah Shui could not explain anything, the eagle feather's patience had long been wiped out. Then the eagle feather called Yingqi and said

"Go! Get Ah Shui's mother!"

Since Ah Shui didn't explain anything and didn't care about his life, how could he always love his mother's life?

Knowing Yingyu's plan, Yingqi grinned

"Still a great son! I'll go here."

However, when Eagle Feather took two or three Eagle Feather stopped Ying Qi.

"Slow down!"

After all, Yingyu looked at A Shui and said

"Take A Shui, let's go together."

Ying Yu couldn't bear the time for Ying Qi to pick up A Shui Niangqin, so now he took A Shui directly to find his mother. Isn't it faster?


Ying Qi responded, and then arranged several guards to put A Shui down, and took A Shui down the mountain.

Eagle feather is anxious, so everyone soon came down the mountain. Only listening to Ying Qihuan kicked the house of A Shui's house, and Lu Yun, the sister of A Shui, was mending clothes for A Shui.

The violent noise from behind made Lu Yun's body tremble. When Lu Yun turned around to see Ah Shui who was beaten, Lu Yun's face suddenly became pale. No matter what, Lu Yun can recognize his son?

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