Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1086: Golden Bully

Li Mo said that the tree in his hand is a void wood, but where is the void wood, the kind of artifact, which Li Mo has seen in his previous life. But I have never seen it in this life. After all, only the strongest clan that can be ranked in the universe can get the gods such as Voidwood.

This branch was just Li Mo's random folding, but the staff of origin is in his hand. The power of origin is poured into the branches, so this branch is not much worse than the void wood.

"Void Wood!"

Upon hearing Li Mo's words, Dongfang Yibai suddenly took the branch in Li Mo's hand. Obviously, even though the Jiuli tribe did not have such artifacts, Dongfang Yibai of the Expo Group Books still saw the records of the Void Wood in the book.

It's just that the records of the void wood in the Jiuli tribe are very one-sided, so Dongfang Yibai has only heard of the name of the void wood and its role. Dongfang Yibai is not clear about its appearance.

However, Dongfang Yibai does not know the appearance of Void Wood, but it does not mean that Dongyi Yibai cannot recognize the branch in his hand.

After looking at the branches with golden light for a long time, Dongfang frowned and asked

"Isn't this the branch of the poplar?"

Not to mention the other hills, even on this sacred Lingxiao Mountain, there is no lack of such common poplars.

So Dongfang recognized the branch at a glance, and heard Dongfang Yibai's words. Li Mo couldn't help feeling awkward for a while, and the people who read and read books were not easy to deceive. Then Li Mo coughed awkwardly and said

"Maybe...maybe this void wood looks like this."

"It turns out that Voidwood is the same as the poplar branch."

Dongfang Yibai nodded, then Dongfang Yibai took out a jade jade in the storage bag and said seriously

"I want to write down the appearance of this void wood, and later generations will know the appearance of this void wood after reading it."

With that, Dongfang Yibai entered the text in the void wood. After spending so long with Li Mo, Dongfang Yibai believed in Li Mo's behavior.

And although this branch looks like a poplar tree, the golden light and the power of time and space are contained in it. This is not what poplars can have. Therefore, Dongfang Yibai believed in what Li Mo said.

Looking at the Dongyi Yibai, which carefully records the'Void Wood', a pair of Dongyi Yibing with the purpose of earnestly benefiting the descendants of the Jiuli Tribe.

Li Mo couldn't help but be ashamed. How many young and ignorant young Junjies of Jiuli tribe will be deceived by themselves in the future, thinking that this void tree is the same as the poplar branch?

In the past, Li Mo had seen the Void Wood, and compared it with Yang Shu in front of him. Except for the rules of time and space, the two are not the same.

After recording, Dongfang glanced at this piece of'Void Wood' with a reluctance, and then Void Wood returned to Li Mo.

"This piece of void wood is too precious, I can't ask for it."

Voidwood is only available to those strong races in the universe, and the Jiuli tribe has never experienced it before. Although Dongyi Yibai saw Voidwood for the first time, he knew the value of Voidwood.

"The second elder has helped the junior so many times. This piece of void wood was given to the elder by the junior. Please also accept the second elder."

Li Mo bowed and said.

I have a staff of origin in my hand. How much do you want this kind of "Void Wood"? And Li Mo really wants to help Dongyi Yibai.


Dongfang Yibai knew he couldn't ask for it, but Dongyi Yibai just said two words, and Li Mo took the lead in saying

"With the paintings and paintings of the seniors, the refined one painting and one world can be achieved by the powerful people in the late stage of the fairyland. The seniors can improve their strength and can better protect our Jiuli tribe, so please do not elders shirk."

The elders will go to the Aigong Liren dragon, and down to the ordinary Jindan border messenger.

Although the fighting continues on weekdays, they can all take the protection of the Jiuli tribe as their duty! At a critical moment, these people dared to shed their blood for the entire Jiuli tribe.

So when he heard that he could better protect the Jiuli tribe, Dongfang hesitated. Then Dongfang Yibai looked firm and said to Li Mo

"Okay! I accepted this void wood. You first refined a painting and a world, and the master is the teacher. Although you are still a messenger of the Presbyterian Church, we will talk to each other in the future! You will call me later Brother Dongfang, I call you Brother Li Mo."

Looking at Li Mo, Dongfang Yibai's eyes were full of satisfaction.

Even Dongfang Yibai still laughed at himself, Li Mo was so talented. If Li Mo grows up, his strength will certainly surpass himself.

It's ridiculous that I wanted to take Li Mo as a disciple, but fortunately it was confiscated. Otherwise, it is really a mistake.

"Second Elder..."

Li Mo didn't know what to say for a while, but he looked at Dongyi Yixi's eyes. Li Mo knew that he could not refuse.

In the following time, Li Mo and Dongyi Yibai discussed how to refine a painting and a world.

