Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1089: Medin

Chiyou itself has such extraordinary physique as the gods and gods, combined with hard work. In the future, it will be difficult for you to keep going.

But fearing that Chi You would breed pride in his heart, Li Mo still commented on Chi You

"Well, strength is there. But your boxing skills are too focused on boxing techniques, so that there is less agility. When fighting against people, the boxing skills are strong, and you must remember to be flexible..."

With that said, Li Mo passed on some of the exercises he got on the second floor of the Bookstore to Chi You and Fat Ball.

The Book Collecting Pavilion is the book collecting pavilion of the Presbyterian Church, and the mission of the Presbyterian Church is to protect the entire Jiuli Tribe. Therefore, the practice of the Book Collection Pavilion has no secret to the 81 villages of the Jiuli Tribe.

Just like those cottages, they got super powers on the third floor of the bookstore. They can all be used as a blitz for their cottage, but only those with high status in the cottage can practice such exercises.

Explained some exercises for Chi You and Fat Ball, and now the sky is dark. So Li Mo simply and fat ball, Chi You spent the night in the jungle. The mentor and apprentice came out as if they were before. Hungry to eat barbecue, hot pot. Tired, sleeping on the floor.

The next day, Li Mo, who had always disliked the difference, did not wait for Chiyou and Fat Ball to wake up and quietly left. Li Mo is just such a character.

But what Li Mo did not know was when he flew away. Both Chiyou and Fat Ball got up slowly, looking in the direction of Li Mofei's flight, eyes flushed.

Chiyou looked at the fat ball, grinned, and said bitterly

"So you are pretending to be asleep."

"The master went back to the elder meeting again, and I don't know when I can see the master, how can I fall asleep."

Fat Ball's voice said naively, his tone low.

Li Mo didn't tell the two apprentices that he went to Xiongying Shanzhai to pick up the task, so the two apprentices thought they had returned to Lingxiao Mountain.

Listening to the fat ball, Chiyou's face also showed a trace of melancholy. Chiyou raised his head, staring at the direction of Li Mo's departure, his eyes gradually steadfast, said

"We also have to work hard! Enter the Jindan realm as soon as possible, and strive for this year's presbyterian assessment, and be eligible to participate! It will be time to practice with the master."

At this moment, two young apprentices seem to regard catching up with Li Mo's footsteps as their goal.


The fat ball nodded solemnly, and their current behaviors are all in the late stage of the formation of Dandan Realm. It is not far from Jindan Realm. The assessment at the end of the year is very promising.

Li Mo didn't know what the two apprentices were thinking, Li Mo flew into the air, looked at the map, and flew in the direction of the Eagle Village.

Although the territory of the Eagle Cottage is similar to the territory of the Miluo Cottage, the peaks where the two cottage people live are not close.

The Eagle Valley marked in the letter of the mission hall and handed over to the old ambassador is not far from the mountain peak where the Eagle Shanzhai people live.

It took Li Mo two days to reach Eagle Valley and saw a sky above the Grand Canyon. All the circling are strong eagles, and even some eagles who have successfully cultivated are about the size of a human.

The bottom of the canyon turned out to be a piece of bone. Obviously, all the eagles in the sky ate up the food. However, it is known that there are powerful Jiuli tribes in this 100,000 mountain, so these sacred eagle spirit beasts rarely take people as food.

"Uh! Uh! Uh..."

A scream of the eagle came, and outside, the eagles rarely hunted humans. But here, the base camp of the eagle spirit beast. The human races are here, and they will not be polite.

They swooped down in twos and threes, but Li Mo was not used to these eagles.

Li Moliang showed a dazzling star sword, and all the eagles swooping down were cut with a sword. Yin Hong's blood and the feathers of the eagle plummeted down, and the sky was full of blood.

I don't know whether it was due to the **** qi, or Li Mo's previous sword qi. Anyway, after Li Mo cut down those eagles with a sword, the eagles in the sky suddenly became honest, and no longer dared to attack Li Mo's eagles.

"Um, ah. Ooo..."

Li Mo's sword spirit attracted a middle-aged man, his middle-aged figure was thin, but his face was stubborn. And looking at the pale face of the middle-aged, it seems that he has been sick for years. Looking at the middle-aged face, Li Mo nodded and answered.

"Don't be dumb, I'm here to replace you."

Li Mo spoke while taking out his own human skin mask and said.

This middle-aged face is really exactly the same as his own leather mask, so Li Mo knows that he is here to take over this person.

Looking at Li Mo's human skin mask, a light of excitement flashed in the middle-aged eyes. This middle-aged is not the same as Li Mo. Li Mo is a mandatory task assigned by the Presbyterian Mission Hall, and this middle-aged is the task of the Presbyterian Church that he will succeed.

So when the middle-aged task is completed, returning to the Presbyterian Church can receive a generous reward. And now that this boring task has finally been completed, the middle-aged wave has some sense of keeping the moon open.

It seems to hate the mask on the face, and the middle-aged can't wait to cut off the mask on the face.

I saw a face in his thirties under the human skin mask, although this face is not so delicate. But it was so much better than that stubborn look. From a middle-aged man to a young man, the young man took a bronze mirror out of the storage bag.

While looking at his appearance with satisfaction, the young man sorted out his hair, which looked a little disheveled. Satisfied

"Hahaha, my Medin is finally back!"

Although this task is rewarding, let yourself be someone else during this time. In order to prevent self-exposure, it is necessary to pretend to be a dumb, and get along with others less. Only Meding himself knew that this task, which seemed to have no difficulty, rewarded a lot. How difficult it is.

But now it's hard to be happy, of course excited.

It took a long time for Meiding to notice Li Mo. Immediately, Mei Ding put away the bronze mirror and raised his head, and the taller person said to Li Mo

"Cultivation of Jindanjing in the later period? It's okay, but after entering the cottage, you have to suppress your cultivation to the 9th floor of Qintijing. And remember that you are a dumb and don't have any relatives. Don't go too far with others. Recently, did you hear?"

Although Mei Ding was instructing Li Mo this time, the wave was a little arrogant.

Too lazy to take care of this frenzied Mei Ding, Li Mo cast a blind eye and walked towards the direction of the eagle cottage. Seeing Li Mo ignoring himself, Mei Ding strode angrily in front of Li Mo, blocking Li Mo.

"Hello! As your predecessor, I am telling you the main points of this mission, what attitude do you have!"

Before waiting for Li Mo's impatience, Meding continued

"I told you so much before, did you want to ask Brother for a drink?"

With that said, the breath of the peak of the late Jindan Realm on Mei Ding slowly pressed against Li Mo. Mei Ding also thought that Li Jin's pinnacle cultivation in the later period of his life had settled Li Mo, so he started other thoughts.

Although the Presbyterian Church does not allow messengers or deacons to **** the property of others, it is not the Presbyterian Church at this moment. So far from Lingxiao Mountain, Mei Ding just wanted to grab Li Mo, who can know?

"Yo, how much do you want?"

Li Mo said playfully.

Mei Ding reminded Li Mo that he could grab things after leaving Lingxiao Peak.

"Not too much, after all, just drink a glass of wine. Five thousand low-order spirit stones are enough."

Looking at Li Mo, Mei Ding thought Li Mo was afraid of himself. So Medin pinched his hands with both hands and said with satisfaction. Five thousand low-order spirit stones are enough for the Jindan realm to retreat once.

So Medin drinks ‘wine’ once, but it’s not cheap.

"Five thousand low-order spirit stones, not enough..."

Li Mo said playfully, and then a cold breath burst out. This breath made Meding's heart tremble, Li Mo stepped forward step by step.

Looking at Li Mo's breath, Mei Ding couldn't help changing his face. Originally, the other party was just a kid in the late Jin Dan realm, how can he have such a breath on his body?

Fearing that Li Mo would do something to him here, Meding said immediately

"What do you want to do! I'm a member of the Shanhe League!"

Both the League of Heroes and the League of Mountains and Rivers are united. So irritating one person in the alliance is provoke the entire alliance.

In general, Medin mentioned Shanhemeng. Everyone will be afraid to hand over the spirit stone, fearing to get into trouble, but this time Meiding encountered Li Mo. So what Meding didn't think of was that after hearing Shanhemeng. Li Moyi didn't refuse, and stretched out the cold palm and immediately grabbed Medin's throat, only listening to Li Mo's cold tone.

"Drink five thousand low-order spirit stones once? Don't know how many spirit stones you have for your life?"

It's been a long time since Meding did not return to Lingxiao Mountain, otherwise Meding would know What does Shanhemeng count in front of this young man in front of him?


Mei Ding's body was slowly picked up by Li Mo, and his throat was unbearable. In order to get rid of Li Mo's palm, Mei Ding's hands were transformed into the shape of eagle claws, and the spirit of the peak of Jindan Realm was spread on it.

The slightly sharp eagle claws grabbed Li Mo's powerful palms, but it was still difficult for Li Mo's palms to be lifted despite Medin's efforts.

Even Meding just wanted to hurt Li Mo's palm, but he couldn't do it. Li Mo's third boxing of the ground fist is now the power of the late Yuan Yingjing.

This Mei Ding is only the peak cultivation practice in the late Jin Dan Realm, where can it be broken?

"Cough... ten thousand!"

Mei Ding said, 10,000 fingers is naturally 10,000 low-level water essence. At this moment, Mei Ding can feel that this Li Mo dares to kill him! Without a little blood, it won't work.

"not enough."

Li Mo shook his head and said.

"Thirty thousand!"

Meding continued to bid, but Li Mo was still not satisfied. Immediately, Li Mo's palm exerted force, and Mei Ding's throat became more severe.

"Thirty thousand... it's all I have..."

Mei Ding said hoarsely, his entire face flushed.

Looking at Mei Ding, Li Mo knew that he had not lied. Immediately, Li Mosong left Li Mo's palm. Medin sat on the ground like a pool of mud, and Medin kept rubbing his throat.

And he gasped for breath, if it wasn't for the sore throat, he couldn't speak. Medin really wanted to say, it's cool to be able to breathe!

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