Even Dongfang Yibai sent many messengers and deacons to prepare to go to Tianshan to buy Tianshan silk.

After all, Dongfang Yibai handed over only the remaining Tianshan silk to Li Mo.

Then Li Mo and Dongfang Yibai discussed how the Lingling Formation can maximize the effect of this'Void Wood'.

Gradually, the day when Li Mo came to the Presbyterian Church for three months was getting closer.


On this day, the gate of a cave house that had been closed for nearly three months was finally opened. Then the one-piece and muscular man walked out of the cave house.

Dongfang Xiwei, a touch of sunlight shone on the man's body. The man squinted for almost three months without seeing the sun's eyes.

"Damn Li Mo! Won me 50,000 low-level spirit stones! This time I entered the Jindan Realm Great Consummation, and even practiced the three exercises on the second floor of the Book Collection Pavilion! The strength of the person, this time I must win back the fifty thousand spirit stones that you lost!"

The eyes of the man's eyes gradually opened, with endless anger and fighting in his eyes.

That's right, this man is Jin Batian. Jin Batian closed for three months. Without the Lingshi, he could only use up the remaining medicine in the storage bag, and then he could advance the cultivation practice to the Jindan realm.

Therefore, if Jin Batian does not win back the fifty thousand soul stones lost to Li Mo, I am afraid that there will be no resources for cultivation in the future. Just like other ordinary messengers, take the task of the mission hall every day.

Jin Batian held his fist and took a big step towards Li Mo's Dongfu. According to memory, Jin Batian came to the first cave house after Li Mo entered the Presbyterian Church.

"Stinky boy! Come out and die!"

Jin Batian stood in front of Dongfu, his hands clasped his waist, and shouted with a proud voice.

Jin Batian's retreat this time was almost three months, and he remained indifferent to the outside world. So Jin Batian didn't know about Li Mo's move twice.

But Jin Batian's voice fell for a long time, and no one came out of the cave. Jin Batian couldn't help frowning, and was secretly unhappy. Then Jin Batian shouted in a voice

"Li Mo! Xiu Dang's headed turtle! Get out for grandpa!"

"Li Mo! Your grandpa Grandpa is now a big advancement, don't be a turtle, the grandpa wants to compete with you!"


Jin Batian's voice spread all over the world, disturbing the young people in the neighboring Shedong Mansion.

These are all messengers in the middle of Jindan Realm, with lower strength and lower status among the messengers of the Presbyterian Church, so they can live here.

Hearing that some people dared to scold Li Mo, all the youth looked at Jin Batian like an idiot.

Now Li Mo is alone in challenging the two major alliances of the Presbyterian Church, and has become famous. Some of the deacons of the Presbyterian Church may be unhappy with Li Mo.

But the level of their messengers includes those of the two major alliances. I was deeply convinced of Li Mo, after all, Li Mo's prestige came out. So these people do not know where the wild boy came from, and now dare to touch Li Mo's mold.

After screaming for a long time, Jin Batian felt that his throat had smoked, but Li Mo still didn't scream.

This made Jin Batian, who had imagined that he was stepping on Li Mo under his feet, very uncomfortable, and then looked around.

At this moment, there were a lot of people around, Jinba Tian went straight to a young man. Glared to drink

"What about Li Mo?"

Looking at this burly and tall young man, he looked at himself with glaring eyes. Coupled with the momentum beyond his body, this young man could not help shaking. Had to tremble and said



Jin Batian asked In, in... in the hole above, hole house! "

The small young man turned out to be a mop, and the last two words were hard to say. Watching the young man speak, Jinba Tian was really anxious.

People around couldn't help but laughed secretly. After staring around, Jin Batian frightened the young man.

"Knowing Li Mo's Dong Man, don't take me there!"

The young man knew he was struggling to speak, so he didn't say much. Take Jin Batian to Li Mo's Dongfu.

Jinbatian thought Li Mo had taken a cave house these days, and it should not be a good cave house.

But this way, Jin Batian was more and more shocked. Looking at the cave houses in the past, the young man seemed to have no end, and Jin Batian couldn't help but ask the young man

"have not reach yet?"

", fast!"

The young man whispered while leading the way.

Since they are all here, how could Jin Batian not to find Li Mo's revenge could endure this delicious evil. So Jin Batian didn't say much, and he was too lazy to say anything to this stubborn young man. Jin Batian followed the young man.

Along the way, finally came to Li Mo's luxurious Dongfu. Looking at the gate of Dongfu, Jin Batian couldn't help but take a breath. Compared with this Dongfu, his own Dongfu is a kennel! Then Jin Batian once again asked uncertainly about the small young people around him.

"This is Li Mo's cave house?"

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